Routing diagram of poly-V belt ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636, 639
Replace steering shaft boot MODEL 171 with ENGINE 113, 272 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 152, 276, 651
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204.08 /98
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272 in MODEL 171
Remove/install rear engine mount 12.10.07 ENGINE 272.920 in MODEL 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINE 272.940 in MODEL 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINE 272.960 in MODEL 203.056 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINE 156.982 in MODEL 209.377 /477 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 209
Remove/install refrigerant compressor Engine 271 in model 204.3, 207 Engine 271, 272, 646.8 in model 204.0/2 Engine 271.9 in model 212 with code 924 (Bivalent natural gas drive)
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINES 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278 in MODEL 221 ENGINES 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 in MODEL 216
Notes on avoiding damage to ignition system Engine 103, 104, 119 with CFI-E Engine 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 156, 271, 272 With gasoline injection and ignition system ME-SFI Engine 104, 111 with gasoline injection and ignition …
Approved wheel/tire combinations tire recommendation overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 498 (Japanese version) except code 494 (US version) except code 625 (Australia specification) Model 463 (except …
Engine cooling system – check fluid level, adjust to correct level. Inspect 2.11.11 anticorrosion/antifreeze protection, adjust to correct concentration MODEL 203.004 /006 /016 /018 /035 /040 /042 /043 /045 /046 /061 /064 /065 /076 /081 /084 /204 /206 /216 /218 /235 /240 /242 /243 /245 /246 /261 /264 /265 /276 /281 /284 /706 /718 /730 /735 /740 /741 /742 /743 /745 /746 /747 /764 MODEL 211.004 /006 /007 /008 /016 /020 /022 /023 /024 /026 /028 /029 /041 /042 /052 /054 /056 /057 /061 /065 /070 /072 /076 /077 /080 /082 /083 /084 /087 /089 /090 /092 /206 /207 /208 /216 /220 /222 /223 /226 /241 /242 /252 /254 /256 /257 /261 /265 /270 /272 /276 /277 /280 /282 /283 /284 /287 /289 /290 /292 /606 /608 /616 /620 MODEL 414 MODEL 209.308 /316 /320 /341 /342 /343 /354 /356 /361 /365 /375 /376 /420 /441 /442 /454 /456 /461 /465 /475 /476 MODEL 215 (except 215.376 /379) MODEL 220 (except 220.176 /179) MODEL 230 with ENGINE 112, 113 MODEL 124, 129, 140, 168, 170, 202, 208, 210 MODEL 209 with ENGINE 156.9
Remove/install air duct housing ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINE 113, 272 in MODEL 171
Carrying out bleeding operation MODEL 129.067 /076, 140, 210.072 /272 with CODE (472) Electronic Stability Program (ESP)
Remove/install rear engine cross member ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636 ENGINE 646 in MODEL 639 without CODE ZG2 (Permanent all-wheel drive)
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINES 112 in MODEL 203.081 /084 /281 /284 ENGINES 272.970 in MODEL 203.087 /287 ENGINES 272.941 in MODEL 203.092 /292
Overview of tire air pressure labels Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 except code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification) Model 463 (except …
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 211.272 with CODE (625) Australia version
Check main circuit coolant level ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 272, 273 in MODEL 230 ENGINE 275 in MODEL 230 Main circuit
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 112, 272, 273 in MODEL 230 ENGINES 113.963 in MODEL 230.475
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 211
Inspecting cooling system for leaks ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Remove/install radiator Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 906 with code XM0 (Facelift) Engine 272 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 906 with code XM5 (Facelift Latin America)
Remove/install front engine mount and/or engine support Engine 272, 273 in model 212
Measure vertical clearance of piston rings ENGINE 271.951 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Overview of summer tires disk wheels MODEL 211.270/ 272
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Inspect cooling system for leaks 12.11.2018 Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 639 Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 651 in model 900
Pin for locking poly-V belt tensioning device Model 447 with engine 274, 651 Model 448 with engine 274 Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 906 with engine 642.896/898/992/993, …
Remove/install bottom engine compartment paneling MODEL 251 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 276
Remove/install starter ENGINES 272, 646 in MODEL 636 ENGINES 112, 272, 646 in MODEL 639
Check connecting rod bolts Engine 271.951, 272.979, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 636, 639 Engine 651 in model 900
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272, 276 in MODEL 204.08 /98
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear Engine 272, 273, 276, 642 in model 251 Engine 272, 273, 629, 642 in model 164
Drain/pour in coolant 12.11.2018 Engine 272.920 in model 203.052/252/752 Engine 272.940 in model 203.054/254, 209.354/454 Engine 272.941 in model 203.092/292 Engine 272.960 in model 203.056/256/756, 209.356/456 Engine 272.970 in model 203.087/287 Engine 273 in model 209
Replace rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Fill power steering pump and bleed MODEL 211 with ENGINES 272, 273, 156
Inspect cooling system for leaks ENGINES 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 221 ENGINES 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 in MODEL 216
Suction off engine oil Engine 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 119, 120, 133, 137, 157, 166, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 (except 275.981/983), 276, 278, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, …
Overview of tire air pressure labels Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 625 (Australia specification) except code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version)
Remove/install transmission with torque converter Transmission 722.9 in model 211.052/054/056/057/072/252/254/256/257/272
Drain coolant fill up and check cooling system for leaks Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 211.270 /272 with CODE (498) Japan version
Removing and installing loudspeaker in instrument panel Model 169.0 /3, 245.2 with CODE (272) Telephone preinstallation (non-networked) incl. telephone antenna with CODE (359) TELE AID emergency call system with CODE (532) MB Power …
000 588 03 31 00 Assembly device Engine 104, 111, 601, 611 in model 638 Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651, 780 in model 639 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 274 in model 448 Engine 274, 622, 651 in model 447 …
Service Information: Coolant Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651, 780 in model 639 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 906 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636 Engine 274, 622, 651, 654 in model 447 Engine 651 in …
Remove/install fuel tank MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 except CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979
Remove/install high-voltage battery Model 221.095/195 with engine 272.974
Crank engine ENGINE 272 in MODELS 211.08 /28 Crank engine at the torque converter ENGINE 272, 273 in MODELS 211.09 /29 Crank engine at the torque converter
Remove/install front module Model 900 Model 906 with engine 271.951, 272.979, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 272 in model 164, 171, 203, 207, 209, 211, 219, 230, 251 Engine 272.921/947/961/982/984 in model 204 Engine 272.923/952/980/983 in model 212 Engine 272.946/965/974 in model 221
Remove/install engine mount ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636, 639
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 211, 219
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 272 in MODEL 636 ENGINES 112, 272 in MODEL 639
Inspect cooling system for leaks 05.12.2018 Engine 271 in model 212 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 651 in model 172 Engine 642 in model 212 * Engine 651 in model 212
Remove/install rear engine cross member ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 221 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 216
Remove/install fan ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636, 639
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272 in MODEL 204.05 /25 /95 /06 ENGINES 272, 273, 276, 278 in MODEL 207 ENGINES 276 in MODEL 204.05 /25
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 230
Remove/install engine mount ENGINES 272, 646 in MODEL 636 ENGINES 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639
Remove/install alternator ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Overview of winter tires disk wheels MODEL 210.272 with AMG disk wheel
Check cylinders for leaks ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Approved wheel/tire combinations overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 except code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification)
Notes on sealant path for oil pan Engine 200 in model 470 Engine 272 in model 636, 639 Engine 272.979 in model 906 Engine 642 in model 907 Engine 642.896/898/992/993 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 447 Engine 651 …
Remove/install rear engine mount 14.12.2016 Model 900 with engine 651 with transmission 711.6 Model 906 with engine 271.951 with transmission 711.651 Model 906 with engine 272.979 with transmission 722.685 Model 906 with engine 651.955/956/957 with transmission 711.680, 722.686 Model 906.133/135/153/155/631/633/635/655/657 with engine 651.955 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Model 906.133/631/633/635 with engine 651.956 with transmission 710.510 with code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Perform disable/initial startup for high-voltage on-board electrical system Model 221.095/195 with engine 272.974
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system Engine 133, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 260, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282 Engine 157, 176, 177, 279, 642 Engine 607, 608, 628, 629, 642, 651
Remove/install components for exhaust system ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 164, 251 ENGINES 276 in MODEL 251
Replace coolant 09.08.2018 Engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 218 Engine 157, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 166 Engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 207
Overview of recommended tires Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275) as of 6/1/12
Approved wheel/tire combinations tire recommendation overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 except code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification)
Remove/install filler neck of fuel tank Model 906 with engine 271.951 with code MZ2 (Natural gas engine M271) Model 906 with engine 272.979
Notes on sealant path for oil pan Engine 272 Engine 273
General information on work on gasoline direct injection system Engine 133, 139, 152, 157, 176, 177, 178, 260, 264, 270, 274, 276, 278, 282 Engine 254.9 Engine 256.9 Engine 271.8, 272.9
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272, 273 in MODELS 211, 219
Reduce fuel pressure through service valve ENGINE 113 in MODEL 211, 219 ENGINE 272 in MODEL 171, 203, 204, 207, 209, 211, 212, 219, 221, 230 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 207, 209, 212, 216, 221, 230 ENGINE 152.9, 157, 275, …
Remove/install expansion reservoir MODEL 221 with ENGINE 272, 273, 275 except CODE (487) Active Body Control (ABC) ohne elektrohydraulische Servolenkung (EHPS) MODEL 216 with ENGINE 273 except CODE (487) …
Location and assignment of Z connector sleeves (line connectors in wiring harness) – engine compartment Model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with code MC9 (Engine M272 E35 190 kW (258 hp) 5900 rpm) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Version of the V-belt altered ENGINES 272.974 in MODEL 221.095 /195
Guard plate for radiator/condenser Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 900 with engine 651 Model 906 with engine 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651 Model 907 with engine …
Installing rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 272 (except 272.974)
Inspect cooling system for leaks 19.4.06 ENGINE 272.920 in MODELS 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINE 272.940 in MODELS 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINE 272.960 in MODELS 203.056 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINE 272.970 in MODELS 203.087 /287 ENGINE 272.941 in MODELS 203.092 /292 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 209
Inspect cooling system for leaks ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 230
Remove/install fan shroud Engine 272 in model 906 Engine 642.896/898/992/993 in model 906 except code XM0 (Facelift)
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 272.920 in MODEL 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINES 272.940 in MODEL 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINES 272.960 in MODEL 203.056 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINES 272.970 …
Remove/install brake booster vacuum line MODEL 216.### 1# with ENGINE 156, 273, 275 MODEL 221.### 1# with ENGINE 156, 272, 273, 275, 642, 629 (except , 272.974)
Remove/install fuel tank Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 273 in MODEL 216 ENGINE 272, 273 (except 272.974) in MODEL 221
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system ENGINE 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINE 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect hydraulic lines on power steering cooler Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 as of 12/2/11 Engine 651.955 in model 900 as of 12/2/11
Remove and install bottom engine compartment paneling MODEL 219 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273
Overview of tire air pressure labels Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification)
Remove/install components for exhaust system ENGINES 156, 271, 272, 276 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 271, 272, 273, 276, 278 in MODEL 207
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 272, 271 in MODEL 171
Overview of summer tires rims MODEL 210.272 mit AMG-Scheibenrad
Notes on engine oil Engine 104.900, 111, 601, 611 in model 638 Engine 111, 601, 602, 611 in model 901, 902, 903, 904 Engine 112.951/976, 272.978, 642.89/99, 646.98, 651.94 in model 639 Engine 200, 607, …
Overview of summer tires disk wheels MODEL 211.270 /272 with CODE (498) Japan version
Opening engine hood moving to upright position and closing Model 163.136/172 #A up to 145272, 163.154 #X up to 708318
Remove/install air duct housing ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINE 272 in MODEL 171.4
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 639 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636
Remove/install brake disc MODEL 219 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 642
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 272, 273 (except 272.973) in MODEL 164, 251
Remove/install transmission TRANSMISSION 716.6 in MODEL 211.0 /2 with ENGINE 112, 271, 272, 646, 647 except CODE (424) Sequentronic automated manual transmission (SEQ)
Remove/install exhaust system complete ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 219
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Check visible area of poly-V belt for wear Engine 272, 273, 276 in model 251
Overview of summer tires disk wheels MODEL 211.072 /272 with CODE (494) USA version
Check main circuit coolant level 24.02.2015 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612, 642, 646 in MODEL 203 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 212 156, 157, 272, 273, 276, 278, 629, 642, 651 in MODEL 221 156, 157, 273, 278 in MODEL 216 156, 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 204 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 218 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 207 273, 629, 642 in MODEL 164.8 275 in MODEL 216, 221 Main circuit
Remove/install hydraulic line of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 272, 642, 646, 276 Pressure line of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 651 pressure line of power steering, without electrohydraulic power steering (EHPS) …
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear ENGINES 272, 273, 276, 642 in MODEL 221.08 /18 ENGINES 273 in MODEL 216.38 ENGINES 278 in MODEL 221.094 /194, 216.39
Remove/install centrifuge ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
All-season tires disk wheel overview MODEL 211.072 /272 with CODE (494) USA version
Replace rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 272.974 in MODEL 221.095 /195
Remove / install exhaust system from flange connection ENGINES 272 in MODEL 171
Replace rivet nuts in exhaust manifold ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636 ENGINE 112, 272 in MODEL 639
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 164 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 629, 642
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 211.270 /272
Overview of summer tires disk wheels MODEL 211.272 with CODE (625) Australia version
Notes on engine oil Engine 271.9, 272.9 in model 906 Engine 274.9, 642.8, 651.9 in model 907 Engine 642.8/9, 646.9, 651.9 in model 906 Engine 646.7 in model 909 Engine 651.9 in model 900 Engine 651.9 in …
Bleed cooling system ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636
Remove/install starter ENGINE 272 in MODEL 171
Approved wheel/tire combinations overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification)
Inspect front axle joint for play, inspect rubber boots 22.10.07 MODEL 124, 129, 140, 170, 202, 208, 210, 215, 220, 230 MODEL 211.004 /006 /007 /008 /016 /020 /022 /023 /024 /026 /028 /029 /041 /042 /052 /054 /056 /057 /061 /065 /070 /072 /076 /077 /080 /082 /083 /084 /087 /089 /090 /092 /206 /207 /208 /216 /220 /222 /223 /226 /241 /242 /252 /254 /256 /257 /261 /265 /270 /272 /276 /277 /280 /282 /283 /284 /287 /289 /290 /292 /606 /608 /616 /620
Remove/install lower engine compartment lining 14.05.2018 Model 204.0/2 with engine 156, 271, 272, 274, 276 Model 204.3 with engine 156, 271, 274, 276 Model 207 with engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278 Model 212 with engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278 Model 218 with engine 157, 274, 276, 278
Lower exhaust system ENGINE 271, 272, 113 in MODEL 171 ENGINE 271, 276 in MODEL 172
Tire pressures MODEL 210.270 #A up to 955412, 210.272
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 272, 273 in model 212
Fill power steering pump and bleed Model 171 with engine 113, 271, 272 Model 172 with engine 152, 271 Model 172 with engine 276, 651 up to model year 2016
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear ENGINES 272, 273 (except 272.972 /944, 273.962) in MODEL 211 ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 219
Inspect poly-V-belt for wear and damage Engine 112.951/976, 272.978, 642.890/990, 646.980/981/982/983, 651.94 in model 639 Engine 272.924/939/978, 646.980, 651.940 in model 636
Remove/install poly-V belt tensioning device ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Disconnect/connect coolant hoses at radiator Engine 271.951, 272, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Check poly-V belt for wear and damage 26.02.2014 ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in MODEL 906 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636 651 in MODEL 900
Open close coolant line coupling Engine 133, 139, 152, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 607, 608, 622, 626, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651, 654, 656, 780
Remove/install expansion reservoir ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install hydraulic line of power steering MODEL 207, 212 with ENGINE 272, 273, 642, 651, 276 Return lines of power steering
Remove/install front engine mount and/or engine support Engine 272.974 in model 221.095/195
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 211
Remove/install NOx sensor ENGINE 272.985 in MODEL 211.057 /257, 219.357
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft / ring gear ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 Catalytic converter for left cylinder bank
Notes on sealant path for cylinder head cover Engine 133, 152.9, 157, 159.9, 176, 177, 178, 260, 264, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 282
Overview – Check engine oil level Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 137, 139, 152, 156, 157, 159, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 285, 607, 608, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, …
Remove/install starter 13.4.06 ENGINE 112 in MODEL 203.084, 211.082, 220.087, 203.284, 211.080, 203.281 /081, 211.280, 220.187, 211.282 ENGINE 113 in MODELS 220.184 /183, 211.283, 220.083 /084, 211.083 ENGINE 272 in MODELS 211.087 /092 /287 /292 ENGINE 273 in MODELS 211.090 /290
Location and assignment of Z connector sleeves (line connectors in wiring harness) – engine compartment Model 900.633/655/657 with code ZS8 (National version for China) Model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 except code MC9 (Engine M272 E35 190 kW (258 hp) 5900 rpm) except code ZL3 (National …
Remove/install air filter housing 9.3.10 ENGINE 272.920 in MODEL 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINE 272.940 in MODEL 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINE 272.960 in MODEL 203.056 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINE 272.970 in MODEL 203.087 /287 ENGINE 272.941 in MODEL 203.092 /292 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 209
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 251 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 276, 642
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear ENGINES 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 642, 629 in MODEL 221 (except 221.08 /18 /094 /194) ENGINES 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 in MODEL 216 (except 216.38 /39)
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 157, 273, 278 in MODEL 216 ENGINES 157, 272, 273, 276, 278 (except 272.974) in MODEL 221
Fill power steering pump and bleed MODEL 219 with ENGINES 272, 273, 642
Check cooling system cap Model 470, 471 with engine 642 Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 906 with engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651
Remove/install air filter housing Engine 112, 272, 646, 651 in model 639 Engine 272, 646, 651 in model 636
Remove/install refrigerant compressor bracket Model 906.6 with engine 272, 642, 651 with code H08 (Roof-mounted air conditioning system, reinforced) Model 906.633 up to 4/13/14 with engine 651.955/956 with code HK4 (Rear air …
Check and correct power steering fluid level 19.5.09 MODEL 129.059 /064 /068 MODEL 163.154 /157 /172 /174 /175 MODEL 168, 170, 208, 210 MODEL 202 as of 1.9.95 MODEL 211.041 /042 /052 /054 /056 /057 /061 /065 /070 /072 /076 /077 /080 /082 /083 /084 /087 /089 /090 /092 /241 /242 /252 /254 /256 /257 /261 /265 /270 /272 /276 /277 /280 /282 /283 /284 /287 /289 /290 /292 MODEL 220 except CODE (487) Active Body Control (ABC) MODEL 230 except CODE (487) Active Body Control (ABC) MODEL 230.479 with CODE (P99) Special model “AMG Black Series” MODEL 414.700
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 219 Right catalytic converter
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 272, 273 in model 221 Engine 273 in model 216
Remove/install alternator belt pulley ENGINES 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MJ7) ECO start
Remove/install rotor position sensor ENGINE 272.974 in MODEL 221.095/195
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272, 646, 651 MODEL 639 with ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 211.072 /272 with CODE (494) USA version
Remove install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 272, 273 in MODELS 211, 219
Measure oil consumption Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 906
Damage profiles for a poly-V belt Engine 102, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 133, 137, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 176, 177, 178, 254, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 285, …
Remove/install poly-V belt guide pulley ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Remove/install brake booster vacuum line MODEL 221.095 /195 with ENGINE 272.974
Power steering – Check the oil level MODEL 207 with ENGINE 271, 272, 273, 276, 642, 651 without CODE 211 (Direct-Steer system)
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 216 with ENGINE 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 MODEL 221 with ENGINE 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 629, 642, 651
Remove/install coolant level switch ENGINES 271.951, 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990 in MODEL 906
Replace oil filter element drain oil filter Engine 272 in model 171, 204, 207, 211, 212, 219, 221, 230 Engine 276 in model 166, 172, 204, 207, 212, 218, 221, 222, 231
Crank engine with starter ENGINE 112, 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 272, 273 in model 164 Engine 272, 273, 276 in model 251
Oil pan and overflow tube modified TRANSMISSION 722.9 as of 21.6.10 with ENGINE 113, 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 642, 651
Connect cylinder leakage testing unit Engine 133, 152.9, 156, 157, 159, 260, 264, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279
Remove/install refrigerant compressor Model 900 with code HH9 (Air conditioner, automatic heater control) except code HK4 (Rear air conditioning, reinforced) Model 906 with engine 272.979, 642, 651 with code HH7 …
Remove/install components for exhaust system ENGINES 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 in MODEL 216 ENGINES 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278 in MODEL 221
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 272.911/948/971/991 in model 204 Engine 272.975 in model 221 Engine 272.977 in model 212
Remove/install heated O2 sensor 9.3.10 ENGINE 272.920 in MODELS 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINE 272.940 in MODELS 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINE 272.960 in MODELS 203.056 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINE 272.970 in MODELS 203.087 /287 ENGINE 272.941 in MODELS 203.092 /292 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 209
Approved wheel/tire combinations overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 498 (Japanese version) except code 494 (US version) except code 625 (Australia specification) Model 463 (except …
Overview of winter tires disk wheels MODEL 211.270/ 272
Replace rivet nuts in exhaust manifold ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate Engine 272 in model 204 Engine 272, 273 in model 207
Open and close coupling Engine 133, 139, 152, 156, 157, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 607, 608, 626, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651, 654, 656, 780
Check main circuit coolant level ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 642 in MODEL 219
Crank engine ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install fan unit Engine 156, 271, 272, 273, 274, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 274 in model 207 Engine 274, 642, 651 in model 218
Firing order Engine 111, 112, 113, 137, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 285, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 611 Engine 112, 113, 273, 602, 606 in model 463 Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Survey of summer tires rims MODEL 210.270 #A up to 955412, 210.272
Tire pressures MODEL 210.272 mit AMG-Scheibenrad
Replace the rivet nuts in the exhaust manifold. ENGINE 104 ENGINE 111 ENGINE 119 ENGINE 120 ENGINE 112 ENGINE 113 ENGINE 137 ENGINE 156 ENGINE 271 ENGINE 272 ENGINE 273
Remove/ install activated charcoal canister ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install regulator for alternator 16.6.10 ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 Manufacturer: Bosch ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906 with CODE (M39) 14V/1 alternator with CODE (M49) Alternator, 14 V/180 A Manufacturer: Bosch ENGINES 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906 except CODE (M46) Alternator, 14 V/220 A except CODE (M49) Alternator, 14 V/180 A Manufacturer: Bosch
Remove/install crankshaft position sensor ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 221 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 216
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 211, 219
Detach/attach holder for air filter housing at firewall ENGINE 651 in MODEL 900 ENGINE 272.979, 642.896 /898 /992 /993, 651.955 /956 /957 in MODEL 906
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINES 272 in MODEL 204.08 /95 /98
Disconnect connect electrical connector for oxygen sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906.1 /2 /6 /7 with TRANSMISSION 722.685
Replace spark plugs Engine 271 in model 906 Engine 272 in model 906
Remove/install alternator ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Empty/fill fuel tank Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 Model 900 with engine 651 Model 906 with engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651
Drain/fill in coolant ENGINES 272 in MODEL 171
Remove/install lower engine compartment lining Model 164 with engine 113, 156, 272, 273
Tire pressures MODEL 211.070 /072 /270 /272 with CODE (498) Japan version
Remove install flywheel / drive plate ENGINE 272 in MODEL 203, 209 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 209
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 104.900 in model 638 Engine 111.948/950/978/980 in model 638 Engine 112.951/976 in model 639 Engine 272 in model 636 Engine 272.978 in model 639 Engine 601.942/970 in model …
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636, 639
Remove/install belt drive components ENGINES 272 in MODEL 221 Vehicles with single-belt pulley ENGINES 273 in MODEL 216, 221
Power steering – Check the oil level MODEL 212 with ENGINE 156, 271, 272, 273, 276, 642, 651 without CODE 211 (Direct-Steer system)
Remove/install flywheel / drive plate Engine 272, 273 in model 212
Connect cylinder leakage testing unit ENGINE 272.979, 271.951 in MODEL 906
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 271.951, 272.979 in model 906
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979, 646.984 /985 /986 /989 /990
Tire pressures MODEL 211.022 /056 /065 /070 /072 /256 /265 /272 with CODE (494) USA version
Remove/install bottom part of oil pan Engine 272, 273 in model 212 Vehicles with rear sump
Remove/install belt drive components ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Pour in coolant and bleed cooling system Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Interference fit of crankshaft bearing cap Engine 111, 601.943, 602.980/982/983/984/985, 604, 605, 606 Engine 166, 668 Engine 266.920/940/960/980 Engine 271.951 in model 906 Engine 271 Engine 272.979 in model 906 Engine …
Connecting recording-type compression tester ENGINE 112, 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636
Overview of tires/disk wheels Model 210.270 #A up to 955412, 210.272
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 271 in model 212 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 651 in model 172
Detach/attach torque converter on driver TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 271.951 TRANSMISSION 722.685 in MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINES 272 in MODEL 906
Check and correct power steering fluid level MODEL 171 with ENGINE 113, 271, 272 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 152, 271, 276, 651
Overview of service intervals for gasoline engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 111, 112, 113, 132, 133, 137, 152, 156, 157, 159, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, 273, 279 in model 463
Remove/install for NOx temperature sensor for storage catalytic converter ENGINE 272.985 in MODEL 211.057 /257, 219.357
Check engine oil level using on-board oil dipstick Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 152, 156, 157, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276.8/9, 278, 279, 607, 611, 612, 626, 628, 629, 640, 642, 646, 651
Install transmission support ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636
Check visible area of poly-V belt for wear ENGINE 156, 157, 273, 278 in MODEL 216 ENGINE 156, 157, 272, 273, 276, 278 in MODEL 221
Remove/install power electronics with power distributor Engine 272.974 in model 221.095/195
Tire pressures MODEL 211.270 /272
Remove/install integrated starter alternator Engine 272.974 in model 221.095/195
Remove/install fuel pump and fill level sensor ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272, 646, 651 in MODEL 636
Overview of service intervals for gasoline engines depending on engine oil specification Engine 111, 112, 113, 132, 133, 137, 152, 156, 157, 159, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, 273, 279 in model 463
Remove/install headlamp cover 02.05.2019 Model 463.202/236/237/346 up to model year 2013 /facelift 2012 Model 463.222/243/244/245/246/247/248/249/250/254/270/271/272/303/306/309/322/323/332/333/336/340/341 up to model year 2013
Hypoid gear oil (specification 235.31) Model 463.200/243/246/260/270/271/272/273/276/277 Model all (BUS, Heavy transporter, Light transporter, TRUCK)
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 156, 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278 in model 221 Engine 156, 157, 273, 275, 278 in model 216
Remove/install bottom part of oil pan Engine 272 in model 204.0/2 Vehicles with rear sump Engine 272, 273 in model 207 Vehicles with rear sump
Remove/install fan unit ENGINE 156, 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 271, 272, 273, 276.9, 278, 642, 651 in MODEL 207 ENGINE 651 in MODEL 172
Correcting anticorrosion/antifreeze concentration ENGINE 271.9, 272.9, 642.8 /9, 646.9 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 651.9 in MODEL 906 ENGINE 651.9 in MODEL 900
Remove/install front axle brake caliper MODEL 211.026 up to 31.8.03, 211.028 /029 /056, 211.065 up to 31.8.03, 211.070 /072 /223 /226 /256 /265 /270 /272 /616 /620 MODEL 211.041 /241 with CODE (950) EVOLUTION AMG …
Remove/install viscous fan clutch Engine 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993 in model 906
Remove/install belt drive components ENGINES 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Remove/install starter ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Approved wheel/tire combinations tire recommendation overview Model 463 (except 463.272/273/274/275/276/277) as of 6/1/12 with code 494 (US version) except code 498 (Japanese version) except code 625 (Australia specification)
Remove/install ignition coils Engine 272 in model 906
Remove/install hydraulic line of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 271.9, 272, 276, 642, 646 Return lines of power steering MODEL 204 with ENGINE 651 return lines for power steering, without electrohydraulic power steering (EHPS)
Remove/install poly-V belt ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install front engine mount and/or engine support Engine 272 in model 204.08/95/98
Check main circuit coolant level ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 276, 642 in MODEL 251 ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 629, 642 in MODEL 164.1
Disconnect/connect hydraulic lines on power steering cooler ENGINE 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in MODEL 906 up to 12/2/11 ENGINE 651.955 in MODEL 900 up to 12/2/11
Remove/install clutch plate ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 with TRANSMISSION 722.685 ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install starter ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Remove/install rear engine mount ENGINES 112 in MODEL 211.080 /082 /280 /282 ENGINES 113 in MODEL 211.083 /283 ENGINES 272 in MODEL 211.087 /287 /092 /292 ENGINES 273 in MODEL 211.090 /290
Remove/install axle/engine subframe Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642 Model 639 with engine 646, 651 except code ZG2 (Permanent all-wheel drive)
Detach heat shield fasten ENGINE 271, 272, 113 in MODEL 171
Remove/install starter ENGINE 272.946 /965 /975 in MODEL 221 ENGINE 273 in MODEL 216, 221
Replace rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINES 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Extension for counterholder MODEL 639 with ENGINE 112, 272 MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272
Notes on the assessment of pistons and piston rings Engine 111, 112, 113, 133, 137, 139, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 176, 177, 178, 254, 256, 260, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 285 Engine 112, 113, 157, …
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINES 272 in MODEL 171
Inspecting cooling system for leaks ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 164, 251 ENGINES 273 in MODEL 463 ENGINES 276 in MODEL 251
Remove/install power steering pump ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Routing diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 272, 273
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear 7.2.12 ENGINES 272.920 in MODEL 203.052 /252 /752 ENGINES 272.940 in MODEL 203.054 /254, 209.354 /454 ENGINES 272.960 in MODELS 203.056 /256 /256 /756, 209.356 /456 ENGINES 272.970 in MODEL 203.087 /287 ENGINES 272.941 in MODEL 203.092 /292 ENGINES 273 in MODEL 209
Remove/install fuel pump and fuel level sensor ENGINES 271.951 in MODEL 906 except CODE (MZ8) NGT engine EEV ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Connect disconnect wiring harness on engine and transmission ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Tire pressures MODEL 211.270 /272 with CODE (625) Australia version
Remove/install retaining lock for crankshaft/ring gear ENGINES 272, 642 in MODEL 639 ENGINES 642.896 /898 /992 /993 in MODEL 906 ENGINES 272 in MODEL 636
Check main circuit coolant level ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 612, 642, 646 in MODEL 209
Crank engine with starter ENGINE 271.951, 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove install starter ENGINE 272 (except 272.944 /972) in MODEL 211 ENGINE 272 in MODEL 219
Remove/install front engine mounts and/or engine support ENGINES 272 in MODEL 204.05 /25 ENGINES 272.982 in MODEL 204.065 ENGINES 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 211, 219
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 272, 273 in model 230
Attach/detach engine hoist Model 166 with engine 157, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 212 with engine 156, 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 218 with engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 Model 292 with …
Engine cooling system – check fluid level adjust to correct level. Inspect anticorrosion/antifreeze protection adjust to correct … Engine 271.9, 272.9, 642.8/9, 646.9 in model 906 Engine 651.9 in model 900 Engine 651.9 in model 906
Remove/install transmission 10.09.2018 Transmission 711.6 in model 171 with engine 271 Transmission 711.6 in model 171 with engine 272 Transmission 711.6 in model 172 with engine 271 Transmission 711.6 in model 172 with engine 651 Transmission 716.6 in model 171 with engine 271 Transmission 716.6 in model 171 with engine 272
Remove/install exhaust line ENGINE 272.983 in MODEL 212
Slacken tension poly-V belt ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Routing diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Connect compression tester ENGINE 113 in MODEL 171 ENGINE 111, 112, 113, 271, 272, 611, 612 in MODEL 203 ENGINE 112, 113, 271, 272, 273, 612, 156 in MODEL 209
Remove/install components for exhaust system ENGINES 156, 272, 273 in MODEL 212
Connect compression tester ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 272, 273, 275 in MODEL 230
Remove/install rear muffler MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272 MODEL 639 with ENGINE 112, 272
Disconnect/connect electrical lines for removal of front module from top Model 900 Model 906 with engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Check main circuit coolant level 29.06.2017 Engine 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 628, 629, 642, 646, 647, 648 in model 211 Engine 113, 271, 272 in model 171 Engine 133, 270, 607, 651 in model 117, 176 Engine 133, 270, 607, 651 in model 156 Engine 270 in model 242 Engine 270, 607, 651 in model 246
Remove/install clutch MODEL 171 with ENGINE 271, 272 with TRANSMISSION 716.6 MODEL 172 with ENGINE 271 with TRANSMISSION 711.6, 716.6
Remove/install lines at automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.9 in MODEL 211 with ENGINE 156, 272, 273
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272 in MODEL 204.05 /25 /95 /06 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 207
Remove/install heat shield ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 271, 272, 273, 628, 629, 642, 646, 647, 648 in MODEL 211 ENGINE 646.962 in MODEL 203.007 /207 /707 ENGINE 646.963 in MODEL 203.008 /208 /708 ENGINE …
Replace oil filter element ENGINE 111 in MODEL 638 ENGINE 111 in MODEL 901, 902, 903, 904 ENGINE 112.951/976 in MODEL 639 ENGINE 272 in MODEL 636 ENGINE 272.978 in MODEL 639
Overview of tires/disk wheels MODEL 210.272 with AMG disk wheel
Disassemble assemble and seal Engine 272 in model 204 with transmission 722.96 Engine 274 in model 204.9 with transmission 722.96 Engine 276 in model 204, 207.38 with transmission 722.96 Engine 642 in model 204 …
Remove/install engine mount or engine crossmember at the rear 18.11.2019 Engine 157, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642 in model 212 Engine 157, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 218 Engine 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 274, 276, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 651 in model 212 (except 212.098/298) Engine 651 in model 221
Remove/install exhaust line ENGINE 272.982 in MODEL 204 ENGINE 272.982 /984 in MODEL 207
Drain coolant fill up and check cooling system for leaks Engine 271.951, 272.979, 642.896/898/992/993, 646.984/985/986/989/990, 651.955/956/957 in model 906 Engine 651 in model 900
Detach/attach coolant pump at timing case cover ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install vacuum pump MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272
Checking check valve Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Checking brake booster Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Connect/disconnect testing unit at brake booster MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272, 646, 651 MODEL 639 with ENGINE 112, 272, 642, 646, 651
Check vacuum pump Model 636 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639 with engine 642, 646, 651
Inspecting cooling system for leaks ENGINE 271, 272 in MODEL 171
Remove/install oil lines of oil cooling for automatic transmission TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODEL 636, 639 with ENGINE 272
Remove/install power steering radiator MODEL 636, 639 with ENGINE 272
Coolant changed Model 447.### ## as of 001495 with engine 651 Model 636.### ## as of 045979 with engine 272, 646, 651 Model 639.### ## as of 888455 with engine 272, 642.8, 651, 780
Disconnect/connect coolant hoses for removal of front module MODEL 636 with ENGINE 272 MODEL 639 with ENGINE 112, 272
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/6/7 up to 12/31/09 with code ZU7 (National version for Canada) with code ZU8 (National version for USA) except code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 except code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) except code ZU7 (National …
Wiring diagram for transfer case control unit Model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 with engine 272, 642, 646 with code ZG1 (Engageable all-wheel drive) with code ZG3 (Engageable all-wheel drive with gear reduction) except code ZL3 …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 8/31/06 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) except code ZU7 (National version …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 9/1/06 up to 6/30/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) except code ZU7 …
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) except code ZU7 (National version for Canada) except code ZU8 (National version for USA) …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 9/1/06 up to 6/30/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) except code ZU7 …
Wiring diagram for battery shutoff Engine 271, 272, 642, 651 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Valid for right-hand …
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 up to 6/30/13 except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) M connector
Wiring diagram for transfer case control unit Model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with engine 272, 642 with code ZG1 (Engageable all-wheel drive) with code ZG3 (Engageable all-wheel drive with gear reduction) except code ZL3 (National …
Wiring diagram for starter alternator Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 272 in model 906.1/6/7 up to 12/31/09 with code ZU7 (National version for Canada) with code ZU8 (National version for USA) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) F …
Wiring diagram for battery shutoff Engine 271, 272, 642, 651 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 with code E36 (Disconnecting relais if auxiliary battery) except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America) Valid for left-hand drive …
Wiring diagram for ME-SFI (ME) gasoline injection and ignition system control unit Engine 272 in model 906.1/2/6/7 as of 7/1/13 except code ZL3 (National version for Latin America)
Remove/install air conditioner housing Model 463.202/234/237/239/272/273/274/275/342/346/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Routing diagram of poly V-belt ENGINE 272.963 in MODEL 171.456 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 219 ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 251 ENGINE 272.920 in MODEL 203.752 /252 /052 ENGINE 272.940 in MODEL 209.454, …
Correct oil level in air conditioning system when replacing AC compressor Model 463.202/234/237/239/272/273/274/275/342/346/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Remove/install air duct below center console Model 463.202/234/237/239/272/273/274/275/342/346/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Remove/install fluid reservoir Model 463.202/234/237/239/272/273/274/275/342/346/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine Model 171 with engine 272 Model 172 with engine 152, 274, 276, 651
Remove/check/install front axle brake pads MODEL 211.026 up to 31.8.03, 211.028 /029 /056, 211.065 up to 31.8.03, 211.070 /072 /223 /226 /256 /265 /270 /272 /616 /620 MODEL 211.041 /241 with CODE (950) EVOLUTION AMG …
Remove/install cover below instrument panel (left) Model 463.234/242/272/273/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Remove install resonance intake manifold ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Notes on sealant path for front cover to cylinder head xxx Engine 272, 273 Engine 272.979 in model 906
Inspect basic position of camshaft Engine 272.979 in model 906 for a 40° CKA after ignition TDC’
Draw in timing chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Tightening procedure for crankshaft bearing caps ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install camshaft positioner of intake camshaft Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install timing case cover ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Crank engine with starter Engine 156, 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 156, 271, 274, 651 in model 212 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 651 in model 172 Engine 274 in model 218 …
Remove/install hot film mass air flow sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install right cylinder head Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install catalytic converter ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 Catalytic converter for right cylinder bank
Remove/install balance shaft Engine 272.979 in model 906
Loosen/tighten the center valves ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 113, 272, 273 in model 164
Rivet timing chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install coolant thermostat housing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install camshaft positioner of exhaust camshaft Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install crankshaft Engine 272.979 in model 906
Assigning a standard dimension piston to a cylinder bore ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Test compression pressure ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Check oil pressure ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Inspect hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install engine with removal fixture ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install bottom part of oil pan Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install oil separator ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Checking cylinder head bolts ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install vacuum valve for engine for secondary air injection ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install fuel distributor with injection valves (ME-SFI) ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install centrifuge cover ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil pump ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install engine ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air shutoff valve ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install propeller shaft MODEL 164 with ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 629, 642
Remove/install injection valves (ME-SFI) ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil pan Engine 272.979 in model 906
Bolt plan for oil filter housing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Reduce fuel pressure through service valve ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install slide rails and tensioning rail ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install camshaft sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install injection system control unit ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 O2 sensor on the right
Remove/install left cylinder head Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install knock sensors ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Mount crankshaft bearing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install front cap on cylinder head Engine 272.979 in model 906 Front cover on left cylinder head
Crank engine with starter ENGINES 156, 272, 273, 275, 642, 651 (except , 272.974) in MODEL 221 ENGINES 156, 273, 275 in MODEL 216 ENGINES 642 in MODEL 212 ENGINES 642 in MODEL 218
Check basic position of camshafts Engine 272.979 in model 906
Replace oil pump chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install spark plugs Engine 272.979 in model 906
Separate oil pump chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil spray nozzles (pistons) ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install the air duct housing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove install throttle valve actuator ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 O2 sensor on the left
Remove/install chain tensioner ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install solenoid camshaft ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 Left cylinder head
Mount connecting rod bearing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Bolt plan for timing case cover ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air filter ENGINE 272.979, 642, 651 in MODEL 906
Remove/install piston rings Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install left cylinder head cover ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install right cylinder head cover ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
General information on inspecting cylinder walls Engine 112, 113, 137, 152, 155, 157, 166, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 285
Disconnect/connect hose and line connections ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove and install coolant temperature sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Replace timing chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install air intake hose ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Tightening specifications for cylinder head bolts ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil level switch ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install rubber damper of refrigerant compressor belt pulley MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272 with CODE (HH9) Regulated air conditioning (Tempmatic) MODEL 906 with ENGINE 646.984 /985 /986 /989 with CODE (HH9) Regulated air conditioning …
Remove/install piston Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install valve springs and/or valve stem seals ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Separate timing chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Installing rear crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Replace front crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Replace valve stem seals ENGINE 156, 272, 273 ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install engine mount ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Bolt plan for oil pan ENGINE 272 in MODEL 164, 251.0 /1 ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install starter ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil dipstick guide tube ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Drain/fill in coolant Engine 272.924/939/978, 646.980, 651.940 in model 636 Engine 272.978, 642.890/990, 646.980/981/982/983, 651.940 in model 639
Connect compression recorder ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 642 (except , 272.973) in MODEL 164, 251 ENGINE 629 in MODEL 164 ENGINE 156 in MODEL 216, 221 ENGINE 276 in MODEL 251
Correct oil level in air conditioning system after replacing parts Model 463.202/234/237/239/272/273/274/275/342/346/348 as of model year 2013 up to model year 2019
Pull out guide rail pins at cylinder head ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install end cover together with shaft seal ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install camshafts Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Notes on sealant path for cylinder head cover Engine 122.9 in model 454.0 Engine 200 in model 470 Engine 266 Engine 272.979 in model 906 Engine 699 in model 470, 471
Bolt tightening procedure for cylinder head cover ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Tighten connecting rod screws ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Lock gear backlash compensation ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Check coolant thermostat ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove install crankshaft sensor ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Assign crankshaft bearing shells ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Inspect cylinders with a light probe Engine 272.979 in model 906
Remove/install oil filter housing ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Measure piston ring end clearance ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove install valves ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install exhaust manifold ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install regulator for alternator ENGINES 272.979 in MODEL 906 with CODE (M46) Alternator, 14 V/220 A Manufacturer: Bosch
Remove/install solenoid camshaft ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906 Right cylinder head
Connect compression recorder ENGINE 157, 272, 273, 275, 276, 278, 629, 642 (except , 272.974) in MODEL 221 ENGINE 157, 273, 275, 278 in MODEL 216 ENGINE 642 in MODEL 212 ENGINE 642, 651 in MODEL 218
Remove install hydraulic valve clearance compensating elements ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger at oil filter ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove install swirl flap position sensor on intake manifold ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install centrifuge ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Detach/attach refrigerant compressor MODEL 906 with ENGINE 272.979 with CODE (HH9) Regulated air conditioning (Tempmatic)
Determine crankshaft bearing axial play ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Check regulator and alternator Engine 156, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 156, 271, 272, 274, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 651 in model …
Install front crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install engine for secondary air injection ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Attach engine supporting frame and lifting engine MODEL 220 with ENGINE 112, 113, 137, 275, 613, 648 MODEL 215 with ENGINE 113, 137, 275 MODEL 230 with ENGINE 112, 113, 156, 272, 273, 275
Remove/install front cap on cylinder head Engine 272.979 in model 906 Front cover on right cylinder head
Remove/install alternator belt pulley Engine 271, 272, 273, 642, 651 in model 207 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651 in model 204 Engine 271, 642, 651 in model 212 Engine 271, 651 in model 172 Engine 642, 651 in model 218 …
Rivet oil pump chain ENGINE 272.979 in MODEL 906
Remove/install ignition coils Engine 272, 273 in model 164, 251 Engine 273 in model 463
Determine oil consumption Engine 152.9, 157, 176, 177, 178, 276, 277, 278, 279 Engine 254.9, 256.9 Engine 264 Engine 271, 272, 642, 646, 651
Replace oil filter element drain oil filter ENGINE 272, 276 in MODEL 251
Remove/install bottom part of oil pan Engine 272, 273 in model 164 Engine 272, 273, 276 in model 251
Remove/install activated charcoal filter shutoff valve Model 164 with engine 113, 156, 272 (except 272.973), 273 with code 494 (US version) Model 166 with engine 276, 278 with code 494 (US version) Model 166, 292 with engine 276, 278 with …
Replace spark plugs Engine 157, 276, 278 in model 166 Engine 272, 273 in model 164
Remove/install power electronics with power distributor Engine 272.973 in model 164.195
Service Information: Spark plug connector grease Engine 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 133, 137, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159, 166, 176, 177, 178, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 285
Determine oil consumption Engine 156, 166, 260, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 282
Remove/ install activated charcoal canister Model 164 with engine 113, 156, 272, 273 Model 166 with engine 157, 276, 278 Model 292 with engine 157, 276, 278
Remove/install transmission with torque converter Transmission 722.9 in model 251 with engine 113 Transmission 722.9 in model 251 with engine 272 Transmission 722.9 in model 251 with engine 273 Transmission 722.9 in model 251 with …
Remove/install expansion reservoir Engine 113, 156, 272, 273, 276, 642 in model 251
Check regulator and alternator Engine 157, 276, 278 in model 166 Engine 157, 276, 278 in model 292 Engine 272, 273, 276, 642 in model 251 Engine 272, 273, 642 in model 164 Engine 629 in model 164
Manual transmission – oil change Transmission 710.264/265/266/267 Transmission 710.264/266 Transmission 710.271/273/274, 713.70/74/78/80/82 Transmission 710.272/273, 712.132/31/360/361/363/364, 713.70/74/80/82 …
Remove/install heat shield ENGINE 113, 156, 272, 273, 642 in MODEL 219
Perform disable/initial startup for high-voltage on-board electrical system Model 164.195 with engine 272.973
Remove/install heated O2 sensor ENGINE 272, 273 in MODEL 164, 251
2720 – Removal and installation of coolant thermostat housing Engines 364 364 A/LA – T2
Heat shield with exhaust manifold gasket ENGINE 166.940 ## as of 427678, 166.960 ## as of 427253, 166.990 ## as of 427913, 166.961 /991
Service manual Mercedes-Benz M272 Engine | Up to 2020 incl.
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