Service manual Mercedes-Benz M271 Engine | Up to 2020 incl.

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Crank engine ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil pump ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 111, 271 in model 203 Engine 271 in model 209
Replace coolant 09.06.2016 Engine 112.945 in model 463.209/232/233/244/245/250 Engine 113.962 in model 463.206/240/241/247/248/249/254 Engine 113.982 in model 463.241/243/246 Engine 113.993 in model 463.270/271
Remove/install intake and pressure connection from compressor 2.2.09 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343, 203.043 /243 /743 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install valve springs and/or valve stem seals ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air recirculation flap actuator 17.12.09 AR09.50-P-8843QK ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /746 /246 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343, 203.043 /243 /743 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install complete exhaust system ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.3, 203
Measure cylinder bores Engine 271, 642, 646, 651 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Remove/install exhaust pipe with catalytic converter ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install refrigerant compressor Engine 271 in model 204.3, 207 Engine 271, 272, 646.8 in model 204.0/2 Engine 271.9 in model 212 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Detach/attach shift cables at transmission Transmission 711.651 in model 906.1/2/6/7 with engine 271.951, 646.984/985/986/989/990 Transmission 711.660 in model 906.1/2/6/7 with engine 642.992, 646.984/985/986/989/990 Transmission 711.685 in model 906 with engine 642.896
Remove fuel distributor with injection valves 9.3.10 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Notes on avoiding damage to ignition system Engine 103, 104, 119 with CFI-E Engine 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 156, 271, 272 With gasoline injection and ignition system ME-SFI Engine 104, 111 with gasoline injection and ignition …
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine MODEL 900 with ENGINE 651.9 MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951, 651.955 /956 /957
Check rear of engine for external oil leak and determine cause ENGINE 111 ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606 ENGINE 271
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate Engine 271 in model 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install chain tensioner ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air recirculation flap actuator ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect engine wiring harness to remove cylinder head cover Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove install filler connection MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)
Remove/install solenoid camshaft ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install poly-V belt tensioning device ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install cylinder head cover Engine 271.951 in model 906
Install/gauge crankshaft bearings ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install radiator Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 906 with code XM0 (Facelift) Engine 272 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 906 with code XM5 (Facelift Latin America)
Carry out initial initialization of ME-SFI [ME] control unit ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211
Gas system – check leaktightness Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Measure vertical clearance of piston rings ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect hose and line connections ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Inspect cooling system for leaks 12.11.2018 Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 639 Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 651 in model 900
Remove/install air filter housing 9.3.10 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.742 /242, 209.342 /442, 203.042 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343, 203.743 /043 /243 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.746 /246 /046 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.240 /740 /040 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install fan shroud 17.12.09 ENGINES 646.951 in MODEL 211.004 ENGINES 646.961 in MODELS 211.006 /206 /606 ENGINES 647.961 in MODEL 211.016 /216 /616 ENGINES 271.941 in MODELS 211.042 /242 ENGINES 648.961 in MODEL 211.023 /026 /223 /226 ENGINES 646.8 in MODEL 211 ENGINES 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241
Remove/install charge air manifold ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Check connecting rod bolts Engine 271.951, 272.979, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 636, 639 Engine 651 in model 900
Check the connector of the ignition coils ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install gas low pressure sensor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Close/open gas shutoff valves to compressed-gas tank Model 212 with engine 271.9 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Model 212 with engine 274.9 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Remove/install wide band silencer 10.10.06 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343, 203.043 /243 /743 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Replace filter in pressure regulator ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install clock spring contact Model 463.202/236/237/346 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019 Model 463.222/270/271/303/306/336/340/341, 463.243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/309/322/323/332/333 as of …
Disconnect timing chain for Lanchester balancer ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Rivet timing chain of Lanchester balancer ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211
Remove/install intake camshaft sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Suction off engine oil Engine 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 119, 120, 133, 137, 157, 166, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 (except 275.981/983), 276, 278, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, …
Remove/install oil dipstick guide tube ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951
Remove/install liquified gas system control unit ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)
Replacing steering shaft boot Model 171 with engine 271 Model 172 with engine 271, 274
Remove/install intake manifold ENGINE 271.9 in MODEL 204
Remove/install poly V-belt 11.5.06 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203.043, 209.343, 203.243 /743 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install gas hose from low pressure shutoff valve to gas distribution line ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install gas distribution rail with injection valves ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install solenoid valve on compressed-gas tank MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engine M271
Remove/install front cover on cylinder head ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check engine oil level with special tool ENGINE 271
Service Information: Coolant Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651, 780 in model 639 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 906 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 274, 622, 651, 654 in model 447 Engine 651 in …
Remove/install oil lines of oil cooling for automatic transmission Transmission 722.6 in model 204.0/2 with engine 646 Transmission 722.6 in model 204.0/2/3 with engine 271 Transmission 722.6 in model 204.0/2/3 with engine 651 Transmission 722.9 …
Remove/install expansion valve Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install fuel tank MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 except CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install front module Model 900 Model 906 with engine 271.951, 272.979, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957
Remove/install wide band silencer ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Connect compression recorder ENGINE 612.965 in MODEL 463.322 /323 ENGINE 113.993 in MODEL 463.270 /271 ENGINE 642 in MODEL 463 ENGINE 273.969 in MODEL 463.236
Remove/install slide rails and tensioning rail ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check cylinder head bolts ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Measure crankshaft and remount in bearings ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Inspect cooling system for leaks 05.12.2018 Engine 271 in model 212 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 651 in model 172 Engine 642 in model 212 * Engine 651 in model 212
Remove/install rear engine cross member ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 in MODEL 906
Remove/install compressor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Tightening pattern of Lanchester differential housing ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check cylinders for leaks ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install condenser Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code HH7 (Roof-mounted air conditioning system, basic) with code HH9 (Air conditioner, automatic heater control) except code XM0 (Facelift) except code …
Remove install fill level indicator on multifunction valve ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)
Remove/install low pressure-shutoff valve of natural gas system ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install rear engine mount 14.12.2016 Model 900 with engine 651 with transmission 711.6 Model 906 with engine 271.951 with transmission 711.651 Model 906 with engine 272.979 with transmission 722.685 Model 906 with engine 651.955/956/957 with transmission 711.680, 722.686 Model 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with engine 651.955 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Model 906.133/631/633/635 with engine 651.956 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system Engine 133, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 260, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282 Engine 157, 176, 177, 279, 642 Engine 607, 608, 628, 629, 642, 651
Replace coolant 09.08.2018 Engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 218 Engine 157, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 166 Engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 207
Remove/install filler neck of fuel tank Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) Model 906 with engine 272.979
General information on work on gasoline direct injection system Engine 133, 139, 152, 157, 176, 177, 178, 260, 264, 270, 274, 276, 278, 282 Engine 254.9 Engine 256.9 Engine 271.8, 272.9
Move back adjusting ring of self-adjusting clutch Model 636 with transmission 711.6, 716.6 Model 639 with transmission 711.6, 716.6 Model 900 with engine 651.955 with transmission 711.680 Model 906 with engine 271.951 with transmission 711.651 Model 906 with engine 642.896 with transmission 711.685 Model 906 with engine 642.992 with transmission 711.660 Model 906 with engine 646.984/985/986/989/990 with transmission 711.6 Model 906 with engine 651.955/956/957 with transmission 711.680 Model 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with engine 651.955 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Model 906.133/631/633/635 with engine 651.956 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Remove/install starter ENGINE 271 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install air pump Engine 271.8 in model 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install rear engine mount 11.11.11 ENGINES 646.9 in MODEL 211.00 /20 /60 ENGINES 647 in MODEL 211.01 /21 /61 ENGINES 112 in MODEL 211.06 /26 ENGINES 113 in MODEL 211.07 /27 ENGINES 271 in MODEL 211.04 /24 ENGINES 648 in MODEL 211.02 /22 ENGINES 646.8 in MODEL 211
Remove/install fan shroud ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 without CODE XM0 (Facelift)
Remove/install starter 15.2.12 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203.043 /243 /743, 209.343 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6
Remove/install camshafts ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 271.941 in MODELS 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.956 in MODELS 211.041 /241
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system ENGINE 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINE 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect hydraulic lines on power steering cooler Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 as of 12/2/11 Engine 651.955 in model 900 as of 12/2/11
Overview of winter tires disk wheels MODEL 463.243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12 Lux Line ab MOPF 9.2000
Remove/install engine cover ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove install shutoff valve filter Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install components for exhaust system ENGINES 156, 271, 272, 276 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271, 272, 273, 276, 278 in MODEL 207
Remove/install charge air cooler Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 272, 271 in MODEL 171
Remove/install camshaft housing ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate 12.12.08 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6
Remove/install noise damper on supercharger ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install end cover together with shaft seal ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install electric fan 21.2.08 ENGINE 111.951 in MODEL 203.035 /235 /735 with TRANSMISSION 716.6 ENGINE 111.955 in MODEL 203.045 /245 /745 with TRANSMISSION 716.6 ENGINE 111.981 in MODEL 203.747 with TRANSMISSION 716.6 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242, 209.342 /442, 203.742 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203.743 /043 /243 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 with TRANSMISSIONS 716.6, 722.6 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741 with TRANSMISSION 716.6, 722.6
Check visible area of poly-V belt for wear Engine 152, 271, 274, 276, 651 in model 172 Engine 271 in model 171
Remove/install radiator Engine 271.951, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 except code XM0 (Facelift) except code XM5 (Facelift Latin America)
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINE 111.951 in MODEL 203.035 /235 /735 ENGINE 111.955 in MODEL 203.045 /245 /745 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL …
Remove/install TV tuner Model 463.202/222/270/271/303/340/341 up to model year 2010 with code EM9 (TV tuner with aerial booster) Model 463.222/270/271/340/341 as of model year 2010 up to model year 2013 …
Remove/install magnet on solenoid valve of gas shutoff valve Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Close gas cylinder drain gas lines for the natural gas system and open the gas cylinder Model 212 with engine 274.9 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Model 212.0 with engine 271.9 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Remove/install circulation pump MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (HH9) Regulated air conditioning (Tempmatic)
Remove/install transmission TRANSMISSION 716.6 in MODEL 211.0 /2 with ENGINE 112, 271, 272, 646, 647 except CODE (424) Sequentronic automated manual transmission (SEQ)
Remove/install compressor ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Remove/install intake manifold ENGINE 271.8 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install injection valves ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Release timing chain ENGINE 271.9 ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Bolt plan for timing case cover ENGINE 271 ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check main circuit coolant level 24.02.2015 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612, 642, 646 in MODEL 203 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 212 156, 157, 272, 273, 276, 278, 629, 642, 651 in MODEL 221 156, 157, 273, 278 in MODEL 216 156, 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 204 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 218 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 207 273, 629, 642 in MODEL 164.8 275 in MODEL 216, 221 Main circuit
Engine cooling system – inspect fluid level, adjust to correct level. Inspect 31.10.97 anticorrosion/ antifreeze protection, adjust to correct concentration ENGINE 112.945 in MODELS 463.209 /232 /233 /244 /245 /250 ENGINE 113.962 in MODELS 463.206 /240 /241 /247 /248 /249 /254 ENGINE 113.982 in MODELS 463.241 /243 /246 ENGINE 113.993 in MODELS 463.270 /271
Remove/install filling connection MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engine M271
Remove/install transmission TRANSMISSION 716.6 in MODEL 211 with ENGINE 112, 271, 646, 647 with CODE (424) Sequentronic automated manual transmission (SEQ)
Replace timing chain ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 646 in MODEL 209 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 646 (except , 112.916 /953) in MODEL 203
Remove/install front engine mounts and/or engine support ENGINES 271 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Bolt tightening procedure for cylinder head cover Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install starter ENGINE 271 in MODEL 171
Notes on engine oil Engine 271.9, 272.9 in model 906 Engine 274.9, 642.8, 651.9 in model 907 Engine 642.8/9, 646.9, 651.9 in model 906 Engine 646.7 in model 909 Engine 651.9 in model 900 Engine 651.9 in …
Notes on evaluating two-mass flywheels Engine 271, 651 in model 906 Engine 274, 622, 651, 654 in model 447 Engine 651 in model 636, 639 Engine 651 in model 900 Engine 651 in model 907, 910 Engine 654.9 in model 907
Bolt plan for oil pan ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Pull out guide rail pins at cylinder head ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINES 271 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install left front gas cylinder MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engine M271
Close/open gas shutoff valves to compressed-gas tank Model 211.041 with engine 271.956 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Model 211.042 with engine 271.941 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Pull in timing chain of Lanchester balancer ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install fan unit Engine 271 in model 172 Engine 276.9 in model 172
Remove/install lower engine compartment lining 14.05.2018 Model 204.0/2 with engine 156, 271, 272, 274, 276 Model 204.3 with engine 156, 271, 274, 276 Model 207 with engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278 Model 212 with engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278 Model 218 with engine 157, 274, 276, 278
Remove/install camshafts ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Measure torsional play of two-mass flywheel 18.02.2020 Engine 271 in model 906 with transmission 711.651 Engine 651 in model 906 with transmission 711.680 Engine 651.955 in model 906.1/6 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Engine 651.956 in model 906.133/631/633/635 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Lower exhaust system ENGINE 271, 272, 113 in MODEL 171 ENGINE 271, 276 in MODEL 172
Draining/filling with coolant ENGINE 271 in MODEL 171
Correct oil level in air conditioning system when replacing AC compressor Engine 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612 in model 203 with code 580 (Air-conditioning system) Engine 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612 in model 203 with code 581 (Automatic air conditioning) Engine …
Check hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install valves ENGINES 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINES 271.951, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906
Fill power steering pump and bleed Model 171 with engine 113, 271, 272 Model 172 with engine 152, 271 Model 172 with engine 276, 651 up to model year 2016
Remove/install shutoff valve MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)
Bearing diagram for crankshaft Engine 266.920/940/960/980 Engine 271.951 in model 906 Engine 271 Engine 640
Reduce fuel pressure through service valve ENGINE 271.9 in MODEL 171, 203, 204, 209
Remove/install coolant thermostat ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install charge air cooler Engine 271, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 271, 651 in model 172 Engine 642, 651 in model 218
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Slacken tension poly-V belt ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install coolant thermostat housing ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check high-pressure lines Engine 133, 152.9, 157, 176, 178, 264, 270, 271.8, 274, 276, 278 Engine 260, 282
Remove/install hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect coolant hoses at radiator Engine 271.951, 272, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINES 271.8 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Check poly-V belt for wear and damage 26.02.2014 ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in MODEL 906 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636 651 in MODEL 900
Remove/install an oxygen sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Open close coolant line coupling Engine 133, 139, 152, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 607, 608, 622, 626, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651, 654, 656, 780
Remove/install CD changer Model 463.243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/309/322/323/332/333/340/341 up to model year 2019
Remove/install fuel pump and fuel level sensor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV
2710 – Automatic transmission: Checking and correcting the oil level Model 107 from 8/85; 123; 124 129 140 up to 6/93; 126 …
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 271 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install exhaust system tailpipe ENGINES 651.955 in MODEL 900 ENGINES 271.951, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906
Remove/install transmission TRANSMISSION 711.651 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951
Remove/install transmission with torque converter 06.03.2020 Transmission 722.9 in model 172 with engine 152 Transmission 722.9 in model 172 with engine 271 Transmission 722.9 in model 172 with engine 274.9 Transmission 722.9 in model 172 with engine 276 Transmission 722.9 in model 172 with engine 651
Test compression pressure ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Tightening procedure for cylinder head bolts ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove fuel distributor with injection valves ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Position piston of cylinder 1 to ignition TDC ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install natural gas system control unit ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Information on application of sealant to bottom part of camshaft housing ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 271
Inspect cooling system for leaks 23.3.06 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612, 646 in MODEL 203 ENGINE 112 in MODEL 170 ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 612, 646 in MODEL 209 ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211 ENGINE 113.989 in MODEL 171.473 ENGINE 646.8 in MODEL 211
Remove/install ME-SFI control unit ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Overview – Check engine oil level Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 137, 139, 152, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 285, 607, 608, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, …
Draw in timing chain ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Drain gas line in liquified petroleum gas system Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL …
Remove/install starter ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Assigning a standard dimension piston to a cylinder bore ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air cleaner housing ENGINE 113.993 in MODEL 463.270 /271
Remove/install valve for secondary air system ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Checking pressure plate and clutch disk Model 636, 639.601/603/605/701/703/705/711/713/811/813/815 Model 900 with engine 651.955 with transmission 711.680 Model Model Model Model Model Model Model 906 with engine 271.951 with transmission 711.651 906 with engine 642.896 with transmission 711.685 906 with engine 642.992 with transmission 711.660 906 with engine 646.984/985/986/989/990 with transmission 711.6 906 with engine 651.955/956/957 with transmission 711.680 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with engine 651.955 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) 906.133/631/633/635 with engine 651.956 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Check cooling system cap Model 470, 471 with engine 642 Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 906 with engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651
Remove/install the gas injection valve Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Fasten transmission on assembly stand 17.6.11 TRANSMISSION 711.651 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.660 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 642.992, 646.985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.670 in MODEL 204 with ENGINE 642, 651 TRANSMISSION 711.680 in MODEL 906 TRANSMISSION 711.685 in MODEL 906 TRANSMISSION 711.670 in MODEL 207 with ENGINE 651 TRANSMISSION 711.680 in MODEL 900 with ENGINE 651.955
Synchronize power windows Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install rear gas cylinder Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Adjust shift cables for manual transmission 16.6.10 TRANSMISSION 711.651 in MODEL 906.1 /2 /6 /7 with ENGINE 271.951, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.660 in MODEL 906.1 /2 /6 /7 with ENGINE 642.992, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.685 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 642.896
Remove/install intake manifold 9.12.10 ENGINES 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive ENGINES 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Remove/install alternator belt pulley ENGINES 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MJ7) ECO start
Remove/install ignition coils Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install intake manifold 2.4.09 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 except CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.241 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 except CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install connection fitting for coolant line ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil pan ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Measure oil consumption Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 906
Check leaktightness of natural gas system Engine 266 in model 245 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Engine 271 in model 211, 212 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Engine 274.9 in model 212 with code 924 (Bivalent …
General information on inspecting cylinder walls Engine 111, 122, 132.9, 134, 135, 160.9, 200, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 274, 276.9, 281, 282, 602, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 611, 612, 613, 622, 626, 628, 629, 639, 640, 646, 647, 648, 651, …
Remove/install boost pressure control flap actuator ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Adjusting shift rod TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 461.304/305/333/334/340/343/344/346/392 TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 463.243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/309/322/323/332/333 …
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Note on threaded connections of gas lines Engine 111.9 in model 902, 903, 904 with code MS7 (NGT (Natural-Gas Technology) Sprinter) Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) Engine 902.9, 906.9 in …
Damage profiles for a poly-V belt Engine 102, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 133, 137, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 176, 177, 178, 254, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 285, …
Remove/install right engine mount ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install the gas injection valve ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install injection valves 9.3.10 ENGINES 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINES 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINES 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINES 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINES 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINES 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install the throttle valve actuator ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Inspect cooling system for leaks 04.04.2019 Engine Engine Engine Engine 111, 120, 137, 285.950/980, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613, 628, 646.951/961, 647.961, 648.960/961 112 (except 112.912/916/946/947/953/955/960/961) 112.945, 113.962, 606.964, 612.965/966, 628.962 113 (except 113.963/968/987/988/990/991/992/995) Engine 271.941 Engine 275 (except 275.953/982) Engine 603.931 Engine 603.972
Power steering – Check the oil level MODEL 207 with ENGINE 271, 272, 273, 276, 642, 651 without CODE 211 (Direct-Steer system)
Drain/pour in coolant 03.02.2020 Engine 113.993 in model 463.270/271 Engine 273 in model 463 Engine 642.884 in model 461.305/333/340/343/392 Engine 642.886 in model 463 Engine 642.970 in model 463 Engine 642.975 in model 461.304/334/344/346
Remove/install purge valve ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Leaktightness test of natural gas system Engine 271.9 in model 212.0 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Remove/install coolant level switch ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 in MODEL 906
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 271 in MODEL 171
Remove/install piston Engine 271.951 in model 906
Oil pan and overflow tube modified TRANSMISSION 722.9 as of 21.6.10 with ENGINE 113, 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 642, 651
Connect cylinder leakage testing unit Engine 133, 152.9, 156, 157, 159, 260, 264, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279
Crank engine with starter ENGINE 113.993 in MODELS 463.270 /271
Replace exhaust system rubber hangers ENGINES 271.951, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 in MODEL 906
Remove/install central clutch operator 14.12.2016 Model Model Model Model Model Model Model 900 with engine 651.955 with transmission 711.680 906 with engine 271.951, 646.984/985/986/989/990 with transmission 711.651 906 with engine 642 with transmission 711.685 906 with engine 642.992, 646.984/985/986/989/990 with transmission 711.660 906 with engine 651 with transmission 711.680 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with engine 651.955 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) 906.133/631/633/635 with engine 651.956 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Remove/install fuel tank MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV
Remove/install power steering pump MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951
Remove/install gas distribution rail with injection valves Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Open and close coupling Engine 133, 139, 152, 156, 157, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 607, 608, 626, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651, 654, 656, 780
Remove/install fuel distributor with injection valves (ME-SFI) ENGINE 271.9 in MODEL 204
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger at oil filter ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install drive shaft radial shaft sealing ring TRANSMISSION 711.651 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.660 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 642.992, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 TRANSMISSION 711.670 in MODEL 204 with ENGINE 642, 651 17.6.11 TRANSMISSION 711.680 in MODEL 906 TRANSMISSION 711.685 in MODEL 906 TRANSMISSION 711.670 in MODEL 207 with ENGINE 651 TRANSMISSION 711.680 in MODEL 900 with ENGINE 651.955
Remove install pressure and temperature sensor Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove install solenoid valve on combination valve ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)
Remove/install fan unit Engine 156, 271, 272, 273, 274, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 274 in model 207 Engine 274, 642, 651 in model 218
Firing order Engine 111, 112, 113, 137, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611 Engine 112, 113, 273, 602, 606 in model 463 Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINE 271 in MODEL 171
Remove/install transmission with torque converter 04.02.2020 Transmission 722.6 in model 461 Transmission 722.610 in model 463.244/245/250 Transmission 722.630 in model 463.243/246/247/248/249/254 Transmission 722.637 in model 463.322/323 Transmission 722.638 in model 463.309/332/333 Transmission 722.645 in model 463.270/271
Service Information bulletin: Engine oil extraction sensor ENGINE 271.8 in MODEL 204, 207, 212 ENGINE 642 in MODEL 639 as of 1.9.09 ENGINE 642 in MODEL 906 as of 1.9.09 ENGINE 646 in MODEL 639 as of 1.7.09 ENGINE 646 in MODEL …
Replace the rivet nuts in the exhaust manifold. ENGINE 104 ENGINE 111 ENGINE 119 ENGINE 120 ENGINE 112 ENGINE 113 ENGINE 137 ENGINE 156 ENGINE 271 ENGINE 272 ENGINE 273
Remove/install intake manifold ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203.043 /243 /743, 209.343
Remove/install left engine mount ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/ install activated charcoal canister ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install regulator for alternator 16.6.10 ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 Manufacturer: Bosch ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906 with CODE (M39) 14V/1 alternator with CODE (M49) Alternator, 14 V/180 A Manufacturer: Bosch ENGINES 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906 except CODE (M46) Alternator, 14 V/220 A except CODE (M49) Alternator, 14 V/180 A Manufacturer: Bosch
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove install bracket for gas reservoir shield Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install refrigerant compressor Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code HH7 (Roof-mounted air conditioning system, basic) with code HH9 (Air conditioner, automatic heater control) Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code …
Remove/install main muffler ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install knock sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Replace spark plugs Engine 271 in model 906 Engine 272 in model 906
Install and gauge connecting rod bearings ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Empty/fill fuel tank Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 900 with engine 651 Model 906 with engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651
Remove/install crankshaft position sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install belt drive components ENGINES 271 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove fuel distributor with injection valves ENGINES 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINES 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine MODEL 171 with ENGINE 113, 271 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 271
Power steering – Check the oil level MODEL 212 with ENGINE 156, 271, 272, 273, 276, 642, 651 without CODE 211 (Direct-Steer system)
Connect cylinder leakage testing unit ENGINE 272.979, 271.951 in MODEL 906
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906
Install end cover together with radial shaft sealing ring ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 with TRANSMISSION 711.651, 722.685
Remove install shield below gas reservoir of liquefied petroleum gas system Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Close the gas cylinder drain the gas lines of the natural gas system and open the gas cylinder MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engine M271
Remove/install pressure regulator for natural gas system Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271)
Replace front crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install starter ENGINE 271.941 in MODELS 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.956 in MODELS 211.041 /241
Interference fit of crankshaft bearing cap Engine 111, 601.943, 602.980/982/983/984/985, 604, 605, 606 Engine 166, 668 Engine 266.920/940/960/980 Engine 271.951 in model 906 Engine 271 Engine 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Remove electrical shutoff valve from combination valve Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove install evaporator pressure regulator with shutoff valve and gas filter Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install coolant temperature sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install exhaust camshaft sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Overview of summer tires disk wheels MODEL 463.243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12 Lux Line ab MOPF 9.2000
Remove/install oil filter housing ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 271 in model 212 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 651 in model 172
Check main circuit coolant level Model 172 with engine 152, 271, 274, 276, 651
Detach/attach torque converter on driver TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 TRANSMISSION 722.685 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 171 with ENGINE 113, 271, 272 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 152, 271, 276, 651
Remove/install pressure sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Overview of service intervals for gasoline engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 111, 112, 113, 132, 133, 137, 152, 156, 157, 159, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, 273, 279 in model 463
Tightening procedure for crankshaft bearing caps ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check engine oil level using on-board oil dipstick Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 152, 156, 157, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276.8/9, 278, 279, 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651
Tightening procedure for camshaft housing ENGINE 271 ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Disconnect timing chain ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINES 271 in MODEL 171
Remove/install side step 22.03.2019 Model 463.202/236/346 up to model year 2013 with code T84 (Side running boards) Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2019 with code T84 (Side running boards) except code PA3 (Exterior Stainless Steel package) Model 463.242 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2015
Remove/install rear gas cylinder Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code KQ3 (Pressurised gas tanks, additional, 3 units) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install cylinder head Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install throttle valve actuator 21.2.08 ENGINES 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINES 271.941 in MODELS 211.042 /242 ENGINES 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINES 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINES 271.942 in MODEL 203.043 /243 /743, 209.343 ENGINES 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINES 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINES 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINES 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Routing diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 271
Replace valve stem seals ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 112.945, 113.962 /982 /993, 271 /951
All-season tires disk wheel overview MODEL 463.243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12 Lux Line ab MOPF 9.2000
Remove/install clutch 19.10.2017 Engine 271.951 in model 906 with transmission 711.651 Engine 642.896 in model 906 with transmission 711.685 Engine 642.992 in model 906 with transmission 711.660 Engine 646 in model 636 with transmission 716.6 Engine 646 in model 639 with transmission 716.6 Engine 646.984/985/986/989/990 in model 906 with transmission 711.651/660 Engine 651 in model 636, 639 with transmission 711.6 Engine 651.955 in model 900 with transmission 711.680 Engine 651.955 in model 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Engine 651.955/956/957 in model 906 with transmission 711.680 Engine 651.956 in model 906.133/631/633/635 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Remove, install exhaust manifold with catalytic converter 27.9.06 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 203.243 /743, 209.343, 203.043 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install injection valves (ME-SFI) ENGINE 271.9 in MODEL 204
Remove install gas hose between charge air manifold and gas distribution strip Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Overview of service intervals for gasoline engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 111, 112, 113, 132, 133, 137, 152, 156, 157, 159, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, 273, 279 in model 463
Remove/install headlamp cover 02.05.2019 Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/272/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install rack-and-pinion steering Model 171 Model 172 with engine 152, 271, 274, 276, 651
Hypoid gear oil (specification 235.31) Model 463.200/243/246/260/270/271/272/273/276/277 Model all (BUS, Heavy transporter, Light transporter, TRUCK)
Reduce fuel pressure through service valve ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211 ENGINE 271.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE (924) Bivalent natural gas drive
Remove/install fan unit ENGINE 156, 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 271, 272, 273, 276.9, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 207 ENGINE 651 in MODEL 172
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 463.243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12 Lux Line ab MOPF 9.2000
Detach/attach lines and hoses of gas distributor Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Correcting anticorrosion/antifreeze concentration ENGINE 271.9, 272.9, 642.8 /9, 646.9 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 651.9 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 651.9 in MODEL 900
Perform basic programming MODEL 203, 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /306 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /336 /340 /341 MODEL 463.202 /236 /237 /346 up to model year 2013 /model …
Inspect cylinders with a light probe Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install right front gas reservoir MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engine M271
Remove/install charge air manifold ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove install gas line between filler connection and combination valve Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install covers under the gas tank system on undercarriage MODEL 212 with ENGINE 274.9 with CODE 924 (Provision for natural gas operation) MODEL 212.0 with ENGINE 271.9 with CODE 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Remove/install underride guard MODEL 463.246 with ENGINE 113.982 AMG stainless steel underride guard MODEL 463.271 with ENGINE 113.993
Remove compressor, install 2.2.09 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 203.042 /242 /742, 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242 ENGINE 271.946 in MODEL 203.046 /246 /746 ENGINE 271.948 in MODEL 203.040 /240 /740 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343, 203.043 /243 /743 ENGINE 271.921 in MODEL 203.730 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441 ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.957 in MODEL 203.741
Remove/install hydraulic line of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 271.9, 272, 276, 642, 646 Return lines of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 651 return lines for power steering, without electrohydraulic power steering (EHPS)
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 271 in model 171, 172, 203, 204, 207, 209, 211, 212
Tighten threaded connections of gas lines Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271)
Remove/install air shutoff valve ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
General information on leak testing for natural gas systems ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE 266 in MODEL 245 with CODE 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) 270 in MODEL 242 with CODE 924 (Monovalent natural gas drive) 271 in MODEL 211, 212 with CODE 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) 274.9 in MODEL 212 with CODE 924 (Provision for natural gas operation)
Replacing rear crankshaft radial seal Engine 271 in model 172, 204, 207, 212
Disconnect/connect hydraulic lines on power steering cooler ENGINE 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in MODEL 906 up to 12/2/11 ENGINE 651.955 in MODEL 900 up to 12/2/11
Remove/install clutch plate ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with TRANSMISSION 722.685 ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install alternator ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install exhaust manifold with catalytic converter ENGINES 271.9 in MODEL 204
Set basic position of camshafts ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Inspect cooling system for leaks 12.12.2018 Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine 112.960 in model 170.466 112.961 in model 203.065/265 113.963 in model 230.475 113.990 in model 211.076/276 113.991 in model 215.374 113.991 in model 220.074/174 113.992 in model 230.474 113.993 in model 463.270/271 113.995 in model 230.472
Remove/install evaporator pressure regulator Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Disconnect/connect automatic transmission oil lines on radiator Transmission 722.683 in model 906 with engine 642.896/898/992/993 Transmission 722.684 in model 906 with engine 271.951 Transmission 722.684 in model 906 with engine …
Installing rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 271
Remove/install power steering pump MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212 with ENGINE 271.8
Remove/install gas filter Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)) downstream of evaporator pressure regulator
Install front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 271 ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Detach heat shield fasten ENGINE 271, 272, 113 in MODEL 171
Remove/install valve cylinder on gas cylinder Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271)
Remove install exhaust manifold with catalytic converter ENGINE 271.956 in MODEL 211.041 /241 ENGINE 271.941 in MODEL 211.042 /242
Disassemble/assemble additional fan unit MODEL 900 with CODE (HH9) “Tempmatic” regulated air conditioning MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951, 642.992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 with CODE (HH9) …
Remove install gas filter element Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Notes on the assessment of pistons and piston rings Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 137, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, …
Remove compressor install ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Leaktightness test of natural gas system ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Remove/install piston rings Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install rear engine support Engine 152, 271, 276 in model 172 Engine 651 in model 172
Remove/install boost pressure sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install fuel pump and fuel level sensor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINE 271 in MODEL 171
Remove install gas line between combination valve (gas reservoir) and shutoff valve (solenoid valve) Engine 271.951 in model 906 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Information on determining thickness of bearing shell ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install charge air temperature sensor ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check main circuit coolant level ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 612, 642, 646 in MODEL 209
Crank engine with starter ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install timing chain for Lanchester balancer ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Service Information: Notes on replacing rear gas cylinders Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code KQ3 (Pressurised gas tanks, additional, 3 units) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Notes on sealant path for timing case cover ENGINE 271 ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install gas temperature sensor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MZ2) Natural gas engineM271
Attach/detach engine hoist Model 166 with engine 157, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 212 with engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 218 with engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 292 with …
Engine cooling system – check fluid level adjust to correct level. Inspect anticorrosion/antifreeze protection adjust to correct … Engine 271.9, 272.9, 642.8/9, 646.9 in model 906 Engine 651.9 in model 900 Engine 651.9 in model 906
Remove/install transmission 10.09.2018 Transmission 711.6 in model 171 with engine 271 Transmission 711.6 in model 171 with engine 272 Transmission 711.6 in model 172 with engine 271 Transmission 711.6 in model 172 with engine 651 Transmission 716.6 in model 171 with engine 271 Transmission 716.6 in model 171 with engine 272
Remove/install engine Engine 271.951 in model 906
Rivet timing chain ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Move Lanchester balance shaft to basic position Engine 274.### ## up to 0427135
Remove/install an oxygen sensor 25.1.12 ENGINE 112.912 in MODEL 203.061 /261, 209.361 /461 ENGINE 112.946 in MODEL 203.064 /264 ENGINE 112.955 in MODEL 209.365 /465 ENGINE 112.961 in MODEL 203.065 /265 ENGINE 112.916 in MODEL 203.081 /281 ENGINE 112.953 in MODEL 203.084 /284 ENGINE 113.968 in MODEL 209.375 /475 ENGINE 113.987 in MODEL 209.376 /476 ENGINE 271.940 in MODEL 209.342 /442 ENGINE 271.942 in MODEL 209.343 ENGINE 113.988 in MODEL 203.076 /276 ENGINE 113.989 in MODEL 171.473 ENGINE 271.955 in MODEL 209.341 /441
Normalizing the seats Model 463.202/236/237/346 as of model year 2010 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2010
Connect compression tester ENGINE 113 in MODEL 171 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612 in MODEL 203 ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 272, 273, 612, 156 in MODEL 209
Remove/install Lanchester balancer ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install a flywheel ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with TRANSMISSION 711.651
Disconnect/connect electrical lines for removal of front module from top Model 900 Model 906 with engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957
Remove/install oil level switch ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 271.8 in MODEL 172, 204, 207, 212
Remove/install airbag unit on steering wheel 25.04.2018 Model 203 Model 463.202/236/237/346 as of model year 2001 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 as of model year 2001 up to model year 2013
Check oil pressure ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Routing diagram of poly-V belt ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Check main circuit coolant level 29.06.2017 Engine 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 628, 629, 642, 646, 647, 648 in model 211 Engine 113, 271, 272 in model 171 Engine 133, 270, 607, 651 in model 117, 176 Engine 133, 270, 607, 651 in model 156 Engine 270 in model 242 Engine 270, 607, 651 in model 246
Remove/install ignition coils 15.11.2019 Engine 112.910 in model 202.026/086 Engine 112.912 in model 203.061/261, 209.361/461 Engine 112.913 in model 211.061/261 Engine 112.916 in model 203.081/281 Engine 112.917 in model 211.080/280 Engine 112.920 in model 202.029/089 Engine 112.921 in model 210.063/081/263/281 Engine 112.922 in model 220.063/163 Engine 112.923 in model 129.059 Engine 112.940 in model 208.365/465 Engine 112.941 in model 210.065/082/265/282 Engine 112.942 in model 163.154 Engine 112.943 in model 129.064 Engine 112.944 in model 220.065/165 Engine 112.945 in model 463 Engine 112.946 in model 203.064/264 Engine 112.947 in model 170.465 Engine 112.949 in model 211.065/265 Engine 112.953 in model 203.084/284 Engine 112.954 in model 211.082/282 Engine 112.955 in model 209.365/465 Engine 112.960 in model 170.466 Engine 112.961 in model 203.065/265 Engine 112.970 in model 163.157 Engine 112.972 in model 220.067/167 Engine 112.973 in model 230.467 Engine 112.975 in model 220.087/187 Engine 113.940 in model 210.070/270 Engine 113.941 in model 220.070/170 Engine 113.942 in model 163.172 Engine 113.943 in model 208.370/470 Engine 113.944 in model 202.033/093 Engine 113.948 in model 220.083/183 Engine 113.960 in model 215.375, 220.075/175/875 Engine 113.961 in model 129.068 Engine 113.962/982 in model 463 Engine 113.963 in model 230.475 Engine 113.965 in model 163.175 Engine 113.966 in model 220.084/184 Engine 113.967 in model 211.070/270 Engine 113.968 in model 209.375/475 Engine 113.969 in model 211.083/283 Engine 113.980 in model 210.074/274 Engine 113.981 in model 163.174 Engine 113.984 in model 208.374/474 Engine 113.986 in model 215.373, 220.073/173 Engine 113.987 in model 209.376/476 Engine 113.988 in model 203.076/276 Engine 113.989 in model 171.473 Engine 113.990 in model 211.076/276 Engine 113.991 in model 215.374, 220.074/174 Engine 113.992 in model 230.474 Engine 113.993 in model 463.270/271 Engine 113.995 in model 230.472
Remove/install clutch MODEL 171 with ENGINE 271, 272 with TRANSMISSION 716.6 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 271 with TRANSMISSION 711.6, 716.6
Remove/install engine with removal fixture Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install viscous fan clutch ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906
Check basic position of camshafts ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906
Remove/install filling connection Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT))
Remove/install heat shield ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 628, 629, 642, 646, 647, 648 in MODEL 211 ENGINE 646.962 in MODEL 203.007 /207 /707 ENGINE 646.963 in MODEL 203.008 /208 /708 ENGINE …
Remove/install crankshaft Engine 271.951 in model 906
Remove/install fan shroud Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 906 with code XM0 (Facelift) Engine 651 in model 906 with code XM5 (Facelift Latin America)
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear 18.11.2019 Engine 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642 in model 212 Engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 218 Engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 651 in model 212 (except 212.098/298) Engine 651 in model 221
Drain coolant fill up and check cooling system for leaks Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Remove/install seat with console Model 463.236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.243/245/246/248/249/270/271/323/333/341 up to model year 2013
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 271.941 in model 211.042/242 Engine 271.956 in model 211.041/241
Remove/install loudspeaker amplifier control unit Model 463.243/245/246/248/249/323/333, 463.270/271/341 up to 8/31/08 up to model year 2013 with code E66 (Sound system)
Remove/install air conditioner housing Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install console for E-Call emergency call system control unit MODELS 463.246 /249 /271 with CODE (ET2) TELE AID carphone emergency call system
Remove/install SAM control unit with fuse and relay box right front Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2019
Remove/install cover below instrument panel (left) Model 463.202/222/236/237/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341/346 up to model year 2019
Remove/install E-Call emergency call system control unit MODEL 463.246 /249 /271 up to 1.4.07 with CODE (ET2) TeleAid car phone emergency call system
Remove/install electrical contacts in equipotential bonding conductor MODEL 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /306 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /336 /340 /341 MODEL 463.202 /236 /237 /346 up to Model Year 2013 /Mopf 2012
Remove/install paneling on B-pillar Model 463.236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.243/245/246/248/249/323/333 as of 6/1/04, 463.270/271/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install ashtray housing in front center console Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install loudspeaker amplifier control unit MODEL 463.270 /271 /341 as of 1.9.08 with CODE (E66) Sound system (harman/kardon) MODEL 463.236 /237 /341 with CODE (EU9) Surround sound system (harman/kardon Logic 7) …
Remove/install dashboard lower section on driver side Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year …
Remove/install control and operating unit Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222, 463.247/248/254/270/271/303/340/341 as of 4/2/07 up to model year 2013 Model 463.249 as of 9/1/06 up to model year …
Remove and install bracket at AC housing Model 463.202/222/236/237/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341/346 up to model year 2000 Holder, air conditioner housing at A-pillar
Remove/install upper control panel control unit Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install center console Model 463.237/271 up to model year 2013 Model 463.246/249 up to model year 2008
Remove/install knee bolster Model 463.237 up to model year 2013 Model 463.246/249 up to model year 2008 Model 463.271 up to model year 2011
Inspecting cooling system for leaks ENGINE 271, 272 in MODEL 171
Remove/install cover for steering column on instrument panel Model 463.202/236/237/346 as of model year 2000 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/270/271/303/306/336/340/341, …
Remove/install center instrument panel cover Model 463.243/244/245/246/250/309/322/323/332/333, 463.247/248/254/270/271/303/340/341 up to 4/1/07, 463.249 up to 8/30/06 up to model year 2013
Remove/install electrically adjustable steering column tube Model 463.202/222/236/237/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341/346 up to model year 2009
Removing and installing loudspeaker in instrument panel Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install electronic ignition switch control unit Model 463.202/236/346 up to model year 2019 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2019 …
Replace GPS antenna line on operating display and control unit MODEL 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /340 /341 with CODE (ET4) COMAND operating and display system MODEL 463.222 …
Remove/install differential lock switch Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install cover on hand brake lever Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install fuel injection system control unit ENGINE 112.945 in MODEL 463.244 /245 /250 ENGINE 113.962 in MODEL 463.247 /248 /249 /254 ENGINE 113.982 in MODEL 463.243 /246 ENGINE 113.993 in MODEL 463.270 /271
Remove/install dashboard Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install light switch module Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year …
Remove/install passenger compartment floor covering Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year …
Remove/install glove compartment Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year …
Remove/install instrument cluster MODEL 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /306 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /336 /340 /341 MODEL 463.202 /236 /237 /346 up to model year 2013 model …
Wiring diagram of control unit for AEJ gaseous fuel blowing in system with ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection system Engine 271 in model 906.1/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MY9 (Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT)) except code MZ2 (Natural …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code ZL3 (National version …
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code ZL3 (National version …
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code ZL3 (National version …
Wiring diagram of control unit for AEJ gaseous fuel blowing in system with ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection system Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code MY9 (Liquefied Gas …
Wiring diagram of control unit for AEJ gaseous fuel blowing in system with ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection system Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code MY9 (Liquefied Gas …
Wiring diagram for battery shutoff Engine 271, 272, 642, 651 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Valid for right-hand …
Gas injection system electrical function schematic ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with CODE (MY9) Liquefied Gas Technology (LGT) with CODE (MC6) Engine M271, 115 kW (156 HP) 5000 rpm
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code ZL3 (National version …
Wiring diagram for battery shutoff Engine 271, 272, 642, 651 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Valid for left-hand drive …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 271 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC6 (Engine M271 E 18 ML 115 kW (156 hp) 5000 rpm) with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) except code ZL3 (National version …
Correct oil level in air conditioning system when replacing AC compressor Engine 112 in model 463.244/245/250 Engine 113 in model 463.243/246/247/248/249/254/270/271 Engine 273 in model 463.202/236/237 up to model year 2013 Engine 273 in model 463.222 …
Remove/install front grille Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Remove/install side air vent MODEL 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /306 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /336 /340 /341 Right air vent MODEL 463.202 /236 /237 /346 up to model year 2013 …
Remove/install side air vent MODEL 463.222 /243 /244 /245 /246 /247 /248 /249 /250 /254 /270 /271 /303 /306 /309 /322 /323 /332 /333 /336 /340 /341 Left air vent MODEL 463.202 /236 /237 /346 up to model year 2013 …
Bleed brake system Model 460, 461 Model 463 (except 463.270/271) up to model year 2013 except code 979 (Special protection MB Guard)
Removing and installing loudspeaker in instrument panel Model 463.202/222/236/237/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341/346 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Remove/install refrigerant compressor Engine 271, 274, 276 in model 172.4 with code 580 (Air-conditioning system) Engine 271, 274, 276 in model 172.4 with code 581 (Automatic air conditioning) Engine 276 in model 207 with code …
Test brake system with pressure tester for leaks Model 463.270/271 up to model year 2019
Test brake system with pressure tester for leaks Model 460, 461 Disk brakes on front axle Model 463 (except 463.270/271) up to model year 2013 except code 979 (Special protection MB Guard) Disk brakes on front axle
Drain evacuate and recharge air conditioning check for proper operation and check for leaks Model 463 (except 463.270/271) as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Lower front axle Model 171 Model 172 with engine 152, 271, 274, 276, 651
Bleed brake system Model 463.270/271 up to model year 2019
Block of wood to hold back the brake piston MODEL 463.270 /271
Remove/install seat cushion Model 463.202/236/237 as of model year 2008 up to model year 2010 Model 463.222/270/271/303/340/341 as of model year 2010 up to model year 2013 Model 463.306/336 as of model year …
Leaktightness test of natural gas system Engine 271.941 in model 211.042 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) Engine 271.956 in model 211.041 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Removing and installing loudspeaker in instrument panel Model 463 (except 463.202/222/236/237/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341/346) as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Carrying out bleeding operation Model 460, 461 (except 461.392) Model 463 (except 463.270/271) up to model year 2013 except code 979 (Special protection MB Guard)
Remove/install refrigerant compressor ENGINES 112, 113 (except 113.993) in MODEL 463 / (except 463.270 /271) with CODE (H02) Air conditioning
Remove and install additional fan Model 463 (except 463.270/271/309/322/323/333) up to model year 2013 with code H02 (Air conditioning, manual)
Tighten threaded connections for high-pressure gas pipes ENGINE 266 in MODEL 245 with CODE 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive) ENGINE 270 in MODEL 242 with CODE 924 (Monovalent natural gas drive) ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211 with CODE …

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