Service manual Mercedes-Benz OM602 Engine | Up to 2020 incl.

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Replacing timing chain ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
Bearing diagram for crankshaft Engine 601, 602 (except 602.98), 603 Engine 601.943, 602.980/982/983/984/985 Engine 602
0220 – Removal and installation of the camshaft Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 601 in MODELS 124, 201, 202 ENGINES 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINES 603 in MODELS 124, 126, 140
Remove/install front engine mounts and/or engine support ENGINE 601 in model 124, 201 as of 1.4.85 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 in MODEL 124, 140
Removing and engine installing coolant thermostat ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Separating and riveting timing chain ENGINE 601 /943, 602 /983 /980 /984 /985, 603
Remove/install viscous fan clutch ENGINE 601 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 in MODEL 124, 126, 140
Poly V-belt tensioning device as-built configuration ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606
Check rear of engine for external oil leak and determine cause ENGINE 111 ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606 ENGINE 271
Adjusting fan shroud ENGINE 111, 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 111, 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210
Mount crankshaft axially ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
0001 – Overview of the injection pumps Versions; A. Basic B. National (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91
0170 – Checking/adjustment of vacuum control valve for automatic transmission Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for
Cooling and heating system – Check condition of radiator lines and hoses Engine 102, 103, 104, 112, 113, 117, 273, 602, 603, 606, 612, 628, 642 in model 463 Engine 102, 110, 115, 602, 616, 617 in model 460 Engine 102, 602, 612, 642 in model 461
7000 – Removal and installation of the exhaust system A. Model 201 with engine 602.96 B. Model 124 with engines 602.96 …
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606 /
0006 – Removal and installation of noise capsule part at bottom of engine comp. Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Suction off engine oil Engine 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 119, 120, 133, 137, 157, 166, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 (except 275.981/983), 276, 278, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, …
0310 – Removal and installation of the chain tensioner Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Risk of injury caused by scraping or cutting body parts on sharp vehicle parts Model 601, 602, 606, 611, 690, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910 Model 903 (except 903.662) Model 903.662 except code Z29 (James Cook touring camper, NAFTA) except code …
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 636, 638, 639 MODEL 667, 668, 670 with ENGINE 602.9 MODEL 668, 670 with ENGINE 900.9, 904.9 MODEL 690.6, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906
Removing/installing the chain tensioner 29.1.09 ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461 ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463
0111 – Checking the start of delivery (position sensor RIV method) Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road …
Removing and installing valve springs and/or valve stem seals ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
Technical modifications: Belt drive Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0010 – Function of the injection system I. Injection timing device (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Removing, installing fan shroud 2.4.93 ENGINE 111, 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 170 ENGINE 111, 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 208 ENGINE 111, 602.982, 604, 605, 606 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 163
Replacing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
Remove/install injection nozzles (DE) ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217 ENGINES 602.983 in MODEL 461
Removing and installing engine coolant pump housing ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Installing a new connecting rod bush ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
0180 – Removal and installation of the intake manifold Engines 601 602.91 603.91 – A. Models 124 201 B. Model 202 (note …
0116 – Adjustment of start of delivery (position sensor RIV method) after check Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for ..
0100 – Removal and installation of the exhaust system A. 201 with engine 601 B. 124 with engine 601 602 C. 124 with engine .
0230 – Removal and installation of the injection nozzles Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road vehicles)
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except 602.982)
Technical modifications: Diesel Injection system Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Check shock absorbers for damage Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
0300 – Adjustment of accelerator control linkage A. 601.911/912 602 603 without ARF B. 601.911/912 602 603 with ARF C. …
Removing installing hydraulic valve clearance compensation elements (bucket tappets) ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
Checking basic position of camshafts ENGINE 601, 602, 603, 602.983
Remove/install viscous fan clutch ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210
Notes on engine oil Engine 104.900, 111, 601, 611 in model 638 Engine 111, 601, 602, 611 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 112.951/976, 272.978, 642.89/99, 646.98, 651.94 in model 639 Engine 200, 607, …
Coolant pump with increased volume flow ENGINE 602.962 #0 as of 033730, 602.962 #2 as of 020853, 603.960 #2 as of 054623, 603.971 #2 as of 018739, 603.972 #2 as of 004349
Check/repair connecting rod ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except 602.98)
0010 – Function of the injection system E. Fuel pre-heating (148) (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.9
Connection of leak oil line to injection nozzles modified to plug-type connection ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Drain/fill in coolant ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606
Checking hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINE 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606 (except , 602.982)
Slacken tension poly-V belt ENGINE 601.942 /943 /970, 602.980 /984 /985
Removing / installing a piston ENGINES 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
A5 – Test and adjustment values; DFI Diesel injection system 15 – Engine 602.982 DFI as of 01/96
0200 – Removal and installation of injection pump Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road vehicles)
B11 – Test and adjustment work; Testing fuel low pressure circuit for leaks 91 – Engines 602.982 DFI 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
Notes on rear engine mounts ENGINE 601, 602, 603
0416 – Modifications to the precombustion chambers Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Replace oil filter element Engine 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/987 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 602.984/985 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 611.983 in model 690.6, 903, 904 Engine 642.890/990 in model 639 Engine 646.980 in model 636 Engine 646.980/981/982/983 in model 639 Engine 647.981 in model 903.61/66/67, 904.61/66 with code ZU7 (National version for Canada) Engine 647.981 in model 903.61/66/67, 904.61/66 with code ZU8 (National version for USA) Engine 651.940 in model 636, 639
Installing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 602.930 /942, 603.972, 602.961 /962 /982 /983, 603.960 /963 /971, 604, 605, 606
Front crankshaft radial seal with reduced radial pressure stress ENGINE 602.982 as of 1.7.97 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 604.910 as of 1.7.97 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 604.912 as of 1.7.97 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 604.915 as of 1.7.97 in MODEL 202 ENGINE …
Replace oil filter element drain oil filter ENGINE 601 ENGINE 602 ENGINE 604 ENGINE 605 ENGINE 606 ENGINE 606 in MODEL 463.308 /330 /331
Note on fault frequency of operating time Model 124 as of 7/93, except 124.230, except 124.290, except 124.226, except 124.393, except 124.330, except driver and front passenger airbag, except , Model 129 as of 7/93 Model 140 as of 7/93 Model 202 as of 7/93 Models 170, 210, 208, 638, 461, 602.983
Technical modifications: Coolant circuit and engine cooling Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Basic setting of distributor-type injection pump ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Removing and installing rear engine mount ENGINE 601 in MODEL 124, 201, 202 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 in MODEL 124, 140
0117 – Adjustment of start of delivery (digital tester RIV method) after check Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for …
Cranking engine with starter ENGINE 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Engine cooling system – check fluid level, adjust to correct level. Inspect 1.12.09 anticorrosion/antifreeze protection, adjust to correct concentration ENGINES 102 in MODEL 460, 461.217 /219 /223 /227 /229 /238 /239 /249 /266 /267, 463.200 /204 /220 /221 /224 /225 ENGINES 103 in MODEL 463.207 /227 /228 ENGINES 104 in MODEL 463.208 /230 /231 ENGINES 110 in MODEL 460 ENGINES 115 in MODEL 460 ENGINES 117 in MODEL 463.228 ENGINES 602 in MODEL 460, 461.321 /322 /323 /326 /327 /328 /329 /335 /336 /337 /338 /341 /365 /366 /367 /368 /401 /402 /403 /404 /405 /450 /451 /452 /454 /455 /456 /458 /459, 463.304 /324 /325 ENGINES 603 in MODEL 463.300 /307 /320 /321 /327 /328 ENGINES 606 in MODEL 463.308 /330 /331 ENGINES 616 in MODEL 460 ENGINES 617 in MODEL 460 ENGINES 612.965 in MODEL 463.322 /323 ENGINES 612.966 in MODEL 461.302 /331 /332 /342 /345 ENGINES 628.962 in MODELS 463.309 /332 /333
0342 – Removing and installing poly V-belt Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINES 601, 602, 603 (except 602.982)
Tightening connecting rod bolts ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
Remove/install charge air pipe ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217 ENGINE 605.960 in MODEL 202.128 ENGINE 605.962 in MODEL 210.015 /215
0400 – Repair notes for the cylinder heads and gaskets A. Engine 601 B. Engines 602 (except 602.98) 603
B2 – Test and adjustment work; Testing adjusting idle speed 21 – Engines 602.982 DFI 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
Removing installing poly V-belt tensioning device ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606 / (except 606.964)
Lever for pressing the spring clamp lever for poly-V-belt tensioning device MODEL 124 with ENGINES 605, 606 MODEL 202 with ENGINES 604, 605 MODEL 408 with ENGINE 602
Technical modifications: Diesel Injection system Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0160 – Checking the vacuum pump Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road vehicles)
Removing/installing the rear engine mount 2.4.93 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 170 ENGINES 111, 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINES 111, 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 208
Tension poly V-belt ENGINE 602.983, 604, 605, 606 /
Technical modifications: Engine Removal/installation of engine crankcase cylinder head crankcase ventilation Engines 601 602
Flywheel two-mass flywheel driven plate arrangement ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606
0010 – Function of the injection system D. Fuel filter (42) (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Poly-V-belt running diagram ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
0015 – Function of the exhaust gas recirculation C. Function (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0010 – Function of the injection system Q. Injection lines (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0310 – Temperature controlled viscous fan clutch Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Removing and installing retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear 12.12.08 ENGINE 111, 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 111.977 in MODEL 163 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 170, 208 ENGINE 111, 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 111, 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461 ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463
Remove install drive pinion on distributor injection pump drive pinion ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Removing and installing fan shroud ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Connecting compression tester ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0010 – Function of the injection system B. Fuel circuit (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
General information on inspecting cylinder walls Engine 111, 122, 132.9, 134, 135, 160.9, 200, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 274, 276.9, 281, 282, 602, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 611, 612, 613, 622, 626, 628, 629, 639, 640, 646, 647, 648, 651, …
Engine oil and filter change ENGINE 601, 603, 103 ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606, 104, 111, 119, 120 without ASSIST [Active Service System]
0010 – Function of the injection system A. Lubrication of injection pump Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Removing and installing belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
Assign crankshaft bearing shells ENGINE 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612 /965 /966, 613
0002 – Overview of the injection nozzles (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Checking connecting rod bolts ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
Inspect cooling system for leaks 04.04.2019 Engine Engine Engine Engine 111, 120, 137, 285.950/980, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613, 628, 646.951/961, 647.961, 648.960/961 112 (except 112.912/916/946/947/953/955/960/961) 112.945, 113.962, 606.964, 612.965/966, 628.962 113 (except 113.963/968/987/988/990/991/992/995) Engine 271.941 Engine 275 (except 275.953/982) Engine 603.931 Engine 603.972
Measure crankshaft and remount in bearings Engine 601, 602 (except 602.98), 603
0211 – Modifications to the timing case cover Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 140 with ENGINE 606 MODEL 202 with ENGINE 604, 605 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606 MODEL 460, 461, 463 with ENGINE 602 MODEL 463 with ENGINE 603, …
Fit-on area at boost air hoses and at intercooler extended ENGINE 602.982, 605.96, 606.96 as of 1.4.97
Inspect crankshaft bearing cap bolts ENGINE 111, 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985, 604, 605, 606, 651, 606
B5.1 – Test and adjustment work; Adjusting start of injection 44 – Engine 602.982 DFI
7100 – Removal and installation of the starter Engines; A. 102 103 104 111 601 602 603 605 606 B. 119.974/975 Model 124
Firing order Engine 111, 112, 113, 137, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611 Engine 112, 113, 273, 602, 606 in model 463 Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Check shock absorbers for leaks Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
B6 – Test and adjustment work; Testing fuel pump 51 – Engines 602.982 DFI 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINES 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Poly V-belt running diagram ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Remove/install oil pan 10.11.11 ENGINES 601 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINES 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINES 603 (except 603.913) in MODEL 124 ENGINES 603 (except 603.963) in MODEL 124 ENGINES 603 in MODEL 126
0417 – Removal and installation of the precombustion chambers Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Remove/install radiator ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 601, 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 in MODEL 210
Removing and installing injection pipes (DID) ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0010 – Function of the injection system O. Anti-jerk control (ARA) (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.
Risk of death caused by falling from vehicle roof. Risk of injury to other persons caused by falling objects during work in roof are Model 601, 602, 606, 611, 690, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910 Model 903 (except 903.662) Model 903.662 except code Z29 (James Cook touring camper, NAFTA) except code …
Interference fit of crankshaft bearing cap Engine 111, 601.943, 602.980/982/983/984/985, 604, 605, 606 Engine 166, 668 Engine 266.920/940/960/980 Engine 271.951 in model 906 Engine 271 Engine 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Checking camshaft timing Engine 601, 602 (except 602.982), 603
0010 – Function of the injection system C. Fuel pre-filter (43) (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
00 – Foreword Diagnosis – Diesel engine Volume 1.1 Engines 601.913 602.982 604 605.910/912/.912
Adjusting accelerator control ENGINE 602.982, 604.###, 605.###, 606.91# #0 with TRANSMISSION 717.4 ENGINE 602.982, 604.###, 605.###, 606.91# /961 /962 #2, 611.961 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
0229 – Adjustment of the microswitch at the injection pump (model 202) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Remove oil from cooling and heating system 21.01.2016 Engine 602.983 in model 461.321/322/326/327/335/336/365/366 Engine 606.964 in model 463.308/330/331 Engine 612.965 in model 463.322/323 Engine 612.966 in model 461.302/331/332/342/345 Engine 628.962 in model 463.309/332/333 Engine 642.884 in model 461.305/333/340/343/392 Engine 642.886 in model 463.306/336 Engine 642.886 in model 463.346 up to model year 2013 Engine 642.970 in model 463.303/340/341 Engine 642.975 in model 461.304/334/344/346
B1 – Test and adjustment work; Testing and adjusting engine 11 – Engine 602.982 DFI 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
B4.1 – Test and adjustment work; Testing start of injection 42 – Engine 602.982 DFI
Replacing oil filter cartridge draining oil filter ENGINE 601.912, 601.913 ## up to 29094, 601.913 #2 up to 2049, 602, 604.910 ## up to 21056, 604.910 #2 up to 4361, 605.910 ## up to 14797, 605.910 #2 up to 6579, 605.911 ## up to …
Align conrod ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
Removing and installing charge air distribution pipe ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0010 – Function of the injection system P. Injection nozzles (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Checking shock absorber Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
0343 – Checking condition of poly V-belt and tensioner A. Poly V-belt B. Tensioner Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Replace oil filter element drain oil filter ENGINE 602, 616, 617 in MODEL 460 ENGINE 602, 616, 617 in MODEL 461 ENGINE 602, 603 in MODEL 463
0410 – Refinishing the precombustion chamber sealing surface Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0290 – Replacement of the valve seat rings Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Camshaft code number and assignment Engine 111.948/978, 112, 113 Engine 111 Engine 120 Engine 601, 602, 603
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 602.984 /985 in MODEL 667, 668, 670
Notes on fault causes during battery testing Model 374, 375 Model 414 Model 415, 447 Model 601, 602, 611 Model 636, 638, 639 Model 667, 668, 669, 670 Model 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 909 Model 907, 910 Model 930, 932, …
0003 – Explanation of the injection pump type plate (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
B7 – Test and adjustment work; Testing fuel pressure 61 – Engines 602.982 DFI 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
Mount crankshaft radially in bearings ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
0006 – Function of temperature and boost pressure dependent vacuum control on Engine 602.96 Automatic transmission 722.4 up
Removing and installing radiator ENGINE 601 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 in MODEL 124, 126, 140
0010 – Function of the injection system F. Fuel pump (note deviations for off-road vehicles) Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Check battery Model 374, 375, 405, 414, 437, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 667, 668, 669, 670, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 909, 930, 932, 933, 934, 940, 942, 943, 944, 949, 950, 952, 953, 954, 956, …
Remove/install poly-V belt tensioning device ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except 602.982)
Engine cooling system – checking and correcting fluid level ENGINE 102, 103, 104, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 602, 603, 606, 616, 617
Drain/fill in coolant ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0010 – Draining and filling coolant Antifreeze protection table Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Measure piston projection ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.98)
Installing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 601.91 /92, 602.91, 603.91 /961 /962 /970
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINES 601 in MODELS 124, 201, 202 ENGINES 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINES 603 in MODELS 124, 126, 140
Replace fuel filter ENGINE 601.913, 602.982, 604, 605, 606 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461.321 /322 /326 /327 /335 /336 /365 /366 ENGINE 606 in MODEL 463.308 /330 /331
Technical modifications: Engine timing valves Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0112 – Checking the start of delivery using digital tester (RIV method) Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road …
Removing and installing viscous fan clutch ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Remove install distributor injection pump ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210.017 /217
Replace coolant 09.06.2016 Model 460 with engine 102.964 Model 460 with engine 102.987 Model 460 with engine 110 Model 460 with engine 115 Model 460 with engine 602.930 Model 460 with engine 616 Model 460 with engine 617 Model 460, 461.219 with engine 102.981 Model 461.217 with engine 102.997 Model 461.227/229/238/239/249/266/267 with engine 102.979 Model 461.227/229/238/239/249/266/267 with engine 102.996 Model 461.302/331/332/342/345 with engine 612.966 Model 461.321/322/326/327/335/336/365/366 with engine 602.983 Model 461.323/328/329/337/338/341/367/368/403/404/450/451/452/454/455/458/459 with engine 602.94 Model 461.401/402/405 with engine 602.939 Model 461.456 with engine 602.938 Model 463.204/224/225 with engine 102.989 Model 463.207/227/228 with engine 103.987 Model 463.208/230/231 with engine 104.996 Model 463.220/221 with engine 102.965 Model 463.228 with engine 117.965 Model 463.300/320/321 with engine 603.972 Model 463.304/324/325 with engine 602.931 Model 463.307/327/328 with engine 603.931 Model 463.308/330/331 with engine 606.964 Model 463.309/332/333 with engine 628.962 Model 463.322/323 with engine 612.965
Poly V-belt running diagram ENGINE 601.942 /970 in MODEL 638 ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 /985 in MODEL 667, 668, 670
Remove/install engine ENGINE 601 in MODEL 124, 201, 202 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 / (except 603.913 /963) in MODEL 124, 126, 140
B9 – Test and adjustment work; Testing injection nozzle 81 – Engines 602.982 604 DFI 605/606 IFI
0215 – Notes regarding the coolant pump Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0419 – Notes regarding the radiator Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Technical modifications: Crank assembly Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0500 – Installing removing retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0317 – Modifications to the pistons Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0350 – Removal and installation of the exhaust manifold A. 601.911/912 602 603 without exhaust gas recirculation B. …
0360 – Removal and installation of exhaust gas recirculation valve Engines 601 602.91 603.91 in Model 202
0705 – Function of the preglow system A. General B. Quick-start system C. System with after-glow Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0310 – Retrofitting the accelerator control damper and spring rod Engines 601 602.91 603.91
Technical modifications: Engine Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0711 – Checking the preglow system with afterglowing Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 11 – Eng. 601.91602.91 (A)(CH)(S) Code 830960 1989 (A) 1990 601.91 (CH) 1988 Vacuum circuit …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 12 – Eng. 601.91602.91 (A)(CH)(S)(FIN)(N)(DK) Code 830960620 1988-1991 Vacuum circuit …
0030 – Function of the fueltank breather and vent Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0010 – Function of the fuel tank with splash pot Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 06 – Engine 601 1988 601.91 602.91 Code 830/960 1989/90 Code 62/0 as of 6/90 Vacuum circuit …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 04 – Engine 602 in model 201 (USA) Model year 1987/88 Vacuum circuit diagram Exhaust gas …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 13 – Eng. 601.91602.91 (A)(CH)(J)(S)(FIN)(N)(DK) Code 830960620 1988-91 Vacuum circuit …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 01 – Engine 602 in model 201 (USA) Model year 1986 Vacuum circuit diagram Exhaust gas recirculation
1321 – Removing and Installing Accelerator Pedal A. Engine 602.96 603.96/97 in Models 124 126 201
0405 – Removal and installation of the air filter cross pipe Engines 601 602.91 603.91 in model 202
0020 – Function of the fuel gauge sending unit Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 02 – Engine 602 in model 201 (USA) Model year 1987/88 Vacuum circuit diagram Exhaust gas …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 19 – Engine 601.91602.91 (CH)(S) Model year 1990 Vacuum circuit diagram Exhaust gas recirculation
0330 – Removal and installation of the accelerator pedal A. Models 124 201 B. Model 202 Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 14 – Eng. 601.91602.91 (CH)(S)(A)(FIN)(N)(DK) Code 620 960 1990/91 Vacuum circuit diagram …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 07 – Eng. 601 (CH) 1988 602.91 (FIN/N/DK) 1991 (CH/S/A) 1989/90/91 (S) 1992/93 Vacuum circuit …
Technical modifications: Trap oxidizer charge air pipe exhaust manifold Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for …
0500 – Vacuum diagrams 03 – Engine 602 in model 201 (USA) Model year 1989 Vacuum circuit diagram Exhaust gas recirculation
0245 – Replacement of the fuel filter Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road vehicles)
Replace coolant Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation with manual trans. A as of Model year 1989 Engine 602 in model 201
Wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC)/ gages/ warning systems MODEL 210 with ENGINE 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 606 as of 1.3.97
Wiring diagram of datalink connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97, 604, 605 as of 1.6.96 up to 28.2.97
Wiring diagram stationary heater MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602.982 up to 31.5.98
Legend of wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602 as of 1.3.97 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control
Legend for wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602.982 up to 31.5.98
00 – Foreword Diagnosis – Diesel engine Volume 1.1 Engines 601.913 602.982 604 605.910/912/960 606.912
Legend for wiring diagram of acceleration slip regulation (ASR) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606, 611 as of 1.3.97 with CODE (471a) Acceleration Slip Regulation (ASR)
5032 – A. Removing and installing alternator Electrical system Engines 102 103 104 111 601 602 603 605 606
Legend for wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 as of 1.6.98, 611 up to 31.5.99
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation USA Model year 1986 Engine 602 in model 201
Engine cooling system – check fluid level adjust to correct level. Inspect anticorrosion/antifreeze protection adjust to correct … Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Prepare adhesive cartridge MODEL 374.502/523/551/554/557/584 with BODY 374.860 MODEL 374.602/651/655/682/685 with BODY 374.870 MODEL 374.607/691/695 with BODY 944.890 MODEL 375.1 with BODY …
4100 – Removing and Installing Fuel Tank Model 201 with Engine 602.96
Wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 611 up to 31.5.99
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97, 604, 605 as of 1.6.96 up to 28.2.97
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97 in MODEL 210
Drain/fill in coolant Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Survey of wiring diagrams of mixture formation ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 111, 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97, 611 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
Wiring diagram of acceleration slip regulation (ASR) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606, 611 as of 1.3.97 with CODE (471a) Acceleration slip regulation (ASR)
Drain/fill in coolant Engine 602.984/985 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 900.9 in model 668, 670 Engine 904.904/961 in model 670 Engine 904.908/914/923/936/955/964 in model 668, 670
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 111, 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97, 611 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
Legend of wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 611 up to 31.5.99
Cut out windows with roll out MODEL 374.502/523/551/554/557/584 with BODY 374.860 MODEL 374.602/651/655/682/685 with BODY 374.870 MODEL 374.607/691/695 with BODY 944.890 MODEL 375.1 with BODY …
4100 – Removing and Installing Fuel Tank Model 124 Station wagon with Engine 602.96 603.96/97
Wiring diagram of starter alternator ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97 in MODEL 210
Wiring diagram data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 606 as of 1.3.97 except CODE (491) U.S. version MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99
Preparing windshield opening for windshield installation MODEL 374.502/523/551/554/557/584 with BODY 374.860 MODEL 374.602/651/655/682/685 with BODY 374.870 MODEL 374.607/691/695 with BODY 944.890 MODEL 375.1 with BODY …
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: ARA Vehicles only with manual transmission and air condtioner as of 1988 Engine 602 in model
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: ARA Vehicles only with manual transmission without air condtioner as of 1988 Engine 602 in …
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 111.979/984 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 601.943, 602.980 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 602.984/985 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 611.981/987 in model 901, 902, 903, …
Legend for wiring diagram of stationary heater (STH) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 602, 605, 606 as of 1.6.98, 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 with CODE (228) Stationary heater
Legend of wiring diagram of starter alternator ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97 in MODEL 210
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation USA Model years 1987 and 1988 Engine 602 in model 201
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation with manual trans. A as of Model year 1989 Engine 602 in model 124
Install windshield MODEL 374.502/523/551/554/557/584 with BODY 374.860 MODEL 374.602/651/655/682/685 with BODY 374.870 MODEL 374.607/691/695 with BODY 944.890 MODEL 375.1 with BODY …
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: ARA Vehicles only with manual transmission and air condtioner as of 1988 Engine 602 in model 2
0020 – Function of the emission control system Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for deviations see introductory .
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: ARA Vehicles only with manual transmission witout air condtioner as of 1988 Engine 602 in …
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector / diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 606 as of 1.3.97 except CODE (491) U.S. version MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99
Legend for wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC) / display instruments / warning devices MODEL 210 with ENGINE 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 606 as of 1.3.97
6022 – Removal and installation of circulating pump Model 129 with auxiliary heating
Survey of wiring diagrams electrical system engine ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Wiring diagram stationary heater MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 as of 1.6.98, 611 up to 31.5.99
Prepare windshield for glazing MODEL 374.502/523/551/554/557/584 with BODY 374.860 MODEL 374.602/651/655/682/685 with BODY 374.870 MODEL 374.607/691/695 with BODY 944.890 MODEL 375.1 with BODY …
Legend for wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC) / display instruments / warning devices MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 604, 605 as of 1.6.96 up to 28.2.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97
Wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602 as of 1.3.97 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control
1310 – Removal and installation of the charge air pipe Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO Model 463.3: for deviations see …
Wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC)/ gages/ warning systems MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 604, 605 as of 1.6.96 up to 28.2.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation USA Model year 1989 Engine 602 in model 201
0705 – Function of Preglow System Engine 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for deviations see introductory notes)
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602 up to 28.2.97 in MODEL 210
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation with auto. trans. A Ch and S as of Model year 1989 Engine 602 with ..
4100 – Removing and Installing Fuel Tank Model 124 Sedan with Engine 602.96 603.96
0231 – Checking the injection nozzle A. Facet-type pintle nozzle B. Hole-type pintle nozzle Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note …
0240 – Removal and installation of the injection timing device Engines 601 602.91 603.91 (note deviations for off-road vehicles)
Legend for wiring diagram of relay module (K40) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606
Wiring diagram relay module (K40) MODEL 210 up to 28.2.97 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606
3900 – Removal and installation of the exhaust manifold Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for deviations see …
Wiring diagram of stationary heater (STH) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 602, 605, 606 as of 1.6.98, 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 with CODE (228) Stationary heater
0400 – Electrical wiring diagram: Exhaust gas recirculation with auto. trans. A CH and S as of Model year 1989 Engine 602 with .
0001 – Survey of engines and models Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0312 – Removing and installing viscous fan coupling Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0010 – Draining and filling system with coolant Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0430 – Testing cooling system cap Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0425 – Removing and installing adjusting fan shroud Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0420 – Removing and installing radiator Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0017 – Testing cooling system for leaks Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
0210 – Removing and installing coolant pump and coolant pump housing Engines 602 603 in Models 461 463
Remove/install oil pressure relief valve ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Replacing timing chain ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Remove/install end cover ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0005 – Technical data Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Machine valve seat rings ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
0070.11 – Engine – Checking the nuts and bolts for tightness Re-tightening according to condition Engines 102 601 602
0910 – Oil bath air cleaner Checking and correction of the oil level Engines M 102 OM 364 OM 601 602 616
Tightening conrod bolts ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Remove/install oil pump ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
0016 – Removal of oil from cooling and heating system Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Adjustment of modulating pressure with non-adjustable cap TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Bleed clutch operating system ENGINES 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904, 905 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install oil filter housing ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210
Replacing the air cleaner element ENGINE 602 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 904 in MODEL 668, 670 ENGINE 900.9 in MODEL 668, 670
Checking cylinder head bolts ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Belt pulley/vibration damper as-built configuration ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604.910 as of 1.9.94
Legend of wiring diagram automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 902.461 ## as of 757733, 903.462 ## as of 757703, 903.462 ## as of 757715 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatik-Getriebe W4A028
6020 – Removal and installation of the turbocharger Engines OM 364 366 LA EURO II
Removing and installing grooved ball bearing of crankshaft ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install automatic transmission oil pan TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
2292 – Unloading the engine mounts Transporter T1 (models 601 602 611) Transporter T2 new (model 667)
Remove/install engine ENGINES 602.983 in MODEL 461
Sealing main oil gallery at rear of crankcase ENGINE 601, 602
Assembly plate for freewheel inner race MODEL 124, 129, 140, 210 with TRANSMISSION 722.5 MODEL 460, 461, 463 with TRANSMISSION 722.3 MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904, 601, 602 with TRANSMISSION 722.3
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with CODE (E28) Additional battery, 12V/88Ah with CODE (E36) Isolating relay with CODE (M35) Generator 14 V / 115 A
0005 – Technical data HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
0005 – General: Technical data Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 601 602
Removing and installing the generator poly-V-pulley ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Unscrew / screw on engine fasteners ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
1010 – Leak test of cooling system Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Removing installing cylinder head cover ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
0004 – General: Special tools T1 models 601 602 611
0901 – Oil bath air cleaner Oil change cleaning filter Engines M 102 OM 364 OM 601 602 616
5630 – Removal and installation of viscous-fan clutch Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Removing and installing retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Oil filter bypass valve position/function ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
Remove/install poly-V belt tensioning device ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Removing and installing oil filter housing ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Installing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Detach/attach connections at turbocharger ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Adjustment of modulating pressure with an adjustable cap TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Measure crankshaft and remount in bearings ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Adjusting throttle control for idle speed ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Disconnecting electrical connections on engine ENGINE 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0008 – Function diagram of hydraulic system and pressure build up ABS Models 601 602 611 667 668 669 670 T1 and T2
0101.22 – Engine – Oil and filter change Engines 601 602 Transporter T1
1202 – Removal and installation of poly V-belt Engines 601.940/941 602.940
7000 – Removing and Installing Fuel Gauge Sending Unit Engines 602.96 603.96 in Model 124 Station wagon
Removing and installing starter lockout switch on automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Legend for electric wiring diagram of transfer case MODEL 903.###, 904.### ## as of 924931 as of 6.5.99 with ENGINE 111.979, 602.980 with CODE (ZG3) Reduction ratio for all-wheel drive
Removing and installing engine with removal fixture ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.### ## as of 745168 as of 6.10.97 with CODE (MS5) Low pollution engine according to EC category 2 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA25′
Detaching attaching selector lever control cable at transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Removing installing tensioning rail ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4## ## as of 745168 as of 6.10.97 with CODE (MS5) Low pollution engine according to EC category 2 Control module designation MSA25
Loosening and tightening regulation for camshaft bearing caps Engine 601.942/943/970, 602.980/983/984/985 Engine 602
Remove/install radiator unit with front end ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Wiring diagram of interior lights MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (LD6) Pushbutton switch system for interior lighting with CODE (LD7) Transistorized dome lights in interior with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
Survey of wiring diagrams of mixture formation ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
1010 – A. Adjusting Accelerator Control Linkage Engine 602.96 in Models 124 201
Removing and installing oil pan ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove oil from cooling and heating system Engine 602.982, 604, 605 Engine 606 (except 606.964)
0325 – Removal installation and adjustment of Bowden cable A. Models 124 201 B. Model 202 Engines 601 602.91 603.91
0050 – Function of the trap oxidizer (USA) Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for deviations see introductory notes
0050 – Adjustment of the brakes T1 models 601 602 611
0004 – General: Special tools Front axle AL 3/6 D-6 (model 731.602/636/637/638/639/640/641/642/647/649)
6020 – Removal and installation of the turbocharger Engines OM 364 366 366 A/LA EURO I
0115 – Modifications to the oil filter Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Firing order ENGINE 111, 601, 602
0003 – Cross-sections Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0002 – Installation overview Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Replacing valve guide ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Bolt plan for timing case cover ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0003 – General: Illustrations and sectional views Front axle AL 3/6 D-6 (model 731.602/636/637/638/639/640/641/642/647/649)
Remove/install piston ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Removing the spring and its relative lever ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove injection lines ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Chamfer cylinder bores ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Remove/install radiator ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0006 – Coolant system diagrams and thermostat Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Remove/install turbocharger ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
0007 – Design and function of ABS T1/T2 model 601 602 611 667 668 669 670
0001 – Additional designations for models and components Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with CODE (E28) Additional battery, 12V/88Ah with CODE (E36) Isolating relay
Raise engine ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Boring and honing cylinder bores ENGINES 601.943, 602.980/ 984/ 985
Removing installing hydraulic valve clearance compensation elements (bucket tappets) ENGINE 602.982 /983
Adjusting starter lockout switch on automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Piston design ENGINE 602.981 /982
1051 – Removal and Installation of Air Cleaner A. Engines 602.96 603.96/97 in Models 124 126
Survey of wiring diagrams of electrical systems – engine ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Check clutch drive plate for lateral runout ENGINE 601.943 in MODELS 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 ENGINE 111.979 in MODELS 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 ENGINE 602.984 in …
0002 – Installation overview Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Check oil pressure ENGINE 601.943, 602.980
Removing and installing glow plugs ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Removing and engine installing coolant thermostat ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606 / (except , 606.964)
Disconnecting and connecting electric cables on distributor injection pump ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
1051 – Removal and Installation of Air Cleaner B. Engine 602.96 in Model 201
Adapting driver of distributor injection pump ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Wiring diagram of data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979 MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 with ENGINE 601.943 MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
3402 – Removal adjustment and installation of Bowden cable Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3 : for deviations …
Removing and installing oil pan ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210
Checking valve guides ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Tightening diagram of cylinder head bolts ENGINE 601, 602, 603
Removing and installing control pressure cable TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Timing chain drive arrangement ENGINE 601, 602, 603
Set start of injection with HHT ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
6810 – Removal and installation of the injection nozzle Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO in Models 124 126 140 201
Remove/install intermediate flange ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
2163 – Removal and installation of coolant pump housing Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Replace fuel filter ENGINE 601.942 /970 in MODEL 638 ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 /985 in MODEL 667, 668, 670
Survey of electric wiring diagrams of transfer case MODEL 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979 MODEL 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
Hydraulic valve clearance compensation elements design ENGINE 602.981 /982 /983
0004 – Special tools Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Remove/install engine ENGINES 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Measure gap clearance of piston rings ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Replace valve seat rings ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Removing and installing radiator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Disconnecting and connecting hydraulic lines on power steering pump STEERING 763.100 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 STEERING 763.100 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINE 111.984
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## up to 524681 up to 30.6.95 Control module designation MSA15
Removing and installing viscous fan clutch ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Adjusting turbocharger vacuum unit ENGINE 602.980
Remove/install front engine mounts and/or engine support ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Installing rear crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Wiring diagram of air conditioning MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (H06) Air conditioning with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply AC compressor designation 7SB16C
Removing dismantling assembling and installing secondary pump TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
0003 – Cross-sections HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
Modified parallel key (metal version) for hub at crankshaft ENGINE 602.982, 604.910 /912 as of 1.1.96, 604.912 /915 /917 as of 1.6.96, 605.910 /911 /912 as of 1.6.95, 605.960 as of 1.6.96, 606.910 /912 as of 1.6.95, 606.961 as of 1.6.96
0002 – Installation overview HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
Adjusting throttle control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904
7000 – Removing and Installing Fuel Gauge Sending Unit Engines 602.96 603.96 in Models 124 Sedan 201
Replacing timing chain ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0110 – Removal and installation of the thermostat Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Installing centering device for injection pump chain gear ENGINE 602.980 /984 /985
Oil sump bolt diagram ENGINE 111, 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Removing and installing overflow tank ENGINE 602.96 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603.96 in MODEL 124
Legend for electric wiring diagram of transfer case MODEL 903.###, 904.### ## as of 936700 as of 10.6.99 with ENGINE 111.979, 602.980 with CODE (ZG2) Permanent all-wheel drive
Detaching and attaching pulse generator on transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 614659 up to 784967 as of 1.6.96 up to 9.2.98 Control module designation MSA25
Checking vacuum control on automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODELS 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION 722.332 in MODELS 903.462/463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (ZB2) FedEx …
0005 – Technical data Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Wiring diagram of automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## up to 509900 up to 7.4.95 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Legend of wiring diagram automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.332 in MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission W4A028 with CODE (GS4) Pushbutton selection for automatic transmission …
Removing and installing slave cylinder ENGINE 111, 601, 602 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Adjustment of control pressure cable ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with TRANSMISSION 722.375 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 784968 as of 10.2.98 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA25′
Check/face-grind cylinder head contact surfaces ENGINES 602.980 /982 /984 /985
0220 – Adjustment of the engine stop Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0002 – General: Installation overview Brake system T1 models 601 602 611
Widening cylinder bore in crankcase ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Remove/install vacuum control valve TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION 722.332 in MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (ZB2) FedEx package
Removing front section of exhaust system ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install engine with removal fixture ENGINE 111 in MODEL 208 ENGINE 111, 602.982, 604, 605, 606 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
0005 – Technical data Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Remove/install chain tensioner ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Legend of wiring diagram automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## up to 509900 up to 7.4.95 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatik-Getriebe W4A028
Replacing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
1351 – Poly V-belts Check condition Engines 102.945/946 601 602
Remove/install nozzle holder ENGINES 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0005 – Technical data Engines 601.940/941 602.940
0004 – Vehicle features Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO
Bleeding clutch control with bleeder unit ENGINE 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
0006 – General description: Jacking up the vehicle Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 601 602 611
Oil pan bolt diagram ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
2302 – Removing and installing front end center piece T1 models 601 602 611
1290 – Removal and installation of coolant pump Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Removing installing EGR valve with corrugated pipe ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Removing and installing helical gear of centrifugal governor TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Replace rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINES 602.980, 601.943 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Oil pressure sensor position/function ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except 601.913, 602.982)
Remove/install the turbocharger vacuum cell ENGINE 602.980
Remove/install end cover ENGINES 111, 602.982 /983 /, 604, 605, 606
Cooling and heating system – checking condition of radiator lines and hoses MODEL 667, 668, 670 with ENGINE 602 MODEL 668, 670 with ENGINE 904 MODEL 668, 670 with ENGINE 900.9
Check cylinder head bolts Engine 111, 271, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606
Testing turbocharger vaccum unit ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Remove/install distributor injection pump Engine 602.980 in model 901, 902, 903, 904
Removing/installing camshaft ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODELS 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODELS 668, 670
Removing and installing valve springs and valve stem seals ENGINE 601 /943, 602 /983 /980 /984 /985, 603
Removing and installing oil spray nozzles (pistons) ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 614659 up to 784967 as of 1.6.96 up to 9.2.98 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA25′
2200 – Removal and installation of wheel hub Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Removing and installing valve springs and/or valve stem seals ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Detach front propeller shaft from transmission MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 602.980, 601.943
Replace V-ribbed belt ENGINE 104.900, 111.948 /978, 601.942 /970 in MODEL 638 (except 638.09 /19 /29) ENGINE 111.979 /984, 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Connecting compression tester ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Removing and installing kickdown solenoid valve TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Timing chain with modified center plate ENGINE 601.943 #0 as of 465693 as of 1.8.95, 602.980 #0 as of 001914 as of 1.3.95, 602.980 #2 as of 000026 as of 1.3.95
Remove/install oil pan ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904
0130 – Removal and installation of rear axle shaft HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
0780.21 – Replacement of fuel filter Engines 601 602 616 (616.910 from engine end no. 046821) 617
Replace core plugs in crankcase ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 602.980 MODEL 667, 668, 670 with ENGINE 602.984 MODEL 668, 670 with ENGINE 602.985
Disconnecting and connecting connectors on cylinder head ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Legend of wiring diagram roof fan MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
1010 – C. Adjusting Accelerator Control Linkage Engines 602.96/97 in Model 126
Risk of injury from fingers being pinched and jammed at clutch pedal which snapsclosed or open Model 901, 902, 903, 904 with engine 111, 602 except code G40 (Automatic transmission)
Removing/installing the chain tensioner ENGINE 602.984 in MODELS 667, 668, 670
Checking camshaft timing ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Removing and installing generator ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Knocking out inserting steel ball of main oil gallery ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Technical modifications: Engine overload protection exhaust gas turbocharger Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (model 463.3: .
Removing and installing starter ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Removing and installing oil spray nozzles (pistons) ENGINE 602.96, 603.96 /97
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 524682 up to 614658 as of 1.7.95 up to 31.5.96 Control module designation MSA15
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Wooden block for supporting engine MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 602 MODEL 902, 903, 904, 905 with ENGINE 612
Disconnecting electrical connections on engine ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667 ENGINE 602.984 /985 in MODEL 668, 670
Testing compression pressure ENGINE 602.980 in MODELS 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODELS 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODELS 668, 670
Removing pulley / vibration damper ENGINE 602.985
Checking cooling system for leaks ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Oil spray nozzles position/function ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
2080.10 – Replacement of coolant Engines 102 115 601 602 615 616 617
Removing/installing the chain tensioner ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670 with compressor
Removing and installing poly V-belt tensioning device ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Check modulating and working pressure TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
2081 – Replacement of the coolant and heating water hoses All models except those with engines 601 602 102.945/946 …
Measure valve setback to cylinder head ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Wiring diagram of automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 902.461 ## as of 757733, 903.462 ## as of 757703, 903.462 ## as of 757715 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission W4A028
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## up to 524681 up to 30.6.95 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA15′
Arrangement and assignment of terminal blocks – data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979 MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 with ENGINE 601.943 MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
Checking oil level in automatic transmission and correcting if necessary TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Wiring diagram of CAN bus – engine MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 with ENGINE 601.943 MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
General information for appraising wear on clutch disks ENGINE 111, 601, 602 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 614659 as of 1.6.96 Control module designation MSA25
Removing and installing vacuum unit TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Removing/installing crankshaft sprocket ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
6023 – Removal and installation of the oil pump Engines OM 364 366 A/LA
0011 – General: notes Front axle AL 3/6 D-6 (model 731.602/636/637/638/639/640/641/642/647/649)
Checking regulating valve for ease of movement TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Legend for wiring diagram of central locking (CL) MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (FZ0) Central locking with master key with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
Adjusting modulating pressure of automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
7501 – Checking frame alignment Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
Cranking engine with starter ENGINE 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 614659 as of 1.6.96 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA25′
Setting selector lever control cable TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Wiring diagram of automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 509901 as of 10.4.95 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
0200 – Function of engine overload protection (not for engines with P2 control) Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO in Models 124
Legend for wiring diagram of air conditioning MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (H06) Air conditioning with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply Kältekompressor-Bezeichnung 7SB16C’
Bleed clutch operating system with brake system ENGINE 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904, 905 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Technical modifications: Diesel Injection system Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 784968 as of 10.2.98 Control module designation MSA25
Bleed fuel system Engine 457.9 in model 374.602/607/631/651/655/682/685/691/695 Engine 457.9 in model 375.4, 940, 942, 943, 944 Engine 541.9 in model 930, 932, 933, 934, 950, 952, 953, 954 Engine 542.9 …
Removing/installing camshaft ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Flushing out oil cooler with oil cooler pipe and torque converter TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
0007 – Key to code of injection pump type plate A. Key to code B. Location of components on injection pump Engines 602.96 …
Cylinder head bolts with higher tensile strength ENGINE 601.91, 602.91 up to 1.1.91, 602.96, 603.96 /97 up to 1.5.90
Arrangement and assignment of terminal blocks – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
0004 – Special tools HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
Measure end clearance of piston rings ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Mill off web tips between the cylinders ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Disconnecting connecting fuel pipes at engine ENGINE 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Replacing rear crankshaft radial seal ENGINES 111, 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
0009 – Repair notes HL 0/1 0/2 (model 741.4) Transporter T1 Models 601 602
Arrangement and assignment of plug connections datalink connector/diagnosis socket MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979 MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 with ENGINE 601.943 MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
Remove/install compressor ENGINE 602.985, 904.908 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670
Removing and installing centrifugal governor TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Disconnecting connecting engine wiring harness ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Check connecting rod bolts ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Mount crankshaft axially ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Legend for wiring diagram of CAN bus – engine MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 601.943, 602.980
Removing and installing engine with removal fixture ENGINE 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Removing and installing belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Remove install air cleaner housing ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985, 904.908 /914 /923 /936 in MODEL 668, 670 ENGINE 904.904 in MODEL 670
0005 – General: Technical data T1 models 601 602 611
Removing and installing torque converter TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINES 602.983 in MODEL 461
Removing and installing oil filter housing ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Vibration damper with unhardened contact surface for radial seal ENGINE 602.982 #0 as of 026411, 602.982 #2 as of 027454, 605.912 #0 as of 011805, 605.912 #2 as of 002950, 605.960 #0 as of 032799, 605.960 #2 as of 021611, 605.962 #0 as of 002042, …
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Wiring diagram of automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.332 in MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (GS4) Pushbutton selection for automatic transmission with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission W4A028 …
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 602.985
Test valve springs ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Detaching attaching torque converter from driver TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Remove/install transmission with torque converter ENGINES 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with TRANSMISSION 722.330 ENGINES 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with TRANSMISSION 722.375 ENGINES 111.979 in …
Removing and installing rotary shaft seal on front transmission cover TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Removing and installing viscous fan clutch ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Removing bolts for intake noise muffler ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Vacuum pump design ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
3050 – Engine control linkage Checking for easy operation and wear Engines 102 115 601 602 615 616 617
0005 – Technical data Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Wiring diagram roof fan MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
Remove/install clutch ENGINE 601.943 in MODELS 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 ENGINE 111.979 in MODELS 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 602.980 in MODELS 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 ENGINE 602.984 in …
0002 – General: Installation overview Front axle AL 3/6 D-6 (model 731.602/636/637/638/639/640/641/642/647/649)
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Removing and installing flywheel ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Checking hardness of cylinder head contact surface ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985 /982
Mount crankshaft radially in bearings ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Remove/install oil filter housing ENGINE 601 in MODEL 124, 201, 202 ENGINE 602 in MODEL 124, 201 ENGINE 603 in MODEL 124, 126, 140
Installing rear crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 111, 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Installing cylinder liner ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
0009 – Important notes on repair work malfunctions ABS Models 601 602 611 667 668 669 670 T1 and T2
Adjusting throttle control for wide open throttle ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with TRANSMISSION 711.603 /612
Replacing valve stem seals ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Checking hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Remove/install engine mounts on driver side ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 …
Disconnecting and connecting connectors on automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
3865 – Removal and installation of radiator Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Disconnecting and connecting hydraulic lines at power steering pump STEERING 763.100 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 602.980, 601.943
Removing slide rail bolts on cylinder head ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461 ENGINE 601, 602, …
2470 – Removal and installation of thermostat Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Removing installing mixing housing with EGR valve ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Installing slide rail in timing case cover ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /983 /984 /985
Oil overpressure valve position/function ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
6020 – Removal and installation of the turbocharger Engines OM 364 366 A/LA
Remove/install master cylinder ENGINE 111.979 in MODELS 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 601.943 in MODELS 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 ENGINE 602.980 in MODELS 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 ENGINE 111.984, …
0003 – General: Exploded view of the Perrot brake caliper T1 models 601 602 611
0215 – Removal and installation of the front engine stop Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Check poly-V belt for wear and damage ENGINE 602.984 /985 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 904.904 /961 in MODEL 670 ENGINES 904.908 /914 /923 /936 /955 /964 in MODEL 668, 670 ENGINES 900.917 /918 /919 in MODEL …
Legend for wiring diagram of interior lights MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (LD6) Pushbutton switch system for interior lighting with CODE (LD7) Transistorized dome lights in interior with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
Check cylinders for leaks Engine 602.980 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 602.984 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 602.985 in model 668, 670
Removing and installing radial shaft seal of intermediate flange ENGINE 602.980 /984 /985
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 828420 as of 14.7.98 with CODE (ML9) EURO 2 engine
Remove/install crankshaft Engine 601.943, 602.980/982/983/984/985
Wiring diagram of central locking (CL) MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (FZ0) Central locking with master key with CODE (ZB2) Fedex supply
Check machine valves ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
0437 – Removal and installation of the pressure oil pump drive Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
0002 – List of models and components Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO
Removing/installing piston rings ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Wiring diagram – diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## as of 828420 as of 14.7.98 with CODE (ML9) EURO 2 engine
5030 – Removal and installation of alternator Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Round bar for knocking steel ball out of main oil gallery MODEL 124 with ENGINE 605, 606 MODEL 202 with ENGINE 604, 605, 611 MODEL 408 with ENGINE 602 MODEL 463 with ENGINE 606, 612.965 MODEL 461 with ENGINE 602, 612.966 …
Adjusting throttle control for wide open throttle ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with TRANSMISSION 722.375 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Remove the pulley / vibration damper ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Tightening diagram of cylinder head bolts ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670 ENGINE 602.983 in MODEL 461
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463 …
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4##, 902.4##, 903.4##, 904.4## ## up to 614658 up to 31.5.96 Control module designation MSA15
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINES 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0045 – Replacement of the brake linings Front axle AL 3/6 D-6 (model 731.602/636/637/638/639/640/641/642/647/649)
0004 – General: Special tools Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 601 602
Legend of wiring diagram automatic transmission (AT) TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 509901 as of 10.4.95 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (G40) Automatik-Getriebe W4A028
Removing and installing nozzle holder ENGINE 602.980 /984 /985
1142 – Draining and adding coolant Anti-freeze protection table Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980
0753 – Fuel prefilter Checking replacement Engines 601 602 615 616 617
Cranking engine with starter ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Removing installing cylinder head cover ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Align conrod ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Check regulator pressure TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Checking clutch disk for wear when installed ENGINE 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4
Replacing valve guides ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Replace steel ball with plug ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Legend for electric wiring diagram of transfer case MODEL 903.###, 904.### ## as of 668218 as of 15.1.97 with ENGINE 111.979, 602.980 with CODE (ZG1) Engageable all-wheel drive
Removing and installing slide rail in timing case cover ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Test cooling system cap ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Remove/install engine ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Disconnecting connecting engine wiring harness ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Arrangement and assignment of plug connections diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980
Replace steel ball with plug ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Seal output flange TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
0006 – General description: Brake system T1 models 601 602 611
Knocking out inserting steel ball of main oil gallery ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## up to 614658 up to 31.5.96 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA15′
Adjust vacuum control for automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION 722.332 in MODEL 903.462 /463 with ENGINE 602.980 with CODE (ZB2) FedEx package
Survey of wiring diagrams covering all function groups MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3, 904.3 with ENGINE 601 MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINES 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 602.984 in MODELS 667, 668, 670 ENGINES 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
3350 – Wheel hubs of the front axle Replacement of grease checking the tapered roller-bearings Transporter T1 models 601 602
Remove/install feed line return line and oil filler pipe TRANSMISSION 722.330 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 with ENGINE 601.943 TRANSMISSION 722.375 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 TRANSMISSION …
Basic setting of distributor-type injection pump ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Measure cylinder bores ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Center drive plate ENGINE 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 ENGINE 611.987 /981, …
Replace front crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 604, 605 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 602.982, 604, 605, 606.912 /962 in MODEL 210 ENGINE 606.964 in MODEL 463 …
0210 – Removal and installation of the oil pump Engines 601 602 (except 602.98) 603
1200 – Checking condition of poly V-belt Engines 601.940/941 602.940
0761 – Adjustment of start of delivery Engines 601 602 (with exhaust-gas re-circulation)
6020 – Removal and installation of the exhaust gas turbocharger Engines 602.96 603.96/97 TURBO (Model 463.3: for deviations
Measure piston projection ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Removing and installing power steering pump STEERING 765.841 with ENGINE 602.985
Remove/install intake manifold ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove cylinder liner ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Removing installing hydraulic valve clearance compensation elements (bucket tappets) ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /984 /985
Remove/install oil pan ENGINES 606.964 in MODEL 463 ENGINES 602.983 in MODEL 461
2805 – Disassembly and assembly of wheel hub Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0004 – Special tools Engines 601.940/941 602.940
Press-fitting new conrod bush ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Removing/installing crankshaft gear ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /983 /984 /985
Slackening diagram for cylinder head bolts ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
0006 – General description of ABS A. General B. Driving with ABS T1/T2 model 601 602 611 667 668 669 670
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210 ENGINES 602.983 in MODEL 461
7501 – Vertical parallelism of frame side members Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
Disconnecting connecting engine wiring harness ENGINE 602.982 in MODEL 210
Arrangement and assignment of plug connections automatic transmission (AT) MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 with ENGINE 111.979 with TRANSMISSION 722.376 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 with ENGINE 602.980 …
7501 – Checking frame width Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
Legend for wiring diagram of auxiliary heater (ZHE) MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 111.979, 602.980 with CODE (H12) Warmwasser-Zusatzheizung with CODE (H86) Vorwahlzeituhr für Zusatzheizung Heizgerät-Bezeichnung B5WS, …
0760 – Checking start of delivery Engines 601 602 (with exhaust-gas re-circulation)
Test injection nozzles ENGINE 602.980 /984 /985
Remove/install oil pump ENGINE 602.982 /983, 604, 605, 606 /
Check/repair connecting rod ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Machining crankcase contact surface ENGINES 601.943, 602.980 /982 /984 /985
Connecting recording-type compression tester ENGINE 111.979, 602.980, 601.943 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904
Remove/install engine ENGINES 602.982 in MODEL 210
Legend for wiring diagram of diesel injection system with distributor pump (DFI) and electronic control ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.###, 902.###, 903.###, 904.### ## as of 524682 up to 614658 as of 1.7.95 up to 31.5.96 Steuergerät-Bezeichnung MSA15′
Measuring camshaft timing ENGINE 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 602.984 in MODEL 667, 668, 670 ENGINE 602.985 in MODEL 668, 670
Oil filter position/task/design/function ENGINE 601, 602, 603 (except , 602.982)
0050 – Function of exhaust gas turbocharger: Engines 602.96 603.96 603.971 TURBO in Models 124 126 140 201 (model …

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