Service manual Philips HeartStart XL+

2,99 $

Format: PDF
Type: Service Manual
Pages: 206
Size: 9 Mb

The Philips HeartStart XL+ is a defibrillator and cardiac monitor used in medical emergencies. It is designed for use by healthcare professionals in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. The HeartStart XL+ is part of the Philips HeartStart series of defibrillators, which are known for their reliability and ease of use.

Key features of the Philips HeartStart XL+ include:

Defibrillation: The HeartStart XL+ is capable of delivering therapeutic shocks to a patient’s heart to restore normal heart rhythm in the event of cardiac arrest or other life-threatening arrhythmias. It has a variety of energy settings to accommodate different patient sizes and needs.

Monitoring: The device also serves as a cardiac monitor, providing continuous monitoring of a patient’s heart rate, electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and other vital signs. This allows healthcare providers to assess the patient’s condition and make informed decisions about treatment.

AED functionality: In addition to manual defibrillation, the HeartStart XL+ can also be used as an automated external defibrillator (AED). It provides step-by-step voice and visual prompts to guide the rescuer through the defibrillation process, making it easier for non-medical personnel to use in emergency situations.

Advanced features: The HeartStart XL+ offers several advanced features, including synchronized cardioversion, which allows the delivery of a shock during a specific phase of the cardiac cycle. It also has options for non-invasive pacing, allowing temporary electrical stimulation of the heart when needed.

Portability and durability: The HeartStart XL+ is designed to be portable and rugged, making it suitable for use in various environments. It has a robust construction to withstand the rigors of emergency medical situations and is equipped with a rechargeable battery for extended operation.

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