Adjust basic clearance for parking brake MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 MODEL 900.63 MODEL 901, 902, 903, 906.11 /13 /21 /23 /61 /63 /71 /73
Connecting compression tester ENGINE 111, 604, 605, 606, 611.961, 612, 613.961 in MODEL 210
Overview of service intervals for diesel engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 640, 642, 646, 647, 648, 651, 654, 660 Engine 612, 628, 642 in model 463
Connecting compression tester ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194
Remove/install pre-catalytic converter (close to engine) ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINE 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINE 612.967 in MODEL 209.316
Visual alarm function MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Remove/install oil filler pipe Transmission 722.6/610/611/630/637/638/645
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINES 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINES 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINES 612.961 in MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 ENGINES 613.961 in MODEL 210.026 /226 ENGINES 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINES 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINES 612.967 in MODEL 209.316 ENGINES 612.990 in MODEL 203.018 /218 /718
Suction off engine oil Engine 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 119, 120, 133, 137, 157, 166, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 (except 275.981/983), 276, 278, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, …
Parktronic system (PTS) function MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
Risk of injury caused by scraping or cutting body parts on sharp vehicle parts Model 601, 602, 606, 611, 690, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910 Model 903 (except 903.662) Model 903.662 except code Z29 (James Cook touring camper, NAFTA) except code …
Battery-operated horn component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FY1) ATA 2 with interior …
Parktronic system (PTS) location of components MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
000 588 03 31 00 Assembly device Engine 104, 111, 601, 611 in model 638 Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651, 780 in model 639 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 274 in model 448 Engine 274, 622, 651 in model 447 …
Self-test function MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
Check engine oil level with special tool Engine 611
Interior protection sensor component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ4) Anti-theft alarm system with interior protection and center towing sensor MODEL 906.611 …
Forward travel function MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
Warning indicator component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS) rear recording area
Notes on injectors ENGINE 607, 611.960/961/962, 612.961/962/963/967/990, 613.960/961, 628.960/961/963, 629, 640, 642, 646.8/951/961/962/963/966, 647.961, 648.960/961, 651, 668.940/941/942 ENGINE …
Tension poly V-belt ENGINE 611.981 /987, 612.981, 611.983
Front SAM control unit with fuse and relay module component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735
Check shock absorbers for damage Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
Adjusting shift rod TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 129, 140, 163, 170, 202, 208, 210 TRANSMISSION 722.610 in MODEL 463.209 /232 /233 TRANSMISSION 722.611 in MODEL 463.308 /330 /331 …
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft / ring gear 14.2.12 ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINE 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINE 612.967 in MODEL 209.316 ENGINE 612.990 in MODEL 203.018 /218 /718 ENGINE 646.951 in MODEL 211.004 ENGINE 646.961 in MODEL 211.006 /206 /606 ENGINE 647.961 in MODEL 211.016 /216 /616 ENGINE 648.961 in MODEL 211.023 /026 /223 /226 ENGINE 646.962 in MODEL 203.007 /207 /707 ENGINE 646.963 in MODEL 203.008 /208 /708 ENGINE 646.966 in MODEL 209.308 ENGINE 646.8 in MODEL 211, 204
Trigger anti-theft alarm system function MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Remove/install starter ENGINES 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /204 /006 /206 /706 ENGINES 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINES 612.967 in MODEL 209.316 ENGINES 612.990 in MODEL 203.018 /218 /718
Driver-side front door control unit component description MODEL 906.111/113/131/133/135/153/155/211/213/231/233/235/253/255/611/613/631/633/635/637/653/655/657/711/713/731/733/735
Inspect bolts for flywheel/driven plate ENGINE 111, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613
Notes on engine oil Engine 104.900, 111, 601, 611 in model 638 Engine 111, 601, 602, 611 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 112.951/976, 272.978, 642.89/99, 646.98, 651.94 in model 639 Engine 200, 607, …
Outside mirror adjustment switch component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (F68) Heated and …
Check main circuit coolant level 24.02.2015 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612, 642, 646 in MODEL 203 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 212 156, 157, 272, 273, 276, 278, 629, 642, 651 in MODEL 221 156, 157, 273, 278 in MODEL 216 156, 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 204 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 218 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 207 273, 629, 642 in MODEL 164.8 275 in MODEL 216, 221 Main circuit
Heated rear window component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (H22) Heated rear window MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 …
Fill power steering pump and bleed MODEL 170, 202, 208 with ENGINE 111 MODEL 129, 140 with ENGINE 104, 119, 120 MODEL 202 with ENGINE 604, 605, 611 MODEL 140 with ENGINE 606
Replace oil filter element Engine 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/987 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 602.984/985 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 611.983 in model 690.6, 903, 904 Engine 642.890/990 in model 639 Engine 646.980 in model 636 Engine 646.980/981/982/983 in model 639 Engine 647.981 in model 903.61/66/67, 904.61/66 with code ZU7 (National version for Canada) Engine 647.981 in model 903.61/66/67, 904.61/66 with code ZU8 (National version for USA) Engine 651.940 in model 636, 639
Running diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 611.981 /983 /987, 612.981, 647.981
Remove/install poly-V belt 15.2.12 ENGINES 611.981 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODELS 690.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 611.987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Correct oil level in air conditioning system when replacing AC compressor Engine 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612 in model 203 with code 580 (Air-conditioning system) Engine 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612 in model 203 with code 581 (Automatic air conditioning) Engine …
Warning indicator component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS) front recording area
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Running diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /990, 613.960 /961 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) …
Interior protection sensor component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ4) Anti-theft alarm …
Crank engine with starter ENGINE 611.960 in MODELS 202.134 /133 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODELS 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 611.962 in MODELS 203.706 /204 /206 /006 /004 ENGINE 612.961 in …
Remove/install propeller shaft MODEL 901.061 /3 /4 /61 /62 /661 /67, 902.011 /061 /071 /3 /411 /611 /62 /661 /671, 903.011 /061 /071 /311 /312 /322 /361 /362 /371 /372 /411 /412 /422 /461 /462 /471 /472 /611 /621 /661 …
Inspect cooling system for leaks 23.3.06 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 611, 612, 646 in MODEL 203 ENGINE 112 in MODEL 170 ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 612, 646 in MODEL 209 ENGINE 271 in MODEL 211 ENGINE 113.989 in MODEL 171.473 ENGINE 646.8 in MODEL 211
Overview – Check engine oil level Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 137, 139, 152, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 285, 607, 608, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, …
Notes on the assessment of pistons and piston rings Engine 607, 608, 611, 612, 613, 622, 626, 628, 629, 639, 640, 642, 646, 647, 648, 651, 654, 656, 668, 699
Deactivate anti-theft alarm system function MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Table of contents for function description of anti-theft alarm system (ATA) MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Sensors component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS) sensors in rear area
General information on inspecting cylinder walls Engine 111, 122, 132.9, 134, 135, 160.9, 200, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 274, 276.9, 281, 282, 602, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 611, 612, 613, 622, 626, 628, 629, 639, 640, 646, 647, 648, 651, …
Assign crankshaft bearing shells ENGINE 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612 /965 /966, 613
Outside mirror adjustment motor component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (F68) Heated and …
Inspect cooling system for leaks 04.04.2019 Engine Engine Engine Engine 111, 120, 137, 285.950/980, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613, 628, 646.951/961, 647.961, 648.960/961 112 (except 112.912/916/946/947/953/955/960/961) 112.945, 113.962, 606.964, 612.965/966, 628.962 113 (except 113.963/968/987/988/990/991/992/995) Engine 271.941 Engine 275 (except 275.953/982) Engine 603.931 Engine 603.972
Signaling horn component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735
Bleed brake system with bleeder unit and with manual assistance MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904, 905 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS) MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 MODEL 690.6 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS)
Active service system (ASSYST) operating notes MODEL 129, 140, 170, 202 as of 1.6.97, 208 up to 31.7.99, 210 as of 1.3.97 up to 30.6.99 except engine 112/113/611
Overhead control panel (OCP [DBE]) control unit component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (LD0) Dome lamp with …
Mirror lens adjustment left/right outside mirror function MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (F68) Heated and …
Removing and installing exhaust system complete ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINE 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINE 612.967 in MODEL 209.316
Bleed brake system with bleeder unit MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904, 905 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS) MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 MODEL 690.6 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS)
Firing order Engine 111, 112, 113, 137, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611 Engine 112, 113, 273, 602, 606 in model 463 Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Check shock absorbers for leaks Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
Carry out distance and comparison measurements on rear axle MODEL 906.611 /631 /711 /731 /635 /735 /637
Remove/install fuel full-flow filter ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /963, 613.960 /961
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear 12.12.08 ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 612.961 in MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 ENGINE 612.963 in MODEL 163.113 ENGINE 612.965 in MODEL 463.322 /323 ENGINE 613.961 in MODEL 210.026 /226 ENGINE 613.960 in MODEL 220.026 ENGINE 612.966 in MODEL 461.302 /331 /332 /342 /345
Slacken poly V-blet ENGINE 611.981 /987, 612.981, 611.983
Risk of death caused by falling from vehicle roof. Risk of injury to other persons caused by falling objects during work in roof are Model 601, 602, 606, 611, 690, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910 Model 903 (except 903.662) Model 903.662 except code Z29 (James Cook touring camper, NAFTA) except code …
Overview of service intervals for diesel engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 640, 642, 646, 647, 648, 651, 654, 660 Engine 612, 628, 642 in model 463
Anti-theft alarm system (ATA [EDW]) function MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Interior protection sensor component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ4) Anti-theft alarm system with interior protection and rear towing sensor MODEL 906.611 /613 …
Sensors component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS) sensors in front area
Check engine oil level using on-board oil dipstick Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 152, 156, 157, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276.8/9, 278, 279, 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651
Adjusting accelerator control ENGINE 602.982, 604.###, 605.###, 606.91# #0 with TRANSMISSION 717.4 ENGINE 602.982, 604.###, 605.###, 606.91# /961 /962 #2, 611.961 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
Remove/install air filter 16.12.08 ENGINE 611.961 as of 1.7.99 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 612.961 in MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 ENGINE 612.963 in MODEL 163.113 ENGINE 613.961 in MODEL 210.026 /226 ENGINE 613.960 in MODEL 220.026 ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINE 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINE 612.967 in MODEL 209.316 ENGINE 612.990 in MODEL 203.018 /218 /718
Reversing function MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
Remove/install rear engine cross member ENGINE 611 in MODEL 901.6 with TRANSMISSION 716.643 ENGINE 611, 612 in MODEL 902.6 with TRANSMISSION 716.643 ENGINE 611, 612 in MODEL 903.6 with TRANSMISSION 716.643 ENGINE 611, 612 in MODEL 904.6 with TRANSMISSION 716.643
Removing and installing power steering pump MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINE 611.981 /987 MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 with ENGINE 612.981 MODEL 690.6 with ENGINE 611.983
Checking shock absorber Model 414, 415, 447, 448, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 909, 910
Remove/install transmission with torque converter TRANSMISSION 722.610 in MODEL 463.209 /232 /233 TRANSMISSION 722.611 in MODEL 463.308 /330 /331 TRANSMISSION 722.630 in MODEL 463.206 /240 /241
Drain/pour in coolant 03.04.2019 Engine 611.960 in model 202.133/134/193/194 Engine 611.961 in model 210.006/007/206/606 Engine 611.962 in model 203.004/006/204/206/706 Engine 612.961 in model 210.016/216/616 Engine 612.962 in model 203.016/216 Engine 612.967 in model 209.316 Engine 612.990 in model 203.018/218/718 Engine 613.960 in model 220.026/126 Engine 613.961 in model 210.026/226 Engine 628.960 in model 220.028/128 Engine 628.961 in model 211.028 Engine 628.963 in model 163.128 Engine 646.8 in model 211 Engine 646.951 in model 211.004 Engine 646.961 in model 211.006/206/606 Engine 646.962 in model 203 Engine 646.963 in model 203 Engine 646.966 in model 209 Engine 647.9 in model 211 Engine 648.9 in model 211 Engine 648.960 in model 220.025/125
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system Engine 111, 112, 113, 137, 166, 266 Engine 112, 113 Engine 611, 612, 613, 640, 646, 647, 648, 668 Engine 780 in model 169, 197, 242
Notes on fault causes during battery testing Model 374, 375 Model 414 Model 415, 447 Model 601, 602, 611 Model 636, 638, 639 Model 667, 668, 669, 670 Model 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 909 Model 907, 910 Model 930, 932, …
Pin for locking poly-V belt tensioning device MODEL 202.134 /194 /193 /133 with ENGINE 611.960 MODEL 210.206 /606 /007 /006 with ENGINE 611.961 MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 with ENGINE 612.961 MODEL 163.113 with ENGINE …
Check battery Model 374, 375, 405, 414, 437, 601, 602, 611, 636, 638, 639, 667, 668, 669, 670, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 909, 930, 932, 933, 934, 940, 942, 943, 944, 949, 950, 952, 953, 954, 956, …
Bleed brake system manually MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 /, 905 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS) MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 MODEL 690.6 with CODE (BB0) Antilock brake system (ABS)
Connect compression tester ENGINE 113 in MODEL 171 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612 in MODEL 203 ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 272, 273, 612, 156 in MODEL 209
Remove oil from cooling and heating system 09.06.2016 Engine 611.960 in model 202.133/134/193/194 Engine 611.961 in model 210.006/007/206/606 Engine 611.962 in model 203.004/006/204/206/706 Engine 612.961 in model 210.016/216/616 Engine 612.962 in model 203.016/216 Engine 612.963 in model 163.113 Engine 612.967 in model 209.316 Engine 612.990 in model 203.018/218/718 Engine 613.960 in model 220.026 Engine 613.961 in model 210.026/226 Engine 628.960 in model 220.028/128 Engine 628.961 in model 211.028 Engine 628.963 in model 163.128 Engine 646.8 in model 211 Engine 646.951 in model 211.004 Engine 646.961 in model 211.006/206/606 Engine 646.962 in model 203.007/207/707 Engine 646.963 in model 203.008/208/708 Engine 646.966 in model 209.308 Engine 647.961 in model 211.016/216/616 Engine 648.961 in model 211.023/026/223/226
Remove/install cylinder head cover trim ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 646.8 /951 /961 /962 /963 /966, 647.961
Parktronic system (PTS) control unit component description MODEL 906.611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (EZ8) Parktronic system (PTS)
ATA hood switch component description MODEL 906.111 /113 /131 /133 /135 /153 /155 /211 /213 /231 /233 /235 /253 /255 /611 /613 /631 /633 /635 /637 /653 /655 /657 /711 /713 /731 /733 /735 with CODE (FZ5) Anti-theft alarm …
Upper control panel control unit component description MODEL 906.111/113/131/133/135/153/155/211/213/231/233/235/253/255/611/613/631/633/635/637/653/655/657/711/713/731/733/735
Disconnect fuel lines from engine reconnect ENGINE 668.940 /941 /942 in MODEL 168 ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 …
Remove/install coolant thermostat ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 646.951 /961, 647.961, 648.961, 646.962 /963 /966
De-oil housing for radiator and heating system MODEL 202, 203, 210 with ENGINE 611 MODEL 163, 203, 209, 210 with ENGINE 612 MODEL 461, 463 with ENGINE 612 MODEL 210, 220 with ENGINE 613 MODEL 163, 211, 220 with …
0403 – Coolant circuit with diagram Auxiliary heater – A. Models 124.061124.0 to approx.09/92 (except 124.034/036) …
Slacken poly V-belt ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963, 613.961 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 …
Removing installing electric fan ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 612.961 in MODEL 210.016 /216 /616
Tension poly V-belt ENGINE 611.960 /961, 612.961 /963, 613.960 /961 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 …
Remove install poly V-belt ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Remove install electric shutoff valve ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.### ## up to 376148
Replace coolant Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Inspect machine valves Engine 611.960/961/962, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/990, 613.960/961, 646.951/961, 647.961, 648.961, 651
Removing and installing fuel filter ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.194 with CODE (KL5) Fuel filter with water separator
Remove/install injection lines of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Remove/install injection lines of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638
Remove/install exhaust plenum chamber ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) control module ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612 in MODEL 210 connectors 4 and 5
Remove/install poly-V belt guide ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638
Remove/install rail ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967, 613.960 /961
Wiring diagram of electronic stability program (ESP) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611, 612, 613 as of 1.6.99 with CODE (472a) Electronic stability program (ESP) Connector 1
Bleed low pressure fuel circuit ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINES 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606
Legend for wiring diagram of electronic stability program (ESP) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611, 612, 613 as of 1.6.99 with CODE (472a) Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Stecker 1
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) control module ENGINE 611 in MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with CODE (440a) Cruise control Engine compartment/frame-floor system wiring harnesses
Injector Classification ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /965 /966 /967 /990, 640
Wiring diagram of data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 202 as of 1.6.97 with ENGINE 604, 605 MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
Wiring diagram for telephone (TEL) MODEL 168 as of 1.12.99 with CODE (854) MB portable cellular telephone with portable CTEL Nokia 6110, with D2 bus
Rotate the engine from the front part of the crankshaft ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install front cover on cylinder head ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Remove/install slide rail in cylinder head ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 in MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with CODE (440a) Cruise control Leitungssätze Motorraum/Rahmen-Boden-Anlage’
Inspect cylinder head bolts ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 628.960 /961 /962 /963 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 ENGINE 611.981 /987, 612.981, …
Removing and installing air cleaner ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with ENGINE 611.980 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW) MODEL 638.094 /194 with ENGINE …
Legend for wiring diagram of acceleration slip regulation (ASR) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606, 611 as of 1.3.97 with CODE (471a) Acceleration Slip Regulation (ASR)
Wiring diagram of stationary heater (STH) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613 with CODE (228) Stationary heater with heater booster up to 31.05.00
Wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 202 as of 1.6.97 with ENGINE 604, 605 MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
4611 – Checking and correcting the power steering fluid level Model 107 from 8/85; 123; 124 129 140 up to 6/93; 126 from 9/85;
Remove/install turbocharger ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 KW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install intermediate gear of high-pressure pump ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control Stecker 1 – 3, mit elektrischem Zuheizer
Check/face-grind cylinder head contact surfaces ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966, 613.961 /960 ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE …
Legend for wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 as of 1.6.98, 611 up to 31.5.99
Wiring diagram data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613
Connect cylinder leakage testing unit Engine 607, 611.960/961/962/980, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/990, 613.960/961, 628.960/961/962/963, 642.884/970/975, 646.8/951/961/962/963/966, 647.961, 648.960/961 Engine 651 in …
Engine cooling system – check fluid level adjust to correct level. Inspect anticorrosion/antifreeze protection adjust to correct … Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Removing and installing mixing housing with exhaust gas recirculation ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 202 as of 1.6.97 with ENGINE 604, 605 MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector / diagnostic socket MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613
Stationary heater (STH) electrical wiring diagram legend MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613 with CODE (228) Stationary heater with heater booster
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612 in MODEL 210 Stecker 4 und 5
Removing installing fuel pump ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 CKA) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 CKA) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL …
Wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 611 up to 31.5.99
Remove/install front cover on cylinder head ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 KW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 in MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 Leitungssätze Motorblock’
Bleed low pressure fuel circuit ENGINE 611 in MODEL 202, 203, 210 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 163, 209, 210 ENGINE 612 (except 612.990) in MODEL 203 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 461, 463
Drain/fill in coolant Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Survey of wiring diagrams of mixture formation ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 with ENGINE 611.960 MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 with ENGINE 611.961 MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 with ENGINE 612.961 MODEL 463.322 /323 with …
Remove frozen fuel injectors ENGINE 611, 612, 613, 628, 646, 647, 648, 668
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 111, 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97, 611 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
Remove/install fuel heat exchanger ENGINE 611.960
Wiring diagram of acceleration slip regulation (ASR) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606, 611 as of 1.3.97 with CODE (471a) Acceleration slip regulation (ASR)
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) control module ENGINE 611 in MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 Engine block wiring harnesses
Remove/install drive shaft MODEL 638 with ENGINE 104.900, 111.948 /950 /978 /980, 601.942 /970, 611.980
Legend for wiring diagram of electronic stability program MODEL 208, 202 as of 1.8.99 with ENGINE 111 with CODE (472a) Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Fa. Teves MODEL 202 as of 1.8.99 with ENGINE 605, 611 with CODE (472a) Electronic …
Marking on camshaft bearing caps Engine 611, 646.8/951/961/962/963/966 Engine 611.981/987 Engine 612.981 in model 902 Engine 612.981 in model 903, 904 except code ZU7 (National version for Canada) except code ZU8 …
Remove install hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 646.8 /951 /961 /962 /963 /966, 647.961, 648.961
Survey of wiring diagrams of electric system – engine ENGINE 111, 112 as of 1.6.97 in MODEL 202, 208 ENGINE 604, 605 as of 1.6.97, 611 as of 1.12.97 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 113 as of 1.6.98 in MODEL 208
Remove/install intermediate gear of high-pressure pump ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control Leitungssätze Motorraum/Rahmen-Boden Anlage’
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 111, 112, 113 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97, 611 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with TRANSMISSION 722.6
Removing and installing poly V-belt ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Removing and installing starter ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 KW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend of wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613 except CODE (228) Stationary heater
Bleeding cooling system ENGINE 104.900, 111, 601, 611.980 in MODEL 638
Legend of wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602, 604, 605, 606 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 611 up to 31.5.99
Checking basic position of the camshafts ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Removing installing cylinder head cover ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend of wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 Leitungssätze Motorblock’
Removing installing trim panel of cylinder head cover ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Set basic position of camshafts ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Removing installing chain tensioner ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Wiring diagram data link connector/diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 606 as of 1.3.97 except CODE (491) U.S. version MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99
Legend of wiring diagram of starter alternator ENGINE 611, 612, 613 as of 1.6.99 in MODEL 210
Remove install cylinder head cover ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Measure valve setback to cylinder head ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 646.951 /961 /962 /963 /966, 647.961, 648.961 /960
Legend for wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC) / display instruments / warning devices MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97, 611 up to 31.5.99
Wiring diagram of instrument cluster (IC)/ gages/ warning systems MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111 as of 1.3.97 up to 31.5.99, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97, 611 up to 31.5.99
Unbolting camshaft bearing caps ENGINE 611.960 /961 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW) ENGINE …
Service Information: Injector classification ENGINES 611.96, 612.96 in MODELS 203, 210 ENGINES 646 in MODELS 203, 211 with CODE (803) Model year 2003 ENGINES 647 in MODEL 211 with CODE (804) Model year 2004 …
Shape of cam of camshaft modified MODEL 202, 203, 210 with ENGINE 611.### ## as of 359084 MODEL 163, 203, 210 with ENGINE 612.### ## as of 091013 MODEL 210, 220 with ENGINE 613.### ## as of 049583 MODEL …
Remove/install camshaft housing ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 646.8 /951 /961 /962 /963 /966, 647.961, 648.961
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 with ENGINE 611.962 MODEL 203.016 /216 with ENGINE 612.962 MODEL 209.316 with ENGINE 612.967 MODEL 203.018 /218 /718 with ENGINE 612.990
Notes on sealant path for front cover to cylinder head xxx Engine 611.960/961/962/980/981/987, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/981, 613.960/961, 628.960/961/962/963, 646.8/951/961/962/963/966, 647.961/981, 648.960/961 Engine 646 in model 636, …
Removing and installing air cleaner crosspipe ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Replace core plugs in crankcase ENGINES 611, 612, 613, 646.951 /961, 647.961, 648.961, 651 ENGINES 612.965/ 966
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Remove/install injectors ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 111.979/984 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 601.943, 602.980 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 602.984/985 in model 667, 668, 670 Engine 611.981/987 in model 901, 902, 903, …
Legend for wiring diagram of stationary heater (STH) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 602, 605, 606 as of 1.6.98, 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 with CODE (228) Stationary heater
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft / ring gear ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 with CODE (MQ3) Engine OM611 DE22 A (60 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA …
Remove/install prefeed pump ENGINES 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967, 613.960 /961
Legend for wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 202 as of 1.6.97 with ENGINE 604, 605 MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
Assignment of injectors to control module ENGINE 611.960 /961
Remove/install intake manifold ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install camshaft bearing caps ENGINE 611, 646.8 /951 /961 /962 /963 /966
Redrill glow plug ENGINE 611, 612, 613, 628, 646, 647, 648
Wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99 up to 31.5.00, 612, 613 up to 31.5.00 except CODE (228) Stationary heater
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) control module ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control connectors 1 – 3, with electric heater booster
Redrill broken glow plugs ENGINE 611, 612, 613, 628
Wiring diagram of starter alternator ENGINE 611, 612, 613 as of 1.6.99 in MODEL 210
Remove/install injectors ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638
Remove/install brake cable lock MODEL 901, 902 with REAR AXLE 741.407 MODEL 903 with REAR AXLE 741.408 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 MODEL 906.11 /13 /21 /23 /61 /63 /71 /73 with REAR AXLE 741.412 /415 MODEL …
Remove high pressure pump install ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 KW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend for wiring diagram of data link connector / diagnostic socket MODEL 210 / / with ENGINE 602, 604, 605 as of 1.3.97 MODEL 210 with ENGINE 606 as of 1.3.97 except CODE (491) U.S. version MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99
Remove/install glow plugs ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638
Survey of wiring diagrams electrical system engine ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Remove/install mixing chamber ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 up to 30.6.99 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606
Remove/install glow plugs ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967, 613.960 /961, 628.960 /962 /963
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINES 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /204 /206 /706 ENGINES 612.962 in MODEL 203.016 /216 ENGINES 612.967 in MODEL 209.316 ENGINES 612.990 in MODEL 203.018 /218 /718
Machine valve seat rings Engine 611.960/961/962, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/990, 613.960/961, 646.951/961, 647.961, 648.961, 651
Firing order Engine 611.980 in model 638.094/194/294 with code MQ4 (Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW)) with code MQ5 (Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW)) Engine 611.980 in model 638.094/194 with …
Wiring diagram stationary heater MODEL 210 with ENGINE 602 as of 1.6.98, 611 up to 31.5.99
Removing installing fuel cooler ENGINE 611.960
Removing and installing rear engine mount ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Survey of wiring diagrams of mixture formation ENGINES 111, 112, 604, 605, 611 in MODEL 202 as of 1.6.97 ENGINES 111, 112, 113 in MODEL 208
Remove/install camshafts Engine 611.960/961/962, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/990, 613.960/961
Remove/install valves ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /193 /134 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /206 /606 /007 ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.206 /204 /706 /004 /006 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL …
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINES 611.980 in MODEL …
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 Engine block wiring harnesses
Legend of wiring diagram of cellular telphone (CTEL) MODEL 168 as of 1.12.99 with CODE (854) MB portable cellular telephone mit Handy-Nokia 6110, mit D2-Bus
Wiring diagram of common rail diesel injection (CDI) control module ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 in MODEL 210 with CODE (440a) Cruise control engine compartment/frame-floor system wiring harnesses
Remove/install camshafts Engine 611.980 in model 638.094/194/294 with code MQ4 (Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW)) with code MQ5 (Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW)) Engine 611.980 in model 638.094/194 with …
Wiring diagram – starter generator ENGINE 111, 112 as of 1.6.97 in MODEL 202, 208 ENGINE 604, 605 as of 1.6.97, 611 as of 1.12.97 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 113 as of 1.6.98 in MODEL 208
Set basic position of camshafts ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.961 /960
Removing and installing camshaft Hall sensor ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Removing and installing hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install chain tensioner ENGINES 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINES 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINES 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 /206 /706 ENGINES 612.961 in …
Checking cooling system for leaks ENGINE 111, 104.900, 601, 611.980 in MODEL 638
Wiring diagram of electronic stability program (ESP) MODEL 208, 202 as of 1.8.99 with ENGINE 111 with CODE (472a) Electronic stability program (ESP) Teves MODEL 202 as of 1.8.99 with ENGINE 605, 611 with CODE (472a) Electronic …
Legend of wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613
Remove/install charge air distribution pipe ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 up to 30.6.99 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606
Checking basic position of camshafts ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Remove/install high-pressure pump ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /967, 613.960 /961
Remove injectors with threaded adapter ENGINE 611, 612, 613, 628, 640, 646.951 /961 /962 /963 /966, 647.961, 648.961, 668
Remove/install slide rail in cylinder head ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990, 613.960 /961
Remove/install intake air temperature sensor ENGINE 604, 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /967, 613.961 /960, 628.960
Measure piston projection ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA …
Legend of wiring diagram of heater booster MODEL 202 as of 1.12.97 with ENGINE 611
Drain/fill in coolant ENGINE 104.900, 111, 601, 611.980 in MODEL 638
Remove rear exhaust system ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 kW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90kW) ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 …
Legend for wiring diagram of starter generator ENGINE 111, 112 as of 1.6.97 in MODEL 202, 208 ENGINE 604, 605 as of 1.6.97, 611 as of 1.12.97 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 113 as of 1.6.98 in MODEL 208
Thread repair for clamping claw mount ENGINE 611, 612, 613, 628, 646, 647, 648, 668
Wiring diagram of front passenger-side fuse and relay module (K40/4) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 611 as of 1.6.99, 612, 613
Removing and installing engine brackets ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638
Tightening diagram of cylinder head bolts ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) with CODE (MQ5) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (90 KW) ENGINE …
Wiring diagram of stationary heater (STH) MODEL 210 with ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 602, 605, 606 as of 1.6.98, 611 as of 1.6.98 up to 31.5.99 with CODE (228) Stationary heater
Fluid change automatic transmission MODEL 638 with ENGINE 111.948 /950 /978 /980, 601.970, 611.980 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Remove/install electric shutoff valve ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /967, 613.960 /961
Adjust installed dimension of rear spring MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
Raise lower engine ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 111.984 …
0005 – Technical data HL 0/3 (model 741.5) Transporter T1 Model 611
3550 – Wheel hub of rear axle Replacement of grease checking tapered roller bearings 611 (408D 410D 410)(from VIN 693538)
Bleed clutch operating system ENGINES 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINES 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904, 905 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install top section of charge air distribution pipe ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
2292 – Unloading the engine mounts Transporter T1 (models 601 602 611) Transporter T2 new (model 667)
0004 – General: Special tools T1 models 601 602 611
Removing and installing torque converter ENGINE 601.970, 111, 611.980, 104.900 in MODEL 638 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
0100 – Removal and installation of drum hub HL 0/3 (model 741.5) Transporter T1 Model 611
0008 – Function diagram of hydraulic system and pressure build up ABS Models 601 602 611 667 668 669 670 T1 and T2
4611 – Power steering Checking and correction of the oil level All models with power steering
Draining/filling with coolant ENGINE 611.987 /981 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
2611 – Power take-off NA 1/15 Checking and correction of the oil level model 309 (L 407 D L 409)
0050 – Adjustment of the brakes T1 models 601 602 611
0003 – Cross-sections HL 0/3 (model 741.5) Transporter T1 Model 611
0003 – Cross-sections Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0002 – Installation overview Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Move back adjusting ring of self-adjusting clutch MODEL 168 with TRANSMISSION 716.5 MODEL 414.700 MODEL 638 with ENGINE 111.950 /980, 611.980 except CODE (G40) Automatic transmission MODEL 690.6 with ENGINE 611.983 …
0007 – Design and function of ABS T1/T2 model 601 602 611 667 668 669 670
Raise engine ENGINE 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 602, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 in MODEL 210
Removing and installing heater unit with holder MODEL 638 with ENGINE 611.980 except CODE (H92) Deletion of heater booster
Remove/install anti-roll bar on rear axle MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD6, YD7 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
Remove/install rear shock absorber MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD6, YD7 MODEL 690.611/ 63/ 64
Adjust parking brake MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD6, YD7 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
0004 – Special tools Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
Convert detachable parts when replacing A/T ENGINE 111, 601.970, 611.980 in MODEL 638 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Adjust cable of automatic transmission MODEL 638.### ## up to 400544 with ENGINES 111, 601.970, 611.980, 104.900 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
0005 – Technical data Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0002 – General: Installation overview Brake system T1 models 601 602 611
Connect test line to brake caliper MODEL 901, 902, 903 Räder montiert MODEL 690.611 /63 /64 Räder montiert’
Bleeding clutch control with bleeder unit ENGINE 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove install rubber mount at connecting rod of rear axle anti-roll bar MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
0006 – General description: Jacking up the vehicle Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 601 602 611
2302 – Removing and installing front end center piece T1 models 601 602 611
2200 – Removal and installation of wheel hub Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0005 – General: Technical data Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 611
Detaching heater unit from holder MODEL 638 as of 13.10.97 with CODE (H12) Warm water auxiliary heater D5WS or B5WS MODEL 638 with ENGINE 611.980 except CODE (H92) Deletion of heater booster
Unhooking and hooking on shift control cables on transmission MODEL 638 with ENGINE 111.948 /950 /978 /980, 601.942 /970, 611.980 except CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
4611 – Power steering – Checking and correction of the oil level All models with power steering
Inspect cooling system for leaks ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 111.984 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL …
Remove and install drive pinion and ring gear with differential Rear axle 741.52 in model 611 Rear axle 741.530 in model 667 Rear axle 741.540 in model 667 Rear axle 741.55 in model 667, 668
7501 – Checking frame alignment Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
Tightening procedure for charge air manifold ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Bleed clutch operating system with brake system ENGINE 111, 601, 602, 611 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 902, 903, 904, 905 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install rear spring MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD6, YD7 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
0004 – Special tools HL 0/3 (model 741.5) Transporter T1 Model 611
Remove/install bushes at rear spring and spring shackle MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD6, YD7 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
0004 – General: Special tools Axle base and frame measurement T1 model 611
0005 – General: Technical data T1 models 601 602 611
Vibration damper with unhardened contact surface for radial seal ENGINE 602.982 #0 as of 026411, 602.982 #2 as of 027454, 605.912 #0 as of 011805, 605.912 #2 as of 002950, 605.960 #0 as of 032799, 605.960 #2 as of 021611, 605.962 #0 as of 002042, …
Bearing diagram for crankshaft Engine 111 Engine 166, 668 Engine 611.981/983/987, 612.981 Engine 647.981 in model 903.61/66/67, 904.61/66 with code ZU7 (National version for Canada) Engine 647.981 in model …
0009 – Important notes on repair work malfunctions ABS Models 601 602 611 667 668 669 670 T1 and T2
Remove/install engine mounts on driver side ENGINE 111.979, 601.943, 602.980 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 …
0002 – General Installation overview HL 0/3 (model 741.5) Transporter T1 Model 611
Wooden block for supporting engine MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 with ENGINE 111, 601, 611 MODEL 690.6 with ENGINE 611
6110 – Removal and installation of the cylinder head EURO II – Engines OM 441 442 LA (models 445 446)
0003 – General: Exploded view of the Perrot brake caliper T1 models 601 602 611
Remove/install brake shoes of parking brake MODEL 901, 902, 903 MODEL 690.611 /63 /64
Round bar for knocking steel ball out of main oil gallery MODEL 124 with ENGINE 605, 606 MODEL 202 with ENGINE 604, 605, 611 MODEL 408 with ENGINE 602 MODEL 463 with ENGINE 606, 612.965 MODEL 461 with ENGINE 602, 612.966 …
Remove/install front axle transverse control arm MODEL 638 with ENGINE 111.948 /950 /978 /980, 601.942 /970, 611.980
Assignment of data link connector MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINE 611.981 /987 MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 with ENGINE 612.981
3031 – Disassembly and assembly of the oil filter A. To engine end no. 286114/1993 B. From engine end no. 286115/1993 …
0006 – General description: Brake system T1 models 601 602 611
6110 – Removal and installation of the cylinder head Engines OM 441 LA 442 443 444 A/LA
Raise engine ENGINE 605, 606 in MODEL 124 ENGINE 606.961 in MODEL 140 ENGINE 604, 605, 611.960 in MODEL 202 ENGINE 606.912 /962, 611.961, 612.961, 613.961 in MODEL 210 ENGINE …
Center drive plate ENGINE 601.943 in MODEL 901.3, 902.3, 903.3 ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 602.980 in MODEL 901.4, 902.4, 903.4, 904.4 ENGINE 611.987 /981, …
Removing and installing radiator ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
2805 – Disassembly and assembly of wheel hub Front axle VL 0/1 0/2 0/3 Model 730.4 Transporter T1 Models 601 602 611
0006 – General description of ABS A. General B. Driving with ABS T1/T2 model 601 602 611 667 668 669 670
7501 – Vertical parallelism of frame side members Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
7501 – Checking frame width Measurement of the axle base and frame T1 model 601 602 611
6110 – Removal and installation of the cylinder head Engines OM 441-443 LA EURO I
Carry out distance and comparison measurements on front and rear axles MODEL 901.31 /61 /32 /42 /62, 902.01 /31 /32 /41 /42 /61 /62, 903.01 /02 /31 /32 /41 /42 /61 /62 MODEL 690.611
Unhooking and hooking up shift control cable on automatic transmission ENGINE 601.970, 111, 611, 104.900 in MODEL 638 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission
Remove/install air cleaner housing ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Examining bolts of crankshaft bearing caps ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962 /980 /981 /987, 612.961 /962 /963 /965 /966 /967 /990 /981, 613.960 /961, 647.981 ENGINE 611.983
Check connecting rod bolts ENGINE 611 /980 /981 /983 /987, 612 /965 /966 /981, 613, 628.960 /961 /962 /963, 647.981
Remove/install engine Engine 611.981/987 in model 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 Engine 611.983 in model 690.6
Correcting anticorrosion/antifreeze concentration Engine 104.900, 111.948/950/978/980, 601.942/970, 611.980 in model 638 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, 602.980, 611.981/983/987, 612.981 in model 903, 904 Engine 111.979/984, 601.943, …
Bleed low pressure fuel circuit ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, …
Rivet oil pump chain ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 …
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with CODE (MD1) Low-pollutant vehicle according to EC Class 1 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with …
Bleed air from low pressure fuel circuit with hand pump ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, …
Remove install central clutch operator ENGINE 111.984 with TRANSMISSION 711.620 ENGINE 611.981 with TRANSMISSION 711.620 ENGINE 611.983 with TRANSMISSION 711.620 ENGINE 611.987 with TRANSMISSION …
Remove/install trim panel of cylinder head cover ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install charge air temperature sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL WD1, …
Installing front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962, 612.961 /962 /963 /967 /990, 613.960 /961, 628.960 /961 /963 ENGINE 611.980 in MODEL 638.094 /194 /294 with CODE (MQ4) Engine OM611 DE22 LA (75 KW) …
Remove/install propeller shaft MODEL 905.612 /622 with CODE (G40) Automatic transmission MODEL 903.611 /612 /661 /662 /671 /672, 904.612 /662 with CODE (ZU7) National version for Canada MODEL 903.611 /612 …
Bleed air from low pressure fuel circuit with diesel breather pump ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, …
Separate oil pump chain ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 ENGINE 611.962 in MODEL 203.004 /006 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 …
Line for bleeding low pressure fuel circuit MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINE 611.981 /987 MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6, WD1, WD2, WD3, WD6, WD7, XD1, XD2, XD3, XD4, XD5, XD6, XD7, YD1, YD2, YD3, YD4, …
7611 – Testing exhaust gas recirculation A. Engine 605.911 B. Engine 606.910 – Combustion M/RSF
Rivet timing chain ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6 ENGINE 612.981, 647.981 in MODEL …
Separate timing chain ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6 ENGINE 612.981, 647.981 in MODEL …
Remove/install boost pressure sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL WD1, …
Drawing in timing chain ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6 ENGINE 612.981, 647.981 in MODEL …
General information on inspecting cylinder walls ENGINE 111, 601, 611.981/987, 612.981, 647.981, 668
Disconnect connect engine wiring harness at vehicle side ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install transmission TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 in MODELS 970, 972, 976 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 in MODEL 970, 972, 974, 976 with CODE …
Remove/install hydraulic central clutch release bearing MODEL 375.1, 970, 972, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 with CODE (IY2) Hydraulic fluid as per sheet 345.0 except CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) MODEL 958.0 …
Assembling transmission main shaft TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install output shaft radial shaft sealing ring TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove and install gearshift system TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift transmission installed TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift …
Determine shim for main shaft TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove and install gearshift system TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift Transmission removed TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift …
Clutch pressure line modified MODEL 375.1##, 970.###, 972.###, 976.### ## as of 889000 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 except CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) MODEL 970.###, 972.###, …
Determine shim for countershaft TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Check and correct hydraulic oil level TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 in MODELS 970, 972, 976 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 in MODEL 970, 972, 974, 976 with CODE …
Remove/install input shaft radial shaft sealing ring TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install PTO transmission lock TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 with CODE (N80) Power take-off transmission lock with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (N80) …
Attach/detach transmission at assembly stand TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Teach in automatic gear control (AGS) control unit MODEL 970, 972, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) MODEL 970, 972, 974, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with …
Remove/install hydraulic transmission positioner with controller unit TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 in MODELS 970, 972, 976 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 in MODEL 970, 972, 974, 976 with CODE …
Clutch pressure line modified MODEL 970.###, 972.###, 976.### ## as of 889000 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) MODEL 970.###, 972.###, 974.###, 976.### …
Disassemble transmission main shaft TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install neutral position switch TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift TRANSMISSION 715.051
Depressurize pressure reservoir for automatic gear control (AGS) TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 /068 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS)
Dismantle assemble drive shaft. TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Disassemble assemble countershaft TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Disassemble transmission TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install transmission downwards TRANSMISSION 712.611 in MODEL 375.1 TRANSMISSION 712.611 in MODEL 970, 972, 976 except CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS)
Remove/install reverse gear switch TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62 /63, 715.050 /060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with CODE (GS1) “Manual” gearshift TRANSMISSION 715.051
Assemble transmission TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install hydraulic central clutch release bearing MODEL 970, 972, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 with CODE (GE1) Automatic gear control (AGS) MODEL 970, 972, 974, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.63, 715.060 with …
Check axial play at circlip of transmission main shaft adjust if necessary TRANSMISSION 712.611 TRANSMISSION 712.613 in MODEL 668, 670
Remove/install hydraulic central clutch release bearing MODEL 375.1, 970, 972, 976 with TRANSMISSION 712.611 /62, 715.050 except CODE (IY2) Hydraulic fluid as per sheet 345.0 MODEL 958.0 with TRANSMISSION 712.62 /63 except CODE …
Testing turbocharger vaccum unit ENGINE 611 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install engine mounts ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 111.984 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 …
Closing force of valve spring modified ENGINE 611.### ## as of 359084 in MODELS 202, 203, 210 ENGINE 612.### ## as of 091013 in MODELS 163, 203, 210 ENGINE 613.### ## as of 049583 in MODEL 210, 220 ENGINE …
Remove/install electric shutoff valve ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger at oil filter ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Removing and installing exhaust system ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with CODE (MD1) Low-pollutant vehicle according to EC Class 1 with CODE (MS5) Low pollution engine according to EC category …
Remove/install crankshaft position sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Replace core hole plugs in crankcase ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Removing/installing rail pressure sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 ## up to 835762 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install injectors ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install alternator belt pulley ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 (alternator with freewheel) ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 (alternator with freewheel) ENGINES 611.983 …
Remove/install element shutoff valve ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 612.981 in model WD1XD141, WD1XD241, WD1XD341, …
Remove/install a flywheel ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install pressure control valve ENGINE 611.981 /987 ## from 835763 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Removing and installing primary catalytic converter (underhood) ENGINE 611.961 in MODELS 210.006 /007 /206 /606
Remove/install injection lines of common rail diesel injection (CDI) ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install clutch ENGINE 611.981 /983 /987, 612.981, 111.984
Seal pressure pipe connection at injector ENGINE 611.960 /961 /962 /980, 611.981 ## up to 446354, 611.987 ## up to 445783 ENGINE 611.983 ENGINE 612.961 /962 /963, 612.981 ## up to 445786 ENGINE 613.960 /961 ENGINE …
Testing leak quantity of injectors ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINES 611.981 /987 MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 with ENGINE 612.981 MODEL 690.6 with ENGINE 611.983
Remove/install bottom part of charge air distribution pipe ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install intermediate gear of high-pressure pump ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove and install complete exhaust system ENGINE 611.960 in MODEL 202.133 /134 /193 /194 ENGINE 611.961 in MODEL 210.006 /007 /206 /606 ENGINE 612.961 in MODEL 210.016 /216 /616 ENGINE 613.961 in MODEL 210.026 …
Disconnect connect engine wiring harness at engine side ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Replace oil pump chain ENGINE 611.987 /981 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install predelivery pump ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install injection system control module ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install front cover on cylinder head ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Inspecting cylinders with light probe ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove install exhaust system ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Connect compression tester ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install rail pressure sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 ## from 835763 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install camshaft position sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Replace front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Bolt diagram of oil pan ENGINE 611.981 /987, 612.981, 611.983
Remove/install slide rail in cylinder head ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove high pressure pump install ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install pressure control valve ENGINES 611.981 /987 ## up to 835762 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Measure cylinder bores Engine 611.960/961/962, 612.961/962/963/965/966/967/990, 613.960/961, 642
Remove/install coolant thermostat ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install cylinder head ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove install fuel full-flow filter ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install mixing chamber ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with CODE (MD1) Low-pollutant vehicle according to EC Class 1 with CODE (MS5) Low pollution engine according to EC category …
Remove install oil pump ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install piston ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install piston rings ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install guide bearing in flywheel ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 111.984 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 111.979 …
Removing and installing primary catalytic converter (underhood) ENGINE 611.960 in MODELS 202.133 /134 /193 /194
Remove/install crankshaft Engine 611.981/987 in model 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 Engine 611.983 in model 690.6 Engine 612.981 in model 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft / ring gear ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Testing compression pressure ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Check cylinders for leaks ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove starter install ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Measure oil consumption MODEL 901.6 with ENGINE 611.981 /987 MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 with ENGINE 611.981 /987, 612.981 MODEL 905.6 with ENGINE 612.981 MODELS WD1XD141, WD1XD241, …
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install oil pan ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install coolant level switch ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install crankshaft sprocket ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install end cover together with shaft seal ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Replace timing chain ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Test cooling system cap ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODELS 902.6, 903.6, 905.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL WD1XD141, WD1XD341, WD1XD541, …
Remove/install oil level sensor ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install valves ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODELS 690.6
Remove/install fuel temperature sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install engine support ENGINE 111.979 in MODEL 901.0, 902.0, 903.0, 904.0 ENGINE 111.984 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 …
Replace valve stem seals. ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install charge air cooler ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install glow plugs ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install camshafts Engine 611.981/987 in model 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 Engine 611.983 in model 690.6 Engine 612.981 in model 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6
Remove/install viscous fan clutch ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install hydraulic valve clearance compensation elements ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Connect cylinder leak tester ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove and install tensioning rail and slide rail in timing case cover ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install turbocharger ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install poly V-belt tensioning device ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Check basic position of the camshafts ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install alternator ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINES 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINES 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINES 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install cylinder head cover ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODELS 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install chain tensioner ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Correct basic position of camshafts ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Remove/install rail ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Notes on evaluating the two-mass flywheel during repair work ENGINE 611.981/983/987, 612.981
Remove/install coolant temperature sensor ENGINE 611.981 /987 in MODEL 901.6, 902.6, 903.6, 904.6 ENGINE 612.981 in MODEL 902.6, 903.6, 904.6, 905.6 ENGINE 611.983 in MODEL 690.6
Service manual Mercedes-Benz OM611 Engine
14,99 $
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Type: Service Manual
Pages: 940
Size: 49,9 Mb
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