Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation cooler bracket ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install camshafts Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Cleaning bores in the crankcase and connecting point Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Install front cassette-type sealing ring Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove front radial shaft sealing ring from crankshaft Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check cylinder head sealing surface and cylinder head gasket Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Replace crankshaft main bearing Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install exhaust pressure sensor downstream of diesel particulate filter Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Inspect charge air system for leaks Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Drain/pour in coolant Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check alternator function ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Slackening diagram for cylinder head bolts ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Attach/detach cranking/blocking device for engine ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Update VeDoc documentation for exchange of exhaust aftertreatment unit and/or of exhaust aftertreatment control unit (ACM) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove/install coupling flange for hydraulic pumps Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 with rear cooling system
Component description for hydraulic fluid container MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install gear 4 in gearwheel drive ENGINE 473.9
Remove/install valves Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install a flywheel Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Questionnaire for checking delivery rate and oil ejection of compressor form Engine 457.9, 460.9, 541.9, 542.9, 900.9, 902.9, 924.9, 925.9, 926.9 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Calibrate exhaust gas recirculation differential pressure sensor with diagnostic unit Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Fill fuel low-pressure circuit on engine with filling unit Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install engine Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install fuel pump Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install hydraulic pumps Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Hydraulic system for semitrailer oil and filter change Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check alternator and multifunction regulator Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964 with code E1M (Alternator, 28 V/150 A) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964 with code E1N (Alternator 28 V/100 A) Engine …
Exhaust aftertreatment unit modified Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI)
Remove/install timing case Engine 470.9, 471.9 in model 963, 964 except code A1H (Hydraulic Auxiliary Drive (HAD)) Transmission removed Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Transmission removed
Check engine management for proper operation Engine 460.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Housing cover of crankshaft seal in the front changed Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Component description for fan shutoff valve MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check axial play and pulse wheel of camshaft Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Read out and send control unit log of exhaust aftertreatment control unit (ACM) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9 As of Xentry DVD 07/2015:
Replace main bearing of fitted bearing cap Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Inspect cylinders with a light probe Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Inspect connecting rod Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach components of exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI) except code M5C (Engine version Euro VI, D) except code M5L (Engine version Euro VI version 2) except …
Table of contents for function description: rear cooling system MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check cylinder head bolts ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install main filter in filter housing of pump module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install coolant pump ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Service Information: Changed coolant filling method Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9
Measure cylinder bores Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Perform initial startup routine of pump module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Tightening specification for crankshaft bearing cap screws/bolts Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install piston rings ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install power steering pump Model 963 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Model 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install lower radiator shutters ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator shutter) ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator shutter) ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator …
Remove/install fuel cooler on fuel filter module ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9## ## as of 032691 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Replace connection fitting for sensors on exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Rear cooling system function MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Plastic oil pan changed Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Detaching and attaching power steering pump Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Test sheet for oil ejection test on compressor Engine 457.9, 458.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 541.9, 542.9, 900.9, 902.9, 904.9, 906.9, 924.9, 925.9, 926.9, 936.9, 941.9, 942.9 Engine 900.9, 902.9, 924.9, 925.9, 926.9, 934.9, 936.9
Remove/install front wiring harness for fuel injectors Engine 470.9## ## as of 222434, 471.9## ## as of 124619, 473.9
Check delivery rate of compressor Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6L (Air compressor, 2 cylinder) Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6M (Air compressor, 2-stage, for optimised consumption) Engine 473.9 …
Remove/install oil-water heat exchanger ENGINE 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Replace/weld on connection fittings for sensors of exhaust gas aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install turbocharger Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Fill fuel low-pressure circuit on engine Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install rail pressure limiting valve Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Replace engine Engine 460.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 964 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install rear cooling system control unit MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check compressor for oil ejection Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6L (Air compressor, 2 cylinder) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6M (Air compressor, 2-stage, for optimised …
Correcting anticorrosion/antifreeze concentration Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 (except 936.974) in model 956
Remove/install left engine mount ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Measure vertical clearance of piston rings ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install air filter housing ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in MODEL 963, 964 with CODE M8A (Air intake, from front)
Determine thickness of crankshaft fitted bearing thrust plates Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install rocker arm assembly Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Outlet
Component description for rear cooling system coolant pump MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install upper radiator shutters ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator shutter) ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator shutter) ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963 with CODE M7K (Radiator …
Check quantity of AdBlue(R) metering Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install drive gear of fuel system high-pressure pump Engine 470.9## ## up to 168337 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## up to 168337 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9## ## up to 168337 in model 963, 964
Remove/install coolant feed tube to exhaust gas recirculation cooler Engine 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install housing cover at front Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install cylinder head Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Fill fuel low-pressure circuit on engine with hand pump Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691 Engine 473.9
Remove/install exhaust aftertreatment unit replace if necessary Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code U2G (Exhaust box)
Remove/install compressor drive gear Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Weld bracket for heat shield mounting rail onto exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 933.9, 934.9, 935.9, 936.9
Check piston and connecting rod for wear and damage Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation cooler Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install valve springs and valve stem seals ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install starter Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Tightening procedure for front housing cover ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Replace front cassette-type sealing ring Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach attach radiator unit ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install center section of exhaust manifold ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Drain/fill coolant in expansion reservoir ENGINE 470.9 with rear expansion reservoir ENGINE 471.9 with rear expansion reservoir ENGINE 473.9 with rear expansion reservoir
Component description for rear cooling system hydraulic fluid level switch MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Install/remove engine in engine assembly stand Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Perform welding work on exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Detaching and attaching the engine wiring harness on the engine Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install plastic oil pan Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Change software release on a control unit with data medium Model 956, 963, 964 with engine 936.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Model 967 with engine 934.9, 936.9
Tightening procedure for oil pan bolts ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Measure valve setback to cylinder head Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check oil pressure Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check rpm of coolant pump for rear cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install rail pressure sensor Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation valve Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Notes on installing pistons and connecting rods Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Engine 933.9, 934.9, 935.9, 936.9
Replace valve stem seals with cylinder head installed Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check oil pressure of hydraulic system for semitrailers Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install basic belt drive poly-V belt ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install protective sleeve Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Hydrostatic fan drive rear cooling system – Oil and filter change MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Notes for evaluation of turbocharger in the event of engine blue smoke Engine 457.9 Engine 458.9 Engine 460.9 Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9 Engine 541.9 Engine 542.9 Engine 900.9 Engine 902.9 Engine 904.9 Engine 906.9 Engine 924.9 Engine …
Install high-pressure fuel pump Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install gear 5 in gearwheel drive ENGINE 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install SCR AdBlue combination sensor for fill level and temperature withintegral AdBlue heat duct Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Fabricate and weld bracket for electrical lines to exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 933.9, 934.9, 935.9, 936.9
Remove/install light alloy oil pan Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install right engine mount ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Loosening procedure for rocker arm assembly ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Replace coolant hoses of rear cooling system MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install high-pressure line to rail Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install rear engine power take-off Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code N7I (Engine takeoff, rear, b, flange 100 mm, 650 Nm)
Remove/install rear section of exhaust manifold Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install compressor resonator ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Tightening procedure fir timing case Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Tightening procedure for camshaft bearing bridge ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install oil return flow line for turbocharger Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation line downstream of exhaust gas recirculation cooler Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Component description for rear cooling system hydraulic pump MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Notes on exchanging the diesel particulate filter following maintenance engine repair or engine replacement Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 382.155/189 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Notes and information for working on exhaust manifold engine brake emissions control system Engine 460.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove/install combination fuel tank Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 471.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 936.9
Detach attach air intake duct ENGINES 936.9 in MODEL 963, 964 except CODE (M8A) ENGINES 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 except CODE (M8A) ENGINES 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 except CODE (M8A) ENGINES 473.9 …
Detach/attach bracket on cylinder head cover ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 For vehicles with expansion reservoir at rear
Assemble/disassemble engine on engine assembly stand ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check pump module of exhaust aftertreatment system for fuel/oil residues Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Replacing rear crankshaft radial seal ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install fuel filter module Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Adjust refractometer for determining the AdBlue® concentration ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Remove/install fuel injectors Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Install fuel injector Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install engine management control unit (MCM) Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Component description for hydraulic fluid temperature sensor MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Disassemble/assemble dual tensioning device Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check AdBlue® concentration Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove/install oil pump ENGINE 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install fuel tank Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 471.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 Model 963, 964 with engine 936.9
Remove/install gearwheel drive Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust aftertreatment unit replace if necessary Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M5C (Engine version Euro VI, D) except code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI) except code U2G (Exhaust box) Engine 470.9, 471.9, …
Drain/fill coolant of rear cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check connecting rod bolts ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Determine connecting rod bearing radial play Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install rail Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install cylinder head cover Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Pull out cylinder liner ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install solenoid valve for coolant pressure regulation Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with rear expansion reservoir Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with rear expansion reservoir Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with rear …
Remove piston from cylinder liner ENGINE 470.9, 471.9## ## as of 043509, 473.9
Rear cooling system cooling module component description MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Service Information: Notes on exhaust gas recirculation line to exhaust gas recirculation cooler ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install alternator Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Determine crankshaft bearing radial play Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove install crankshaft gear ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Engine management (MCM) control unit component description Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install air intake pipe and fender liner Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install exhaust aftertreatment unit replace if necessary Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI) except code M5C (Engine version Euro VI, D) except code M5L (Engine version Euro VI version 2) except …
Engine cooling system – check fluid level adjust to correct level. Inspect anticorrosion/antifreeze protection adjust to correct … Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install rocker arm assembly Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Inlet
Press in cylinder liner Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Measure projection of cylinder liner Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach rear cab support Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with code F1P (S cab) Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with code F1Q (M-cab)
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation (AGR) differential pressure sensor Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Weld cracks and holes in exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 933.9, 934.9, 935.9, 936.9
Remove/install radiator unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Tightening procedure for rocker arm assembly ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check crankshaft bearing cap bolts Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install engine wiring harness Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Gearwheel drive modified Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install 2-cylinder compressor Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6L (Air compressor, 2 cylinder) Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M6M (Air compressor, 2-stage, for optimised consumption)
Remove oil from cooling and heating system Engine 460.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Pour in coolant and bleed engine cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9
Inspect cooling system for leaks Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Set engine to ignition TDC of cylinder 1 and block Engine 470.9## ## up to 206646 Engine 471.9## ## up to 206646 Engine 473.9## ## up to 206646
Remove/install gear 3 in gearwheel drive ENGINE 471.9, 473.9
Overview of system components of rear cooling system MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation line upstream of exhaust gas recirculation cooler Engine 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Assembly pins for installation of fuel filter module ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install exhaust pressure sensor upstream of diesel oxidation catalytic converter Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install guide bearing in flywheel ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Check belt drive Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Measure protrusion of cylinder liners in crankcase ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install oil/coolant module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Differentiating characteristics of exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9 in model 800.110/112 with engine version Euro VI Standard Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 800.310 with engine version Euro VI Standard Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 …
Disassemble assemble rocker arm unit ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964 Outlet
Stop plugs for closing off bores Engine 444.9, 447.9, 457.9, 458.9, 460.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 541.9, 542.9, 900.9, 902.9, 904.9, 906.9, 924.9, 925.9, 926.9, 933.9, 934.9, 935.9, 936.9, 941.9, 942.9
Remove/install quantity control valve of fuel system high pressure pump Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install oil return flow line of turbocharger Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install fan ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964 without CODE M8A (Air intake, from front)
Tightening specifications for cylinder head bolts ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install sealing rings on cylinder liner ENGINE 471.9, 473.9
Component description for rear cooling system control unit MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Detach/attach components of exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code U2G (Exhaust box)
Check oil pressure of hydraulic system for fan and coolant pump Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install crankshaft bearing cap Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Notes on assessing wear on connecting rod bearings and connecting rod journals ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Coolant pressure control sensor changed ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 936.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Inspect poly-V-belt for wear and damage Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 (except 936.974) in model 956
Detaching and attaching coolant hoses/lines at engine ENGINE 473.9 Remove/install engine for vehicles with expansion reservoir at the rear
Remove/install gear 1 in gearwheel drive ENGINE 471.9, 473.9
Replace oil filter element Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 (except 936.974) in model 956
Remove/install fuel temperature sensor ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9## ## as of 032691 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install AdBlue metering device Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Open coolant thermostat for oil removal MODEL 000.001 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9 MODEL 963 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 MODEL 964 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Front crankshaft seal – altered Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install filter in inlet of AdBlue metering device Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install pump module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove install rear cooling system coolant pump Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Measure piston ring end gap ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Disassemble/assemble oil separator ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Attach fuel filter module Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691, 473.9
Check/adjust gear backlash of gearwheel drive Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Loosening procedure for crankshaft bearing cap screws/bolts Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install equipment carrier of rear cooling system Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 with rear cooling system
Check hardness of main and connecting rod bearing journals Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install poly-V-belt single tensioning device for fan drive Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install solenoid valve for coolant pressure regulation Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with front expansion reservoir Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with front expansion reservoir Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Vehicle with front …
Replace exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI) except code M5R (Engine version, EEV) except code M5Y (Engine version, Euro V) Engine 470.9, 471.9, …
Coolant pump solenoid valve component description MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install diesel fuel metering device for DPF regeneration Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI)
Remove/install exhaust flex pipe Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Drain fuel at fuel filter module ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Determine axial play of crankshaft main bearing before removal of thrust bearings on crankshaft Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check cylinder head and cylinder head gasket for wear/damage Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Perform routine for bleeding diesel fuel metering device for DPF regeneration with diagnostic unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove/install electromagnetic fan clutch ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install gear 2 in gearwheel drive ENGINE 471.9, 473.9
Link exhaust aftertreatment (ACM) control unit and exhaust aftertreatment unit via VeDoc center Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove install engine with removal and installation tool and engine hoist ENGINE 473.9
Determine axial play of crankshaft main bearing after installation of crankshaft Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install fan drive poly-V belt (front belt) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with 3-belt drive
Slacken tension poly-V belt ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Poly-V belt (rear fan drive) and poly-V belt (basic belt drive)
Notes on the assessment of pistons and piston rings Engine 444 Engine 447 Engine 457 Engine 458 Engine 460 Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Engine 541 Engine 542 Engine 900 Engine 902 Engine 904 Engine 906 Engine 924 Engine 925 Engine …
Fan solenoid valve component description MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install turbocompound system turbine ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Measure piston projection ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Suction off engine oil or drain and fill up again Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install coolant thermostat ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Replace fuel injector sealing ring ENGINE 470.9 ENGINE 471.9 ENGINE 473.9
Check the crankshaft main bearing and connecting rod bearing for wear and damage Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install piston Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Component description for hydraulic engine for fan MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install crankshaft main bearings Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Additional testing during an engine repair on the crankshaft on main bearing and connecting rod bearing Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install manual fuel pump on fuel filter module ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9## ## as of 032691 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install fuel filter module pressure sensor ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9## ## as of 032691 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Installing rear crankshaft radial sealing ring ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install exhaust aftertreatment control unit (ACM) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detaching and attaching coolant hoses/lines at engine Engine 473.9 Remove/install cylinder head for vehicles with expansion reservoir at the rear
Check repair rear cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install belt pulley/vibration damper Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach clamp of coolant hose ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9
Remove/install oil spray nozzles (pistons) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install left engine support ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Filling the engine oil circuit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust gas recirculation positioner Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install fan drive poly-V belt (rear belt) ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 with 3-belt drive ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 with 3-belt drive ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964 with 3-belt drive
Notes for evaluation of a cylinder barrel Engine 457.9 Engine 458.9 Engine 460.9 Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9 Engine 541.9 Engine 542.9 Engine 900.9 Engine 902.9 Engine 904.9 Engine 906.9 Engine 924.9 Engine …
Remove injection nozzles Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Remove/install exhaust manifold front section Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check rpm of fan of rear cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Check function of multifunction regulator ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Attach/detach adapter to XENTRY for guided pressure measurement of fuel Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Slacken tension poly-V belt Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 front poly-V belt (on vehicles with three belt levels)
Determine axial play of crankshaft main bearing after installation of thrust bearings on crankshaft Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Engine oil and oil filter change Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Notes on: Linking exhaust aftertreatment (ACM) control unit and exhaust aftertreatment unit form Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove front radial shaft sealing ring on crankshaft Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check function of rear cooling system Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with rear cooling system
Tightening procedure for oil/coolant module ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Check cylinder barrel for wear and damage Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Rear cooling system hydraulic fluid filter component description MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 473.9 with rear cooling system
Remove/install left charge air pipe Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Documentation of repair work on exhaust aftertreatment system for workshops without VeDoc editing permissions form Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956, 963, 964
Remove/install crankshaft Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Measure bolts for flywheel Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9
Firing order ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Belt drive routing diagram ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install right charge air pipe ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove high-pressure line to rail Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Service information bulletin: Coolant circuit flushing unit workshop equipment 963 589 05 91 00 Model 963 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Model 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install drive gear of fuel system high-pressure pump Engine 470.9## ## as of 168338 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## as of 168338 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9## ## as of 168338 in model 963, 964
Detaching and attaching coolant hoses/lines at engine ENGINE 473.9 Remove/install engine for vehicles with expansion reservoir at the rear
Coolant outlet temperature sensor component description ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Cap for hole of cylinder liner ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install gasket on fuel filter module Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check and adjust engine brake valve clearance Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install filter at inlet of pump module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Screw for flywheel changed Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install high-pressure fuel pump Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## as of 032691 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install wiring harness for fuel injectors Engine 470.9## ## as of 222434 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9## ## as of 124619 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install exhaust pipe downstream of turbocompound system turbine Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install oil thermostat ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Tightening procedure for camshaft housing ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install/seal cylinder liner Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Replace camshaft housing cap ENGINE 470.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 471.9 in MODEL 963, 964 ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Remove/install coolant cap under clamping claw of injector Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach crescent crossmember on frame Model 963, 964 with engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with code A1A (Front axle with air suspension)
Remove/install turbocompound system transmission Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach components of exhaust aftertreatment unit Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M5C (Engine version Euro VI, D) except code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI) except code U2G (Exhaust box) Engine 470.9, 471.9, …
Remove/install rear wiring harness for fuel injectors Engine 470.9## ## as of 222434, 471.9## ## as of 124619, 473.9
Detach/attach detachable parts on cylinder head Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Additional test works during an engine repair on piston/connecting rod and on cylinder barrel ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Notes on evaluating running surface on crankshaft thrust bearing and on journal Engine 470.9 Engine 471.9 Engine 473.9 Engine 933.9 Engine 934.9 Engine 935.9 Engine 936.9
Additional testing during an engine repair at cylinder head and cylinder head gasket ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Check exhaust gas recirculation cooler for leaktightness Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install timing case Engine 470.9, 471.9 in model 963, 964 except code A1H (Hydraulic Auxiliary Drive (HAD)) Engine removed Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964 Engine removed
Remove/install basic belt drive guide pulleys ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Measure concentricity of crankshaft at the middle main bearing journal Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install camshaft housing Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Check and adjust valve clearance Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach refrigerant compressor MODEL 963 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with CODE D6F (Air-conditioning system) MODEL 963 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with CODE D6G (Automatic climate control) MODEL …
Set engine to TDC of cylinder 1 and block ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Test compression pressure Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Assembly notes for flexible exhaust pipes Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 Engine 900.9, 902.9, 924.9, 925.9, 926.9 Engine 934.9, 936.9 in model 967 Engine 936.9 in model 956 Engine 936.9 in model 963, 964
Remove install air filter with carrier Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 936.9 except code M8A (Air intake, from front)
Connect test cable on alternator ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9, 934.9, 936.9
Remove/install pressure limiting valve of pump module Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install oil separator Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Tightening procedure for fuel cooler ENGINE 470.9 ENGINE 471.9## ## as of 032691 ENGINE 473.9
Replace valve stem seals. ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Detach/attach fender liner MODEL 963, 964 with ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install AdBlue heater coolant solenoid valve Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Set clutch actuator lifter Model 963, 964 with engine 460.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install poly-V-belt dual tensioning device for basic belt drive/fan drive Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detach/attach rear cab support Model 963, 964 with engine 473.9 with code F1R (L-cab) except code F1P (S cab) except code F1Q (M-cab) with rear cooling system
Remove/install high-pressure line to fuel injector Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/place cylinder head from/on crankcase Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Perform teach-in processes on exhaust aftertreatment control unit (ACM) Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove front cassette-type sealing ring Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Remove/install right engine support ENGINE 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964
Install piston in the cylinder liner Engine 470.9, 471.9## ## as of 043509, 473.9
Disassemble assemble rocker arm unit ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in MODEL 963, 964 Inlet
Data sheet for cylinder liner projection form ENGINE 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Set valve clearance Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964
Remove/install clutch actuator Model 963, 964 with engine 460.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with code N4W (Live PTO, partly clutch-dependent, MB 1.2) Model 963, 964 with engine 460.9, 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 with code N4X (Live …
Inspecting low pressure fuel circuit in engine for leaks Engine 470.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 471.9 in model 963, 964 Engine 473.9 in model 963, 964
Detaching and attaching coolant hoses/lines at engine Engine 473.9 Remove/install cylinder head for vehicles with expansion reservoir at the front
Remove/install nozzle unit for DPF regeneration Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9 in model 963, 964 with code M5Z (Engine version, Euro VI)
Set engine to ignition TDC of cylinder 1 and block Engine 470.9## ## as of 206647 Engine 471.9## ## as of 206647 Engine 473.9## ## as of 206647
Tightening procedure for gasket Engine 470.9, 471.9, 473.9
Service manual Mercedes-Benz OM473.9 Engine | Up to 2020 incl.
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