Service manual Philips BV 300 PT2

2,99 $

Format: PDF
Type: Service Manual
Pages: 370
Size: 11,2 Mb

The Philips BV 300 is a mobile C-arm X-ray system commonly used in medical imaging, particularly in surgical and interventional procedures. C-arm systems are versatile and widely used in various medical specialties, including orthopedics, cardiology, vascular surgery, and more. The BV 300 model from Philips is designed to provide high-quality fluoroscopy and X-ray imaging to support real-time visualization during procedures. Here are some key features and characteristics of the Philips BV 300:

1. Mobile Design:
The BV 300 is designed as a mobile unit with wheels, allowing it to be easily maneuvered and positioned within the operating room or other clinical settings.

2. C-Arm Configuration:
The system features a C-arm design, which consists of two connected arms that form a C-shape. The X-ray tube is mounted on one arm, and the image detector is mounted on the other. This configuration provides flexibility in positioning the C-arm to capture images from various angles.

3. Fluoroscopy and Radiography:
The BV 300 is capable of both fluoroscopy (real-time X-ray imaging) and radiography (static X-ray imaging), making it suitable for a wide range of procedures, from guided interventions to capturing still images.

4. Image Quality:
The system is designed to deliver high-quality X-ray images with advanced imaging technology, allowing medical professionals to visualize anatomy and procedures with clarity.

5. Real-Time Visualization:
One of the main advantages of the BV 300 is its ability to provide real-time visualization during procedures. This is particularly valuable in surgeries and interventions where accurate and immediate imaging guidance is crucial.

6. Application Versatility:
The BV 300 can be used in various medical specialties, including orthopedics (for fracture reduction and joint procedures), cardiology (for catheter-based interventions), vascular surgery (for angiography), and more.

7. User-Friendly Interface:
The system features an intuitive user interface that allows medical professionals to control and adjust imaging settings easily during procedures.

8. Dose Management:
Dose management features help ensure patient safety by optimizing radiation exposure while maintaining image quality.

9. Connectivity and Integration:
The BV 300 may offer connectivity options for data sharing, archiving, and integration with hospital information systems (HIS) and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS).

10. Patient and Staff Safety:
The BV 300 is designed with safety features to protect both patients and medical staff, including radiation shielding and dose monitoring.

The Philips BV 300 mobile C-arm is a valuable tool in the medical field, enabling medical professionals to perform a wide range of procedures with real-time imaging guidance. Its versatility, mobility, and advanced imaging capabilities make it an essential piece of equipment in modern operating rooms and interventional suites.

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